blowback@yahoogroups.com εκ μέρους achillesfaliriotis (achillesfaliriotis@yahoo.com)
Κυριακή, 25 Ιουλίου 2010 9:25:20 μμ
TAM is an acronym for The Amaz!ng Meeting, which is hosted by the James Randi Educational Foundation(JREF). The world's largest conference on critical thinking, TAM is like a Technology Entertainment and Design(TED) conference, a G-8 Summit, or a World Economic Forum(WEF) meeting for skeptics. At TAM, in what has become known as the Don't be a Dick speech, Phil Plait voiced his concerns at the public perception of skeptics as antisocial, egotistical, and abrasive. He reports that the growing popularity of skepticism has also seen a rise in rudeness online. Plait's plea was that we should avoid undue attacks and insults because we're most persuasive when we are respectful and rational. The overall sentiment was that we can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Let's hope no one looks at the believers as flies!Basil Venitis, an Athenian orator, asserts that political freedom requires a separation of church and State. This principle is often advocated, but seldom fully understood. Properly, this separation is rooted in the principle of intellectual freedom. It means that every individual should be free to think about and accept any idea he chooses. To say that church is separate from State means that the State makes no evaluation of its citizens' ideas, religious or otherwise. The State's concern is only with men's actions, specifically actions that trespass on individual rights. It neither persecutes nor tolerates nor promotes ideas, because it is unconcerned with ideas per se. From the other direction, to say that State is separate from church, means that a citizen, including any faction of them, such as a church, is incapable of using the State's coercive power to penalize or support ideas, religious or otherwise. If a citizen wants to hinder or support an idea, he must argue his case with others, not enact a law. In a free society, government has no power to persecute or establish religious ideas, because it has no power to police ideas as such. No one, including those in government, may force their ideas on anyone. Venitis points out spirituality is the search for God, an ultimate reality, a transcendent dimension of the world, an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his being, or the deepest values and meanings by which people live. Spirituality is often experienced as a source of inspiration or orientation in life. It encompasses belief in immaterial realities or experiences of the immanent or transcendent nature of the world. Spirituality is more personalized, less structured, more open to new ideas, and more pluralistic than religion. Venitis asserts that spirituality is not related to religion. Many people define themselves as spiritual but not religious. Spirituals believe in the existence of many different spiritual paths, emphasizing the importance of finding one's own individual path to spirituality. Most people identify themselves as spiritual but not religious. Religion is a type of formal external collective search organized by churches, whereas spirituality is defined as an internal individual search. God is a vision of the highest values of truth, justice, love, and goodness toward which we strive. In this sense, God is a standard against which to measure ourselves and our achievements. God reminds us of the relativity and limitations of our own ideas. God serves as a corrective to our biases and a basis for critical reflection. By bringing together our highest ideals in a single symbol, God provides a focus for personal devotion or communal worship. Venitis muses that we experience God as love, light, power, and wisdom. The God we pray to is both transcendent and immanent, a part of us but also greater than us. Sometimes we experience God as a light that comes to us in the darkness. This light emanates intense love and compassion and leaves us feeling joyous and connected to all of creation. Other times, we simply hear God's guidance as thoughts. It seems similar to a nudge or sometimes a whisper. This guidance usually comes suddenly and clearly, and it can arrive while we are deep in prayer or simply going about our business of the day. Let's face it, we are all victims of Abrahamic religions! Basil Venitis has proven that Abraham never existed! Nevertheless, the religulous tenets of the three Abrahamic religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, are dangerous fairy tales and myths that have incited barbarous purges and holy wars that are still being fought. A talking snake? A man who lived inside a fish? A son of Roman rapist presented as the only son of God? Resurrection? Divine Revelations? Day of Judgment? Hell? Jihad? Adolf Hitler used to say that hoi polloi tend to believe big lies, not small lies! These are favorite religious images presenting God as grudge collector, deserving ridicule. But those who believe in the end-of-days may be making a self-fulfilling prophecy of apocalyptic images of stampeding armies and mushroom clouds in the ruins of Megiddo, the Israeli site from which the Book of Revelation says Armageddon will originate.A single speech of Ronald Reagan, the Great Communicator, drastically changed the world! Reagan's Time for Choosing speech in 1964 is the historic event that launched his magnificent political career. Smart words are more effective than smart bombs. For your conference, get a dynamic keynote speaker who can transform your people and your world. Take advantage of the best libertarian orator of our times, Basil Venitis. As many associations, colleges, industry groups, companies, pullpeddlers, rabblerousers, and many gluckskinds have discovered, speeches by Basil Venitis add immeasurably to the enduring value of a conference. Basil Venitis doesn't restate what you can learn from regular sources, but he stretches your imagination to new horizons. Venitis is extensively involved in policy issues and the Global Tax Revolt. He is often a part of the process, working to shape and direct critical components of libertarian issues. Speeches by Basil Venitis enable audiences to truly learn, and provide fascinating, provocative venitist insights and analysis by slicing right through the political jargon and getting to the heart of the matter. It's no wonder that Basil Venitis is the most frequently cited on the Internet and is so often called upon to present venitism and to clarify issues for the public. The many advantages of using Basil Venitis include the magnificent seven:* Value. A single speech of Basil Venitis will be cherished by your conferees forever, guiding them at the crossroads of their lives and your organization, increasing their efficiency, and improving the good will of your organization. * Access. When scheduling Basil Venitis for your organization, you work directly with Venitis at venitis@gmail.com to craft a keynote speech that fits your precise needs. Venitis works with organizations to ensure that his speeches provide maximum value, and he shares their dedication to making their conference a huge success. * Publicity. The announcement of Basil Venitis, leader of Global Tax Revolt and venitism, speaking at your conference will appear on most blogs and Internet groups all over the world. * Insight. Given Venitis's great experience in speaking across the globe, and with his unparalleled knowledge of politics, economics, finance, sciences, philosophy, and spirituality, he can help you determine the keynote for your conference.* Transformation. Your people will be transformed in shock and awe to a new level of knowledge, attitude, and organizational climate.* Revampia. Your organization will be revamped with new soul, vision, and values.* Affordability. The cost of having Venitis speak at your conference is 5,000 euros plus travel expenses from Athens.
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Βίκυ Xρυσού (vickychrysou@yahoo.gr)
Ενδεχομένως να μην γνωρίζετε αυτόν τον αποστολέα.Σήμανση ως ασφαλούςΣήμανση ως ανεπιθύμητη αλληλογραφία
Κυριακή, 25 Ιουλίου 2010 6:21:36 μμ
Χρόνια μας πολλά και καλή μας δύναμη για τη συνέχεια....--- Στις Παρ., 23/07/10, ο/η alkis
Από: alkis
Ας είμαστε σε επιφυλακή πάντα στις επάλξεις και ας μείνουμε ενωμένοικαι συμπαγείς σαν μια γροθιά στην ασυδοσία και την προδοσία τους, πουθα είναι πολύ δύσκολο να την εξουδετερώσουν! Έναν έναν μας πολεμούνκαι μας νικούν!Ολους μαζί όμως, θα τα βρουν σκούρα! Να είστε σίγουροι!ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΜΑΣ ΠΟΛΛΑ, λοιπόν, ΚΑΙ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΟΝΟΥ ΠΑΝΤΑ ΜΑΖΙ ΕΝΩΜΕΝΟΙ!!!http://enomenoiblogers.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post_22.html -- Λάβατε αυτό το μήνυμα επειδή έχετε εγγραφεί στην ομάδα EPANASTATO των Ομάδων Google.Για να αναρτήσετε κάτι σε αυτήν την ομάδα, αποστείλετε μήνυμα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου στη διεύθυνση epanastato@googlegroups.com.Για να καταργήσετε την εγγραφή σας από αυτήν την ομάδα, στείλτε ένα μήνυμα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου στη διεύθυνση epanastato+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.Για περισσότερες επιλογές, επισκεφθείτε αυτήν την ομάδα στη διεύθυνση http://groups.google.com/group/epanastato?hl=el.
-- Λάβατε αυτό το μήνυμα επειδή έχετε εγγραφεί στην ομάδα EPANASTATO των Ομάδων Google. Για να αναρτήσετε κάτι σε αυτήν την ομάδα, αποστείλετε μήνυμα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου στη διεύθυνση epanastato@googlegroups.com. Για να καταργήσετε την εγγραφή σας από αυτήν την ομάδα, στείλτε ένα μήνυμα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου στη διεύθυνση epanastato+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. Για περισσότερες επιλογές, επισκεφθείτε αυτήν την ομάδα στη διεύθυνση http://groups.google.com/group/epanastato?hl=el.
euroliberty@yahoogroups.com εκ μέρους euroliberty (euroliberty@yahoo.com)
Κυριακή, 25 Ιουλίου 2010 2:29:04 μμ
Paul Simon reminds you there are 50 ways to leave your lover:"The problem is all inside your head", she said to meThe answer is easy if you take it logicallyI'd like to help you in your struggle to be freeThere must be fifty ways to leave your loverShe said it's really not my habit to intrudeFurthermore, I hope my meaning won't be lost or misconstruedBut I'll repeat myself, at the risk of being crudeThere must be fifty ways to leave your loverFifty ways to leave your loverYou just slip out the back, JackMake a new plan, StanYou don't need to be coy, RoyJust get yourself freeHop on the bus, GusYou don't need to discuss muchJust drop off the key, LeeAnd get yourself freeBasil Venitis, an Athenian orator, points out vatstrucks are feeling a growing panic as they watch their constitutional republic descend into a vatmonger republic. Mahatma Gandhi's said we should be the change we want to see. Gandhi also said that civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless and corrupt. Vatsruckss instinctively understand this which is why grassroots of resistance to VAT are leading to a Gandhi-style civil disobedience movement powerful enough to undo this monstrosity. Most Herculean tasks of Global Tax Revolt begin with Hercules getting orders from an email with photos of vatmongers and information which explains the war against VAT. The email always begins with "Good Morning Hercules", explains the situation, and ends with "Your mission, should you decide to accept it", with a brief explanation of the goal of the mission against VAT, along with a reminder that "as always, should you or any of your force be caught or killed, Baz will disavow any knowledge of your actions. At the end of the email's instructions, Hercules is notified this email address will stop to exist.Revolt against vatmongers follows a dozen venitist strategies: 1. False Claims of Taxes Paid. Businesses create false invoices for the purchase of inputs they never bought and get bigger deductions for taxes paid than they are entitled to. 2. Credit Claimed for Non-Creditable Purchases. Typically, VATs have a variety of rates and exemptions. For example, basic needs such as food, medicine, and clothing often receive preferential VAT rates or outright exemptions from the tax, as do certain industries considered economically vital or politically sensitive. Businesses that sell both VAT-exempt and non-exempt items have an incentive to allocate the purchase of supplies they use to produce exempt items toward the production of non-exempt items. 3. Bogus Traders. Businesses are set up exclusively to produce VAT invoices so other businesses can claim refunds on taxes they never paid. 4. Hidden Sales. Professional service providers, such as doctors and lawyers, often engage in this kind of heroism. They offer relatively high-value services, but their purchases from other businesses are relatively low cost. They charge their unknowing customers full price and collect the proper amount of VAT on the sale. But to the authorities, they show that they charged a lower price. The service provider forwards to the government less tax than it collected from its customers and pockets the difference. 5. Receipt Exchange. There are many brokers and traders of real and fake receipts. 6. Missing Traders. Many inporters from member States sell products with VAT, and then disappear, without forwarding the VAT to the government. 7. Carousels. A chain of buffer traders can be formed between the original missing importer and the final exporter, helping to blur the link between the final reclaim of VAT and the original importer. 8. Next Seller. If a seller insists on charging VAT, cancel the sale and go to another seller. 9. List. Keep a list of product providers who are willing not to charge VAT. 10. Tradeoff. Barter your vote for a politician's promise to abolish VAT. 11. Explode. Release your anger against VAT to the media and politicians. 12. Critical Mass. Become a firefly that promotes the Global Tax Revolt. A call to arms! The global vatwar has errupted. Venitis points out vatmongers demand vatstrucks to surrender, but vatstrucks shout the heroic molon-lave of the 300 Spartans of Leonidas and the mighty words of Winston Churchill: * We shall fight VAT on the seas and shores. * We shall fight VAT with growing confidence and growing strength. * We shall defend our land from VAT whatever the cost maybe. * We shall fight VAT on the beaches. * We shall fight VAT on the shopping grounds. * We shall fight VAT in the markets and the streets. * We shall fight VAT in the shops. * We shall never surrender to vatmongers.A single speech of Ronald Reagan, the Great Communicator, drastically changed the world! Reagan's Time for Choosing speech in 1964 is the historic event that launched his magnificent political career. Smart words are more effective than smart bombs. For your conference, get a dynamic keynote speaker who can transform your people and your world. Take advantage of the best libertarian orator of our times, Basil Venitis. As many associations, colleges, industry groups, companies, pullpeddlers, rabblerousers, and many gluckskinds have discovered, speeches by Basil Venitis add immeasurably to the enduring value of a conference. Basil Venitis doesn't restate what you can learn from regular sources, but he stretches your imagination to new horizons. Venitis is extensively involved in policy issues and the Global Tax Revolt. He is often a part of the process, working to shape and direct critical components of libertarian issues. Speeches by Basil Venitis enable audiences to truly learn, and provide fascinating, provocative venitist insights and analysis by slicing right through the political jargon and getting to the heart of the matter. It's no wonder that Basil Venitis is the most frequently cited on the Internet and is so often called upon to present venitism and to clarify issues for the public. The many advantages of using Basil Venitis include the magnificent seven:* Value. A single speech of Basil Venitis will be cherished by your conferees forever, guiding them at the crossroads of their lives and your organization, increasing their efficiency, and improving the good will of your organization. * Access. When scheduling Basil Venitis for your organization, you work directly with Venitis at venitis@gmail.com to craft a keynote speech that fits your precise needs. Venitis works with organizations to ensure that his speeches provide maximum value, and he shares their dedication to making their conference a huge success. * Publicity. The announcement of Basil Venitis, leader of Global Tax Revolt and venitism, speaking at your conference will appear on most blogs and Internet groups all over the world. * Insight. Given Venitis's great experience in speaking across the globe, and with his unparalleled knowledge of politics, economics, finance, sciences, philosophy, and spirituality, he can help you determine the keynote for your conference.* Transformation. Your people will be transformed in shock and awe to a new level of knowledge, attitude, and organizational climate.* Revampia. Your organization will be revamped with new soul, vision, and values.* Affordability. The cost of having Venitis speak at your conference is 5,000 euros plus travel expenses from Athens.
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~** Ο/Η Mixalis Mpourgos έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του http://www.facebook.com/l/1af53Cvr-RZaypy0PBZwf52QxfA;Environment.gr.
Mixalis MpourgosJuly 25, 2010 at 1:59pm
Θέμα: Ερωτικό Βαρόμετρο
Καλοκαιράκι … Ακρογιαλιές … Όμορφοι κήποι … Άδειες … Ξενοιασιά …Για να μετρήσουμε τη σχέση μας με τον έρωτα αυτό το καλοκαίρι.Το «καλοκαίρι της κρίσης» …Απαντήστε στη σχετική μας σφυγμομέτρηση …
fireflyflash@yahoogroups.com εκ μέρους eurofirefly (eurofirefly@yahoo.com)
Κυριακή, 25 Ιουλίου 2010 2:01:15 μμ
The Bible claims God worries about even a sparrow falling to earth. So does Uncle Sam, who insists on being consulted about virtually every other nation's economic policies, political systems, human rights records, military forces, international objectives, and more. North Korea drove tensions to new heights after a team of investigators, led by South Korea's military, accused it of firing a torpedo in March to sink the corvette Cheonan, killing 46 men.The United States announced new sanctions on the North last week, freezing the assets of Pyongyang's kleptocrats it said were earned through illcit activities and cutting off the flow of cash to them. The moves would also ban travel by some individuals.Promiscuous intervention inevitably makes Uncle Sam a target of terrorism. Being over there, bombing, invading, and occupying foreign lands, creates enemies. And some of those enemies have proved they are both willing and able, to strike the American homeland. That doesn't make it right. But it does provide another reason to bring American troops home. Terrorists are here, because we are there.The U.S. and South Korean militaries kicked off large exercises on Sunday to underscore deterrence against North Korea. American naval vessels, including the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington, began the drills by setting off from South Korean ports where they had called last week in a show of force timed with a high-level meeting between the two allies. The drills involve more than 200 aircraft, including the F-22 Raptor fighter, and three destroyers, including the USS John S. McCain.Basil Venitis, an Athenian orator, muses that what many Americans bizarrely consider national defense is actually an aggressive and enduring offense, and yet they are always surprised when other nations get offended. In Afghanistan and Iraq, NATO forces are trying to fight a shadowy enemy that does not wear uniforms, while being told to protect corrupt governments. It is shameful to allow more of our soldiers to die so that our leaders can avoid admitting mistakes.Those inclined to give credence to the siren song of a Pax Americana must confront reality. Though America may be the world's mightiest nation, it cannot achieve the grandiose goals of the interventionists. If the goal of universal peace under American domination is unrealizable, the attempt to achieve it has imposed heavy costs. Most obviously, the wars undertaken to secure this chimerical goal have caused death, destruction, and resentment against the United States by the people subjected to American assault. On Saturday, North Korea's powerful National Defense Commission vowed to launch a sacred war against the United States and South Korea at any time necessary, in response to the drills, denounced as reckless. Further provocations are possible in coming months, especially as North Korea tries to build political momentum for the succession to leader Kim Jong-il, expected to hand power to his youngest son.Venitis notes that socialists, kleptocrats, and warmongers destroy Uncle Sam. The failure of America's wars has been the very freedoms they sought to preserve. Propaganda, lies, and myths led America into many wars. As venitists know, war has ever been the health of the state. It is clear that wars, hot and cold, have been responsible for the enormous taxes, deficits, and governmental spending that have created kleptocracy so beloved by the social engineers and economic planners of bureaucracy. If foreign wars have been America's chief failure, its great success has been the historic peace and freedoms, the individual liberties and responsibility, to which we must now return. Basil Venitis, an Athenian orator, notes that most Americans opposed entry into World War II, primarily because they had experienced the destructive idiocy of U.S. intervention into World War I, a war that accomplished nothing more than the wasteful sacrifice of thousands of American lives, not to mention giving rise to Adolf Hitler and, ultimately, World War II. Even though World War II saved Europe from the Nazis, the Eastern Europeans were delivered into the hands of America's communist partner in WW II, the Soviet Union. It's a real tragedy to die for nothing, but we should honor the Americans who go out every day and place themselves in danger in the belief that they are doing so to defend their nation and way of life. The real tragedy here is that kleptocrats, who are completely divorced from the suffering and pain of real people and their families caused by the continuous warfare, do not have the courage to pull the plug on the entire bogus enterprise of interventionism and nation building. Changing one warmonger planetarch for another leads nowhere. Basil Venitis notes that we are observing the last days of the American Empire. Like ancient Rome, America is saddled with an empire that is fatally undermining its government. The trappings of empire are many: the brutal war of choice in Iraq and other foreign interventions going back decades; the militarization of space; the hundreds of overseas U.S. military bases full of swaggering soldiers who brawl and sometimes rape. At home, the growth of an imperial presidency, with the CIA as its private army, has culminated in kleptocrats' resort to warrantless wiretaps, torture, a gulag of secret CIA prisons and an unconstitutional arrogation of dictatorial powers, while a corrupt Congress bows like the Roman Senate to Caesar. Retribution looms, as the American economy, dependent on a bloated military-industrial-kleptocrat complex(MIKC) and foreign borrowing, staggers toward bankruptcy, maybe a military coup. A single speech of Ronald Reagan, the Great Communicator, drastically changed the world! Reagan's Time for Choosing speech in 1964 is the historic event that launched his magnificent political career. Smart words are more effective than smart bombs. For your conference, get a dynamic keynote speaker who can transform your people and your world. Take advantage of the best libertarian orator of our times, Basil Venitis. As many associations, colleges, industry groups, companies, pullpeddlers, rabblerousers, and many gluckskinds have discovered, speeches by Basil Venitis add immeasurably to the enduring value of a conference. Basil Venitis doesn't restate what you can learn from regular sources, but he stretches your imagination to new horizons. Venitis is extensively involved in policy issues and the Global Tax Revolt. He is often a part of the process, working to shape and direct critical components of libertarian issues. Speeches by Basil Venitis enable audiences to truly learn, and provide fascinating, provocative venitist insights and analysis by slicing right through the political jargon and getting to the heart of the matter. It's no wonder that Basil Venitis is the most frequently cited on the Internet and is so often called upon to present venitism and to clarify issues for the public. The many advantages of using Basil Venitis include the magnificent seven:* Value. A single speech of Basil Venitis will be cherished by your conferees forever, guiding them at the crossroads of their lives and your organization, increasing their efficiency, and improving the good will of your organization. * Access. When scheduling Basil Venitis for your organization, you work directly with Venitis at venitis@gmail.com to craft a keynote speech that fits your precise needs. Venitis works with organizations to ensure that his speeches provide maximum value, and he shares their dedication to making their conference a huge success. * Publicity. The announcement of Basil Venitis, leader of Global Tax Revolt and venitism, speaking at your conference will appear on most blogs and Internet groups all over the world. * Insight. Given Venitis's great experience in speaking across the globe, and with his unparalleled knowledge of politics, economics, finance, sciences, philosophy, and spirituality, he can help you determine the keynote for your conference.* Transformation. Your people will be transformed in shock and awe to a new level of knowledge, attitude, and organizational climate.* Revampia. Your organization will be revamped with new soul, vision, and values.* Affordability. The cost of having Venitis speak at your conference is 5,000 euros plus travel expenses from Athens.
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~** [capitalistsforever] BANK STRESS TESTS ARE A HOAX!
capitalistsforever@yahoogroups.com εκ μέρους toparb (toparb@yahoo.com)
Κυριακή, 25 Ιουλίου 2010 11:23:29 πμ
Basil Venitis asserts the Fourthreichian bank stress tests are a hoax! Fourth Reich(EU) wasted an opportunity by not pushing harder criteria and by leaving important crisis scenarios out of the tests, such as Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation, Antitrust Armageddon, gigataxation, especially VAT, a real estate crash, the collapse of certain markets, and total defaults of PIGS. The hoodwinking test did not bring any real insights. The whitewashed test criteria prevented what could have been an opportunity to really clean up the banking sector. Stress tests were never expected to show massive capital shortfalls, as banks have also already raised about 300 billion euros since the start of the crisis, which includes about 170 billion euros of government support to 34 banks.Venitis notes one scenario used in the fake stress test was a drop in the value of Fourthreichian government bonds. The test assumed a 23% drop in troubled Greek bonds relative to their levels at the end of 2009. Five-year German government bonds, on the other hand, dropped just 4% in the scenario. The writedowns, only done on paper, were based on the securities that are already listed in the banks' account books in which all securities that are meant for sale must be listed at their market values. But most government bonds are held in the bank book, meaning they are not intended for sale but will be kept until they mature. Bonds held in the bank book were not included in the test. As the health of much of the global economy weakens on a daily basis, political leadership increasingly ignores the source of the malady and instead focuses on short term band-aid remedies. These measures which may buy a few months, or years, of relative well being, will convince the public that problems have been solved and will thereby take pressure off governments to make the needed structural changes. The $1 trillion EU bailout is a perfect example of this band-aid approach. Napoleon Sarko threatened to pull out of eurozone, unless Merkel agreed to back the European Union's bailout plan! The euro has been rescued for the moment, but Eurokleptocrats have thrown the foundations of Fourth Reich's common currency overboard with their unprecedented bailout package. In the longer term, the dangers of the crisis can only increase, and the flood of billions of euros will lead to inflation. Eurokleptocrats have thrown overboard all the noble principles and promises of the formal, tough treaty-based foundations for the introduction of the euro and the independence of the European Central Bank. Venitis notes Eurokleptocrats sacrificed the independence of the European Central Bank and paved the way for a European Inflation Union. There won't be any state bankruptcies in the eurozone in the future. ECB will just purchase government bonds of the country in trouble. The money can't run out as ECB prints it itself. A flood of money like that can't continue without any consequences. The currency's stability will be undermined and inflation will destroy Fourth Reich. ECB now purchases government bonds in emergencies. Not only has this been prohibited until now, it also contradicts the central bank's overarching goal, keeping the value of money stable. Now this taboo is broken, and the very foundations of eurozone are eroded. ECB's independence' has now been shown to be nothing more than a sham, a chimera, a will-o'-the-wisp. In the end, ECB and euro will be punished for this decision to stand down from what had previously been considered sacred. This policy effectively makes ECB a bad bank, a bank that buys up toxic assets as a means of helping out other institutions, all protestations of its president to the contrary. The pile of junk bonds on the ECB's balance sheet continues to grow. The fact that the ECB is keeping prices artificially high is downright encouraging banks to unload their risky assets onto the central bank.Venitis points out the European Central Bank has been buying up Greek bonds by the bucketload, even though Athens is already getting money from an EU rescue fund. There is a French plot behind the massive buy-up, as it gives French banks the perfect opportunity to get rid of their Greek assets. German banks, on the other hand, are not potential sellers, because they have made a voluntary commitment to Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble to hold their Greek bonds until May 2013.ECB is creating excess supply by buying at overinflated prices. In other words, many creditors are more inclined to sell their risky assets to the central bank under these terms. It's a free lunch. Anyone who doesn't take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of his securities now only has himself to blame.Venitis notes most crises are similar. There is a stage of boom and bubble before the bust and the crash. People will see the value of certain assets like homes or equity go up, then they will use these assets as a collateral for borrowing too much and therefore you have a build-up of leverage in the financial system. And then, once the bubble goes bust, the value of the assets falls and people are stuck with all this debt they can't repay.European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet calls for more effective sanctions against countries violating eurozone's Stability and Growth Pact. Trichet plays kangaroo, calling for a quantum leap of mutual control among eurozone governments. ECB should not be listening to recommendations from Eurokleptocrats. Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out kleptocrats are creating zombie banks and companies that are kept alive artificially. We started with a too-big-to-fail problem, and part of the policy response to the crisis has been even more financial consolidation. JP Morgan took over Bear Stearns and Bank of America took over Merrill Lynch. What we have now is financial institutions that are even bigger. Those institutions, even more then before, know if they do something very risky, something reckless, they will be bailed out again. Play misty to me! Venitis asserts that central banks play a confidence game with us. A confidence game is defined as an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. The victim is known as the mark, the trickster is called a confidence man, and any accomplices are known as shills. Confidence men exploit human characteristics such as greed, vanity, honesty, compassion, credulity, and naivete. The common factor is that the mark relies on the good faith of the confidence man. Central bank's mission to instill confidence in us about the economy while simultaneously instilling confidence in us about the abilities of the central bank itself. Central bankers are almost always publically bullish and hardly ever publically bearish about the economy. The economy always looks good, if not great. If there are some problems, don't worry, the Fed will come to the rescue with truckloads of money, lower interest rates, and easy credit. If things were to get worse, which they won't, the Fed would be able to respond with monetary weapons of mass stimulation. Central bankers are the people who said that there was no housing bubble, that there was no danger of financial crisis, and then that a financial crisis would not impact the real economy. These are the same people who said they needed a multitrillion dollar bailout of the financial industry, or we would get severe trouble in the economy. They got their bailout, and we got the severe trouble anyways. It is time to bring this game, this confidence game, to an end. Venitis notes that central bank's artificial creation of credit is the culprit in the business cycle. As the boom turns into bust, the economy tries to readjust itself into a configuration that conforms to consumer preferences. That is why it is so essential for government to stay entirely out of the adjustment process, because arbitrary government behavior can only delay this necessary and healthy process. A single speech of Ronald Reagan, the Great Communicator, drastically changed the world! Reagan's Time for Choosing speech in 1964 is the historic event that launched his magnificent political career. Smart words are more effective than smart bombs. For your conference, get a dynamic keynote speaker who can transform your people and your world. Take advantage of the best libertarian orator of our times, Basil Venitis. As many associations, colleges, industry groups, companies, pullpeddlers, rabblerousers, and many gluckskinds have discovered, speeches by Basil Venitis add immeasurably to the enduring value of a conference. Basil Venitis doesn't restate what you can learn from regular sources, but he stretches your imagination to new horizons. Venitis is extensively involved in policy issues and the Global Tax Revolt. He is often a part of the process, working to shape and direct critical components of libertarian issues. Speeches by Basil Venitis enable audiences to truly learn, and provide fascinating, provocative venitist insights and analysis by slicing right through the political jargon and getting to the heart of the matter. It's no wonder that Basil Venitis is the most frequently cited on the Internet and is so often called upon to present venitism and to clarify issues for the public. The many advantages of using Basil Venitis include the magnificent seven:* Value. A single speech of Basil Venitis will be cherished by your conferees forever, guiding them at the crossroads of their lives and your organization, increasing their efficiency, and improving the good will of your organization. * Access. When scheduling Basil Venitis for your organization, you work directly with Venitis at venitis@gmail.com to craft a keynote speech that fits your precise needs. Venitis works with organizations to ensure that his speeches provide maximum value, and he shares their dedication to making their conference a huge success. * Publicity. The announcement of Basil Venitis, leader of Global Tax Revolt and venitism, speaking at your conference will appear on most blogs and Internet groups all over the world. * Insight. Given Venitis's great experience in speaking across the globe, and with his unparalleled knowledge of politics, economics, finance, sciences, philosophy, and spirituality, he can help you determine the keynote for your conference.* Transformation. Your people will be transformed in shock and awe to a new level of knowledge, attitude, and organizational climate.* Revampia. Your organization will be revamped with new soul, vision, and values.* Affordability. The cost of having Venitis speak at your conference is 5,000 euros plus travel expenses from Athens.
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~**Η Κωνσταντίνα Κότσαρη υπέδειξε ότι σας αρέσει η σελίδα Κωνσταντίνα Κότσαρη - Constantina Kotsari...
Facebook (notification+ys==02sy@facebookmail.com)
Κυριακή, 25 Ιουλίου 2010 11:00:59 πμ
Stamatios Skoulikas (stamoskal@windowslive.com)
Η σελίδα Κωνσταντίνα Κότσαρη - Constantina Kotsari στο Facebook άρεσε στην Κωνσταντίνα και υπέδειξε ότι αρέσει και σε εσάς. Για να δείτε περισσότερες πληροφορίες και να επιβεβαιώσετε αυτή την πρόσκληση, ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:http://www.facebook.com/n/?pages%2FKonstantina-Kotsare-Constantina-Kotsari%2F113425835372526&mid=2b5ec69G56358b7cG20a6d6bG4c&n_m=stamoskal%40windowslive.com Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook
~** [globaltaxrevolt] AMERIKLEPTOCRATS
globaltaxrevolt@yahoogroups.com εκ μέρους globaltaxrevolt (globaltaxrevolt@yahoo.com)
Κυριακή, 25 Ιουλίου 2010 10:52:03 πμ
Sarah Palin, the mama grizzly from Alaska who wields huge clout within the Republican Party, points out to Amerikleptocracy. There is a golden American revolving door for the movement of Amerikleptocrats between roles as legislators and regulators and the industries affected by the legislation and regulation and pullpeddlers. An unhealthy relationship develops between the private sector and American government, based on the granting of reciprocated privileges to the detriment of Americans, leading to American regulatory capture. Robert Rubin, who helped create the world that led to the 2008 financial meltdown as Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton, then took a top position at Citibank and made more than $100 million before it tanked on his watch. In the fall of 2008, when Citigroup was saved from bankruptcy with a taxpayer bailout, Rubin quietly slipped out the back door with his money, resigning from his position at Citigroup. Only recently Rubin made the headlines for offering the least apologetic non-apology imaginable for taking the American people to the cleaners.Hedge fund manager John Paulson tapped former SEC chairman Harvey Pitt and former commissioner Roel Campos as outside directors at some funds run by his $35 billion firm, to help beef up compliance and governance operations.Pitt plus former SEC Commissioners Aulana Peters and Joseph Grundfest signed on as advisers to Israel Englander's $7.8 billion Millennium Management hedge fund. Former SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt also is doing his fair share of consulting work for private equity firms and hedge funds.More than 200 former Congressional aides and lawmakers are now working for financial firms as part of a multibillion-dollar effort to shape, and often scale back, federal regulatory power. In other words, the regulators and their aides legislate the rules and then simply step through that infamous revolving door and pick up a handsome check on the other side. There are 20,000 well-employed registered pullpeddlers in Washington today. A $7 billion industry, lobbying is definitely a field to get into, even in bad times, and when the cost of grass-roots efforts and of strategic advisers are all counted, total spending on influencing policy in Washington approaches $15 billion a year.Charles Rangel stepped down in March as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee after the ethics panel admonished him for kleptocracy and corporate-sponsored trips in 2007 and 2008 to the Caribbean in violation of the chamber's gift rules.The ethics committee, three Democrats and three Republicans, has been examining for nearly two years a number of many matters involving Rangel, including his use of a rent-controlled apartment and his fund-raising for the Charles Rangel Center for Public Service in New York.Rangel, who had been a key player in Planetarch Obama's overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system and crackdown on Wall Street, is running for re-election to a 21st, two-year term. Rangel makes it clear he has no plans to resign and that he intends to defend himself and asks constituents to stick by him.The White House is trumpeting a summer of economic recovery, but it could soon be facing a winter of discontent. The poor job market lies at the heart of public dissatisfaction with Obama's handling of the economy. The American Left is in a meltdown. There's no way to sugarcoat the calamity. It is falling apart. It sees the tide has turned and a possible tsunami is building, ready to crest and explode in November, washing all their dreams away. Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out Rahm Emanuel's vow that the Obama Administration won't let a serious crisis to go to waste is in full swing to spread the cancer of socialism. Kicking and screaming, Europe is realizing the folly of the welfare state and taking the first small steps to return to fiscal sanity. Alas, Planetarch Obama and Congress, aka Parliament of Whores, seem more inclined to repeat Europe's mistakes than to learn from them.U.S. federal spending topped 25% of gross domestic product, nearly a quarter of every dollar earned in this country. As the full force of entitlement programs kicks in, the federal government will consume more than 40% of GDP by the middle of the century. And the trajectory of government spending is projected to keep rising beyond 2050, eventually hitting an unfathomable 80% of GDP.A single speech of Ronald Reagan, the Great Communicator, drastically changed the world! Reagan's Time for Choosing speech in 1964 is the historic event that launched his magnificent political career. Smart words are more effective than smart bombs. For your conference, get a dynamic keynote speaker who can transform your people and your world. Take advantage of the best libertarian orator of our times, Basil Venitis. As many associations, colleges, industry groups, companies, pullpeddlers, rabblerousers, and many gluckskinds have discovered, speeches by Basil Venitis add immeasurably to the enduring value of a conference. Basil Venitis doesn't restate what you can learn from regular sources, but he stretches your imagination to new horizons. Venitis is extensively involved in policy issues and the Global Tax Revolt. He is often a part of the process, working to shape and direct critical components of libertarian issues. Speeches by Basil Venitis enable audiences to truly learn, and provide fascinating, provocative venitist insights and analysis by slicing right through the political jargon and getting to the heart of the matter. It's no wonder that Basil Venitis is the most frequently cited on the Internet and is so often called upon to present venitism and to clarify issues for the public. The many advantages of using Basil Venitis include the magnificent seven:* Value. A single speech of Basil Venitis will be cherished by your conferees forever, guiding them at the crossroads of their lives and your organization, increasing their efficiency, and improving the good will of your organization. * Access. When scheduling Basil Venitis for your organization, you work directly with Venitis at venitis@gmail.com to craft a keynote speech that fits your precise needs. Venitis works with organizations to ensure that his speeches provide maximum value, and he shares their dedication to making their conference a huge success. * Publicity. The announcement of Basil Venitis, leader of Global Tax Revolt and venitism, speaking at your conference will appear on most blogs and Internet groups all over the world. * Insight. Given Venitis's great experience in speaking across the globe, and with his unparalleled knowledge of politics, economics, finance, sciences, philosophy, and spirituality, he can help you determine the keynote for your conference.* Transformation. Your people will be transformed in shock and awe to a new level of knowledge, attitude, and organizational climate.* Revampia. Your organization will be revamped with new soul, vision, and values.* Affordability. The cost of having Venitis speak at your conference is 5,000 euros plus travel expenses from Athens.
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~** [kitchencabinetforum] RAISING TAX RATES IS MASOCHISM!
kitchencabinetforum@yahoogroups.com εκ μέρους eurokitchencabinet (eurokitchencabinet@yahoo.com)
Κυριακή, 25 Ιουλίου 2010 7:06:40 πμ
Basil Venitis asserts that taxation is armed robbery that feeds the black hole of political corruption; it's the perfect index of corruption and tyranny. Only evil governments tax citizens and companies. For each percent of lower taxes, the economy grows by at least four percent more, and the government gets more revenue. Raising tax rates is masochism. Smart stimulus is to cut tax rates. Stupidus stimulus is to increase spending, which stimulates the cancer of socialism! Venitists want to take government back from the special interests who think the government is their own personal ATM and from kleptocrats who bring us over-sized fake checks emblazoned with their signature as if it was their money to give. Tax increases take money from families and businesses, lowering savings and investment and killing jobs and companies. This is especially harmful in the current economic climate. Starve the beast and join the Global Tax Revolt! Basil Venitis, an Athenian orator, points out American taxpayers hold a one minute silence every April 15, infamous tax day, at midday as a sign of mourning for the death of their freedom. Furthermore, flags are at half mast in USA throughout April 15 and all meetings held all over the world are preceded by a one minute silence in solidarity with the American people. The gesture is coordinated by the Global Tax Revolt.With the exception of the Civil War, Americans lived without an income tax from the beginning of the United States until 1913, when the 16th Amendment was adopted. Americans living during that period of time understood that freedom and income tax were contradictory notions. If people wanted to live in a free society, it would have to be a society in which government was prohibited from levying taxes on income. Conversely, if people wanted to live in a society in which government is taxing income, then the price they pay is the loss of freedom. Everything changed in 1913, when socialist ideas were imported from Europe into the United States. That was the watershed year, the year that brought into existence what would become the twin jugular veins for the welfare state and warfare state, the income tax and the Federal Reserve System. From that date forward and continuing through today, Americans would be coerced, on pain of fine and imprisonment, into sending some governmentally imposed percentage of their income to the IRS. The magnitude of that change cannot be overstated, for it actually inverted the historical relationship between the American people and the federal government.Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, asserts that when an economy suffers from erectile dysfunction, via-grab does not work, but only via-cut. The via recommended is to cut taxes, not grab more taxes. There are limits to how much government can tax before it kills the host. Even worse, when government attempts to subsidize prices, it has the net effect of inflating them instead. The economic reality is that you cannot distort natural market pressures without unintended consequences. Market forces would drive prices down. Government meddling negates these pressures, adds regulatory compliance costs and layers of bureaucracy, and in the end, drives prices up. Venitis points out millions of concerned citizens are joining modern day tea parties of the Global Tax Revolt, named after the Boston Tea Party of 1773. They are protesting governments that, in the wake of today's financial crisis, are rapidly strangling their freedom, with endless bailouts, mounting regulations, reckless spending, and the promise of a crippling tax burden. Correctly sensing that freedom is being discarded, they seek to battle this trend by taking to the streets to register their outrage.A democracy will continue to exist up until the time voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy. When people can vote themselves something for nothing, they will keep squeezing the rich until they have nothing left to give. Politicians on both sides of the aisle implement policies that punish success by over-taxing the rich, trying to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.Corporate income tax is one of the most destructive forms of taxation because it is an additional tax on the factors of production, capital and labor. Higher corporate income taxes are associated with lower investment in manufacturing, a larger unofficial economy, and greater reliance on debt as opposed to equity finance. Corporate taxes matter a lot, and in ways consistent with basic economic theory. If you tax something, you get less of it.If those managing a company had acted as recklessly and irresponsibly as parliaments with the economy, they rightly would be fired. Parliaments by their actions are driving away foreign capital, new and existing companies and jobs; burdening the people with excessive debt, and even providing an incentive for revolt. Voters, who act as the shareholders of the economy, have the responsibility to fire the managing kleptocrats for their dereliction of duty. For the sake of the country, let's hope they do so in elections.For 200 years or so, America's principles of liberty and equality, of consent, of religious liberty and private property, of the rule of law and constitutionalism have been under attack in the name of history and science and relativism, in favor of evolving truths, living constitutions, and bureaucratic government, through the Progressive Movement and the New Deal, the Great Society, and now into the age of Obama. Everyone in this group stands against that transformation. Many have fought for the truths of the American Founding for some time, following in the footsteps of statesmen and venitist heroes. There have been many victories, defeats, successes, and setbacks. The left has always maintained that this antivenitist state they've created is inevitable and permanent. Many reveled in that fact. Unfortunately, many also accepted that argument. But a funny thing has happened on the road to the latest iteration of antivenitism. An over-promising campaign gave rise to an overreaching agenda, and citizens, many never before engaged in politics, began to protest and challenge elected officials, joining the Global Tax Revolt, attending town hall meetings and then rallies, armed only with handmade signs, pocket Constitutions, and Venitis Laws. Is it possible that Americans and Europeans are waking up to the statist assault on their liberty? Perhaps the question of modern ever-expanding government, and its permanent inevitability, has not yet been settled, at least not in the minds of Americans and Europeans. The debate between venitists and antivenitists, a debate that usually occurs only here and there in academic conferences and think tanks, has now been engaged in the Global Tax Revolt, perhaps as never before in our lifetimes. Businesses and families burdened with the death tax often see themselves forced to cut back on benefits, investments, and employees. The death tax keeps new jobs from being created, hurting not just the affected businesses, but the economy as a whole. Because it is a tax on capital, the death tax destroys many jobs that the economy needs as it struggles to recover.A single speech of Ronald Reagan, the Great Communicator, drastically changed the world! Reagan's Time for Choosing speech in 1964 is the historic event that launched his magnificent political career. Smart words are more effective than smart bombs. For your conference, get a dynamic keynote speaker who can transform your people and your world. Take advantage of the best libertarian orator of our times, Basil Venitis. As many associations, colleges, industry groups, companies, pullpeddlers, rabblerousers, and many gluckskinds have discovered, speeches by Basil Venitis add immeasurably to the enduring value of a conference. Basil Venitis doesn't restate what you can learn from regular sources, but he stretches your imagination to new horizons. Venitis is extensively involved in policy issues and the Global Tax Revolt. He is often a part of the process, working to shape and direct critical components of libertarian issues. Speeches by Basil Venitis enable audiences to truly learn, and provide fascinating, provocative venitist insights and analysis by slicing right through the political jargon and getting to the heart of the matter. It's no wonder that Basil Venitis is the most frequently cited on the Internet and is so often called upon to present venitism and to clarify issues for the public. The many advantages of using Basil Venitis include the magnificent seven:* Value. A single speech of Basil Venitis will be cherished by your conferees forever, guiding them at the crossroads of their lives and your organization, increasing their efficiency, and improving the good will of your organization. * Access. When scheduling Basil Venitis for your organization, you work directly with Venitis at venitis@gmail.com to craft a keynote speech that fits your precise needs. Venitis works with organizations to ensure that his speeches provide maximum value, and he shares their dedication to making their conference a huge success. * Publicity. The announcement of Basil Venitis, leader of Global Tax Revolt and venitism, speaking at your conference will appear on most blogs and Internet groups all over the world. * Insight. Given Venitis's great experience in speaking across the globe, and with his unparalleled knowledge of politics, economics, finance, sciences, philosophy, and spirituality, he can help you determine the keynote for your conference.* Transformation. Your people will be transformed in shock and awe to a new level of knowledge, attitude, and organizational climate.* Revampia. Your organization will be revamped with new soul, vision, and values.* Affordability. The cost of having Venitis speak at your conference is 5,000 euros plus travel expenses from Athens.
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~**To hamomilaki - Save Our Children
noreply+feedproxy@google.com εκ μέρους To hamomilaki (hamomilaki@yahoo.gr)
Κυριακή, 25 Ιουλίου 2010 1:22:37 πμ
To hamomilaki - Save Our Children
Μήνυμα αγωνίας: Παλεύω να φύγω από τα ναρκωτικά…
Ζωή Παρασκευοπούλου: Στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες νέων η 17χρονη από τα Λεχαινά Ηλείας
Επιχείρηση «Αράχνη»: Πάνω από 100 άτομα στον εισαγγελέα
Μήνυμα αγωνίας: Παλεύω να φύγω από τα ναρκωτικά…
Posted: 24 Jul 2010 08:11 AM PDT
«Μην ντραπείτε να ψάξετε την τσάντα του παιδιού σας, όσο χρονών και αν είναι. Αν έχετε έστω και μια υποψία, μην ξεχάσετε να ρωτήσετε που θα πάει. Να γνωρίζετε τους φίλους...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Ζωή Παρασκευοπούλου: Στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες νέων η 17χρονη από τα Λεχαινά Ηλείας
Posted: 24 Jul 2010 04:50 AM PDT
Στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες Νέων της Σιγκαπούρης (14-26 Αυγούστου) θα συμμετάσχει και η 17χρονη τοξοβόλος του ΑΓΣ Στρουσίου Ζωή Παρασκευοπούλου, από τα Λεχαινά. Η έφηβη Παρασκευοπούλου...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Επιχείρηση «Αράχνη»: Πάνω από 100 άτομα στον εισαγγελέα
Posted: 23 Jul 2010 11:00 PM PDT
Βγάλτε τα ονόματα στην φόραΗ επιχείρηση «Αράχνη» έβγαλε λαβράκι .Ούτε ο πιο αρρωστημένος εγκέφαλος δεν θα μπορούσε να συλλάβει τα ανατριχιαστικά ευρήματα των ανδρών της Δίωξης...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
~** Ο/Η Mixalis Mpourgos έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του http://www.facebook.com/l/a5543ngT0MzJz6w9-x2pbazFTIg;Environment.gr.
Mixalis MpourgosJuly 25, 2010 at 12:18am
Θέμα: Ξεκινάμε της «Πέμπτες της Συντροφιάς»
Από την ερχόμενη Πέμπτη, 29 Ιουλίου.Σας περιμένουμε, έξω από το διαδίκτυο …Μάθετε περισσότερα:
~** Η σελίδα ΝΑ ΣΒΗΣΤΕΙ Η ΣΕΛΙΔΑ ΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ ΣΤΑ ΑΔΕΣΠΟΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΝΑ ΕΠΕΜΒΕΙ ΕΙΣΑΓΓΕΛΕΑΣ στο Facebook άρεσε στην Dimitra και υπέδειξε ότι αρέσει και σε εσάς. Για να δείτε περισσότερες πληροφορίες και να επιβεβαιώσετε αυτή την πρόσκληση, ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:http://www.facebook.com/n/?pages%2FNA-SBESTEI-E-SELIDA-THANATOS-STA-ADESPOTA-KAI-NA-EPEMBEI-EISANGELEAS%2F100141780043262&mid=2b551d4G56358b7cG20a1df0G4c&n_m=stamoskal%40windowslive.com Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook
~** Ο Ioannis σας προσκαλεί να γίνετε μέλος της ομάδας του Facebook "Greek Green Party Οικολόγοι Πράσινοι". Για να δείτε περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες και να επιβεβαιώσετε την πρόσκληση στην ομάδα, ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:http://www.facebook.com/n/?group.php&gid=24913935058&mid=2b54b12G3dd6e022G1724b8fG6&n_m=snstam%40gmail.com Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook
~** Ο/Η DjNikosb Bouriakof έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Dj NikosB Fun Club.
DjNikosb BouriakofJuly 23, 2010 at 3:11pm
kitchencabinetforum@yahoogroups.com εκ μέρους eurokitchencabinet (eurokitchencabinet@yahoo.com)
Παρασκευή, 23 Ιουλίου 2010 2:03:36 μμ
The Ministry of Truth was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by government to control information in his seminal novel of 1984. The Sect of Revolutionaries is a an armed group on war with corrupt Greek journalists who are in cahoots with the Ministry of Truth. The Sect of Revolutionaries caused a fearful multiple shooting at the headquarters of Alter TV station. After that, the Sect released a statement in which it warned journalists that this time Sect came to their media doors, but next time corrupt journalists will find Sect in their homes! In July 2010, the Sect started assassinating journalists at their homes.Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out that most newsrooms of America and Europe are infested with antivenitist apes, and their mindset spills over into the news coverage, producing biased news stories on many issues, such as kleptocracy, taxes, environment, government, insurance, and health. Infamous Greek journalists received 100 million euros from Siemens, in order to keep their mouths shut about the billion-euro-kickbacks to Graecokleptocrats! Basil Venitis, an Athenian orator, claims that the mainstream media are unfair, unbalanced, banal, vane, and hoipolloi trash. Newspapers have become screed wraps of DVDs. TV news has sold its soul to rabblerousers and pullpeddlers and is full of set-up arguments. Reporters have been transformed to statist parrots who doubledip in the state treasury. Anchormen have become the czars of statist banality and propaganda. Guest coordinators have developed the deepest throats in the publicity market! The truth can be found only in the internet. Greek journalists are rewarded for their disgusting support of Graecokleptocracy with aggeliosimo, an unfair 20% charge on all advertising, going to the pension fund of their union. All advertisers now have to pay 43% surcharge, 23% VAT and 20% aggeliosimo. This abuse of advertisers and the media is condoned by Fourth Reich, and it puts many media out of business.Venitis points out that forestalling logic, mainly by bluff, intimidation, mudslinging, innuendos, quoting out of context, and getting out of issue, is characteristic of most political debates. Staged argument is the new trend of TV news, in order to raise their audience ratings with melodramatic excitement. Four channels dominate the Greek TV market, brainwashing Greeks in whatever direction they wish, and establishing their own agenda. Their reporters doubledip in the Greek treasury, in order to promote socialist propaganda and nonsense. Greek nudnik anchors misinform hoi polloi surrounded by antivenitist parrots. TV stations always invite the same characters, those shrews who repeat the same nonsense adinfinitum and adnauseam. Most Greek journalists are in cahoots with the two statist mafias, Pasok and Nea Democratia, to dumb down hoi polloi, in order to perpetuate the corrupt status quo. That's why Greeks browse the Internet in order to find the truth. Because our brains retain stories better than any other form of information, we develop shortcuts to handle all the information we need to in the modern world. The most important shortcut is the narrative. The narrative is the quick story that has developed over a long period of time for any organization, company or important public figure. It's the way we store and organize the information. The narrative elicits and disseminates knowledge, encourages collaboration, generates new ideas, and ignites change. All TV parrots use narratives to promote their nonsense. The Fairness Doctrine, aka Censorship Doctrine, was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission(FCC), introduced in 1949, that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was honest, equitable and balanced. The Fairness Doctrine should not be confused with the Equal Time rule. The Fairness Doctrine deals with discussion of controversial issues, while the Equal Time rule deals only with political candidates. In 1987, the FCC abolished the Fairness Doctrine, prompting some to urge its reintroduction through either Commission policy or Congressional legislation. The equal-time rule specifies that radio and television broadcast stations must provide an equivalent opportunity to any opposing political candidates who request it. This means, for example that if a station gives one free minute to a candidate on the prime time, it must do the same for another candidate. However, there are four exceptions: if the air-time was in a documentary, bona fide news interview, scheduled newscast or an on-the-spot news event the equal-time rule is not valid. Since 1983, political debates not hosted by the media station are considered news events, thus may include only major-party candidates without having to offer air time to minor-party or independent candidates. Antivenitists want to reimpose the Fairness Doctrine, and they now have even more weapons with which they can silence venitists. And now they are seeking to expand their censorship to the internet, and beyond! Communications commissars can use different regulations, like localism and media diversity, to achieve the exact same Fairness Doctrinesque results, silencing the venitist talk radio hosts we love and count on every day. Commissars believe the federal government has a role in deciding what your local interests are, in your town on your local talk radio station, and want to not renew their licenses based on what they think you need to hear. Antivenitists and bureaucrats also seek to impose media diversity regulations, to force some station owners out and allow their hand-picked cronies in. Commissars declare that given the new political climate, kleptocrats have a tremendous opportunity going forward to reinvigorate media, to ensure that the public airwaves truly deliver the kind of news and information that kleptocrats need to sustain democratic dialogue and to reflect the great diversity of West. A single speech of Ronald Reagan, the Great Communicator, drastically changed the world! Reagan's Time for Choosing speech in 1964 is the historic event that launched his magnificent political career. Smart words are more effective than smart bombs. For your conference, get a dynamic keynote speaker who can transform your people and your world. Take advantage of the best libertarian orator of our times, Basil Venitis. As many associations, colleges, industry groups, companies, pullpeddlers, rabblerousers, and many gluckskinds have discovered, speeches by Basil Venitis add immeasurably to the enduring value of a conference. Basil Venitis doesn't restate what you can learn from regular sources, but he stretches your imagination to new horizons. Venitis is extensively involved in policy issues and the Global Tax Revolt. He is often a part of the process, working to shape and direct critical components of libertarian issues. Speeches by Basil Venitis enable audiences to truly learn, and provide fascinating, provocative venitist insights and analysis by slicing right through the political jargon and getting to the heart of the matter. It's no wonder that Basil Venitis is the most frequently cited on the Internet and is so often called upon to present venitism and to clarify issues for the public. The many advantages of using Basil Venitis include the magnificent seven:* Value. A single speech of Basil Venitis will be cherished by your conferees forever, guiding them at the crossroads of their lives and your organization, increasing their efficiency, and improving the good will of your organization. * Access. When scheduling Basil Venitis for your organization, you work directly with Venitis at venitis@gmail.com to craft a keynote speech that fits your precise needs. Venitis works with organizations to ensure that his speeches provide maximum value, and he shares their dedication to making their conference a huge success. * Publicity. The announcement of Basil Venitis, leader of Global Tax Revolt and venitism, speaking at your conference will appear on most blogs and Internet groups all over the world. * Insight. Given Venitis's great experience in speaking across the globe, and with his unparalleled knowledge of politics, economics, finance, sciences, philosophy, and spirituality, he can help you determine the keynote for your conference.* Transformation. Your people will be transformed in shock and awe to a new level of knowledge, attitude, and organizational climate.* Revampia. Your organization will be revamped with new soul, vision, and values.* Affordability. The cost of having Venitis speak at your conference is 5,000 euros plus travel expenses from Athens.
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~** Ο/Η Constantinos Anagnostou A έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Ευγένιος Ροντιόνωφ, ο 19χρονος νεομάρτυρας των ημερών μας.
Constantinos Anagnostou AJuly 23, 2010 at 1:26pm
Θέμα: Αγαπημένα κείμενα Νο 3
Σας προτείνω μερικά αγαπημένα μου κείμενα τα οποία βρίσκονται αντίστοιχα στις σελίδες:Βάζουμε στη θέση του Θεού φαντασιώσεις για Ισχύ και Κυριαρχία http://www.facebook.com/l/b1a75qHWU5dhX1vlQvISZY7ScbA;www.constantinosa.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=210:2010-07-23-07-15-43&catid=2:2010-05-27-14-43-36&Itemid=8 Η Αγ. Μαρκέλλα η πολύαθλος παρθενομάρτυς της Χίου http://www.facebook.com/l/b1a75DvuErAD6L03d5csBp_PyVw;www.constantinosa.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=209:2010-07-23-05-57-57&catid=1:2010-05-27-14-43-06&Itemid=6 Οι απλοί χωριάτες που έβλεπαν το Άκτιστο Φως http://www.facebook.com/l/b1a75dTkFXO8urylPOlw8s7kNzA;www.constantinosa.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=212:2010-07-23-07-39-02&catid=2:2010-05-27-14-43-36&Itemid=8 Εξομολόγηση που οδηγεί τον έσω άνθρωπο σε ταπείνωση
http://www.facebook.com/l/b1a75awV84FkeIcLy706bPkt2PA;www.constantinosa.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=37:2010-05-28-12-53-33&catid=2:2010-05-27-14-43-36&Itemid=8 Ευχαριστώ θερμά!
*** Από τα Ιστολόγια μας του μήνα Ιούλι 2010 :


**** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/01-07-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 01 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα , 01-07-2010 .-
**** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2010/07/02-07-2010.html , Παρασκευή, 02 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα , 02-07-2010 .-
~** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/m-03-07-2010.html , Σάββατο , 03 Ιουλίου 2010 Mας γράφουν σήμερα - χθές και τα γράφουμε Σάββατο 03/07/2010
~** http://arfara-messinias-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/m-03-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 03 Ιουλίου 2010 Mας γράφουν σήμερα - χθές και τα γράφουμε Σάββατο 03-07-2010
~*** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/arfara-messinias-04-07-2010.html , Κυριακή, 04 Ιουλίου 2010 ARFARA MESSINIAS * Μας φράγουν και σας τα γράφουμε 04-07-2010
~** http://dimmetoparfara.blogspot.com/ , Δευτέρα, 05 Ιουλίου 2010
Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα Δευ.05-07-2010
~*** http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010.blogspot.com/2010/07/05-07-2010.html , Δευτέρα , 05 Ιουλίου 2010 , Νέα - Παράξενα , Υγεία , μας γράγουν και τα γράφουμε * 05/07/2010 ,
*** http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010.blogspot.com/2010/07/httparfara-messinias-stamos-2010.html , Δευτέρα, 05 Ιουλίου 2010 http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010: Νέα - Παράξενα, Υγεία , μας γράγουν και τα γρά... *** Νέα - Παράξενα, Υγεία , μας γράγουν και τα γρά...
**** http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010.blogspot.com/2010/07/341989.html , Τετάρτη, 07 Ιουλίου 2010 Η λειτουργία του Κ.Υ.Μελιγαλά από 3/4/1989 έως και σήμερα
**** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/07-07-2010.html , Τετάρτη, 07 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα , 07-07-2010 .-
**** http://vlasisarfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/enh-08-07-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 08 Ιουλίου 2010 ENHΜΕΡΩΣΕΙΣ - ΜΑΣ ΓΡΑΦΟΥΝ 08-07-2010
*** http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010.blogspot.com/2010/07/341989.html , Η ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΟΔΟΝΤΙΑΤΡΙΚΟΥ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ ΜΕΛΙΓΑΛΑ ΑΠΟ 03-04-1989 ΜΕΧΡΙ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ...2010 :ΣΤΑΤΙΣΤΙΚΑ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ .... ΚΑΙ ΠΑΡΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ ΑΛΛΑ
~*** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post.html , Παρασκευή, 09 Ιουλίου 2010 Διαβάζοντας μαθαίνουμε
*** http://stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/11-12-07-2010.html , Δευτέρα, 12 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις τα Νέα μας σήμερα χθες - Αθλητικά 11 και 12-07-2010 ,υγεία και άλλα .-
**** http://arfara-messinias-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/13-14-07-2010.html , Τρίτη, 13 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα Τρίτη , 13 και 14 - 07-2010
**** http://stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/11-12-07-2010.html , Δευτέρα, 12 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις τα Νέα μας σήμερα χθες - Αθλητικά 11 και 12-07-2010 ,υγεία και άλλα .-
**** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2010/07/httparfara-messinias-stamos-2010-341989.html , Τρίτη, 13 Ιουλίου 2010 http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010: Η λειτουργία του Κ.Υ.Μελιγαλά από 3/4/1989 έως κ...
**** http://dimmetoparfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/14-15-07-2010.html , Τετάρτη, 14 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα , 14 και 15 -07-2010.-
~*** http://snsarfara-stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/15-07-2010.html , Τετάρτη, 14 Ιουλίου 2010 , Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα 15 - 07-2010 .-
**** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/15-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 15 Ιουλίου 2010
Ο Οδοντίατρος σας ενημερώνει , 15 Ιουλίου 2010
**** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/ygeia-gia-olous-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 15 Ιουλίου 2010 YGEIA GIA OLOUS -Υγεία για όλους Ιούλιος 2010
**** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2010/07/19-2010.html , Δευτέρα, 19 Ιουλίου 2010 Ενημέρωση Δευτέρα , 19 Ιουλίου 2010
**** http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post.html , Τρίτη, 20 Ιουλίου 2010 Η ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ ΕΝΟΣ ΧΩΡΙΟΥ Αρφαρά Μεσσηνίας .-
**** http://stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/18-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 17 Ιουλίου 2010 Ενημέρωση -ειδήσεις - αθλητικά και άλλα Κυριακή 18-07-2010 ,
**** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post_7713.html , Παρασκευή, 16 Ιουλίου 2010Ειδήσεις-παράξενα-θέματα υγείας-αυτοί που μας γράφουν κ.α.
**** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post_1388.html , Παρασκευή, 16 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις-Αθλητικά - παράξενα-θέματα υγείας-αυτοί που μας γράφουν κ.α.
**** http://vlasisarfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/17-18-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 17 Ιουλίου 2010 Ενημερώσεις - παράδοξα- αυτοί που γράφουν - Αθλητικά και άλλα 17 , 18 -07-2010
*** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post.html , sάββατο, 10 Απριλίου 2010
Aυτοί που μας θυμούνται και μας γράφουν *
Aυτοί που μας θυμούνται και μας γράφουν :
*** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/arfara-messinias-04-07-2010.html , Τρίτη, 20 Ιουλίου 2010
ARFARA MESSINIAS * Μας γράγουν και σας τα γράφουμε 04-07-2010
&*** http://www.facebook.com/photo_search.php?oid=26476774455&view=user#!/group.php?gid=26476774455 , ARFARA MESSINIAS 2010 !
~** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post.html , Τρίτη, 20 Ιουλίου 2010
Από όσα μας γράφουν και γράφουμε 21-07-2010
*** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/2010.html , Τετάρτη, 21 Ιουλίου 2010 Ψάχνω...Βρίσκω... Καταχωρώ ....Σχολιάζω ... Ιούλιος 2010
*** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/2010.html , Τετάρτη, 21 Ιουλίου 2010 Από τα παλιά ....τα λησμονημένα (1) Ιούνιος 2010 .-
**** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2008/06/blog-post.html , Δευτέρα, 09 Ιουνίου 2008 Α.Π.Σ. ΑΣΤΕΡΑΣ ΑΡΦΑΡΩΝ - Η Ιστορία του.-
*** http://dimmetoparfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/22-07-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 22 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Ψάχνω ...Βρίσκω...Καταχωρώ...Σχολιάζω...22-07-2010
*** http://snsarfara-stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/22-07-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 22 Ιουλίου 2010 ΜΑΣ ΓΡΑΦΟΥΝ ..ΚΑΤΑΧΩΡΩ ΚΑΙ ΣΧΟΛΙΑΖΩ ..22-07-2010
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/2-2010.html , Παρασκευή, 23 Ιουλίου 2010 Από τα παλιά ....τα λησμονημένα (2) Ιούλιος 2010 .-
~** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/2010.html , Παρασκευή, 23 Ιουλίου 2010
Ενδιαφέροντα ... Απόψεις ..Λόγια από την καρδιά Ιούλιος 2010
** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/ , Πέμπτη, 22 Ιουλίου 2010 Ψάχνω ...Βρίσκω...Καταχωρώ...Σχολιάζω ...Μας γράφουν σήμερα χθες αύριο 2010
~** http://vlasisarfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/24-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 24 Ιουλίου 2010 Διαβάζω..Ψάχνω... Βρίσκω ..Γράφω ... Αντιγράφω.. Καταχωρώ...Σχολιάζω .. 24-07-2010
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/24-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 24 Ιουλίου 2010.. Διαβάζω...Ψάχνω ...Βρίσκω ...Ξεχωρίζω.... Καταχωρώ... Σχολιάζω ... Σα, 24-07-2010 .-
~*** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post.html , Παρασκευή, 09 Ιουλίου 2010 Διαβάζοντας μαθαίνουμε
*** http://stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/11-12-07-2010.html , Δευτέρα, 12 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις τα Νέα μας σήμερα χθες - Αθλητικά 11 και 12-07-2010 ,υγεία και άλλα .-
**** http://arfara-messinias-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/13-14-07-2010.html , Τρίτη, 13 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα Τρίτη , 13 και 14 - 07-2010
**** http://stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/11-12-07-2010.html , Δευτέρα, 12 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις τα Νέα μας σήμερα χθες - Αθλητικά 11 και 12-07-2010 ,υγεία και άλλα .-
**** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2010/07/httparfara-messinias-stamos-2010-341989.html , Τρίτη, 13 Ιουλίου 2010 http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010: Η λειτουργία του Κ.Υ.Μελιγαλά από 3/4/1989 έως κ...
**** http://dimmetoparfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/14-15-07-2010.html , Τετάρτη, 14 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα , 14 και 15 -07-2010.-
~*** http://snsarfara-stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/15-07-2010.html , Τετάρτη, 14 Ιουλίου 2010 , Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα 15 - 07-2010 .-
**** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/15-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 15 Ιουλίου 2010
Ο Οδοντίατρος σας ενημερώνει , 15 Ιουλίου 2010
**** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/ygeia-gia-olous-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 15 Ιουλίου 2010 YGEIA GIA OLOUS -Υγεία για όλους Ιούλιος 2010
**** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2010/07/19-2010.html , Δευτέρα, 19 Ιουλίου 2010 Ενημέρωση Δευτέρα , 19 Ιουλίου 2010
**** http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post.html , Τρίτη, 20 Ιουλίου 2010 Η ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ ΕΝΟΣ ΧΩΡΙΟΥ Αρφαρά Μεσσηνίας .-
**** http://stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/18-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 17 Ιουλίου 2010 Ενημέρωση -ειδήσεις - αθλητικά και άλλα Κυριακή 18-07-2010 ,
**** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post_7713.html , Παρασκευή, 16 Ιουλίου 2010Ειδήσεις-παράξενα-θέματα υγείας-αυτοί που μας γράφουν κ.α.
**** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post_1388.html , Παρασκευή, 16 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις-Αθλητικά - παράξενα-θέματα υγείας-αυτοί που μας γράφουν κ.α.
**** http://vlasisarfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/17-18-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 17 Ιουλίου 2010 Ενημερώσεις - παράδοξα- αυτοί που γράφουν - Αθλητικά και άλλα 17 , 18 -07-2010
*** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post.html , sάββατο, 10 Απριλίου 2010
Aυτοί που μας θυμούνται και μας γράφουν *
Aυτοί που μας θυμούνται και μας γράφουν :
*** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/arfara-messinias-04-07-2010.html , Τρίτη, 20 Ιουλίου 2010
ARFARA MESSINIAS * Μας γράγουν και σας τα γράφουμε 04-07-2010
&*** http://www.facebook.com/photo_search.php?oid=26476774455&view=user#!/group.php?gid=26476774455 , ARFARA MESSINIAS 2010 !
~** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post.html , Τρίτη, 20 Ιουλίου 2010
Από όσα μας γράφουν και γράφουμε 21-07-2010
*** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/2010.html , Τετάρτη, 21 Ιουλίου 2010 Ψάχνω...Βρίσκω... Καταχωρώ ....Σχολιάζω ... Ιούλιος 2010
*** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/2010.html , Τετάρτη, 21 Ιουλίου 2010 Από τα παλιά ....τα λησμονημένα (1) Ιούνιος 2010 .-
**** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2008/06/blog-post.html , Δευτέρα, 09 Ιουνίου 2008 Α.Π.Σ. ΑΣΤΕΡΑΣ ΑΡΦΑΡΩΝ - Η Ιστορία του.-
*** http://dimmetoparfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/22-07-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 22 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Ψάχνω ...Βρίσκω...Καταχωρώ...Σχολιάζω...22-07-2010
*** http://snsarfara-stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/22-07-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 22 Ιουλίου 2010 ΜΑΣ ΓΡΑΦΟΥΝ ..ΚΑΤΑΧΩΡΩ ΚΑΙ ΣΧΟΛΙΑΖΩ ..22-07-2010
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/2-2010.html , Παρασκευή, 23 Ιουλίου 2010 Από τα παλιά ....τα λησμονημένα (2) Ιούλιος 2010 .-
~** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/2010.html , Παρασκευή, 23 Ιουλίου 2010
Ενδιαφέροντα ... Απόψεις ..Λόγια από την καρδιά Ιούλιος 2010
** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/ , Πέμπτη, 22 Ιουλίου 2010 Ψάχνω ...Βρίσκω...Καταχωρώ...Σχολιάζω ...Μας γράφουν σήμερα χθες αύριο 2010
~** http://vlasisarfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/24-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 24 Ιουλίου 2010 Διαβάζω..Ψάχνω... Βρίσκω ..Γράφω ... Αντιγράφω.. Καταχωρώ...Σχολιάζω .. 24-07-2010
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/24-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 24 Ιουλίου 2010.. Διαβάζω...Ψάχνω ...Βρίσκω ...Ξεχωρίζω.... Καταχωρώ... Σχολιάζω ... Σα, 24-07-2010 .-
*** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/2010_24.html , Σάββατο, 24 Ιουλίου 2010 kai ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 25 , ΠΡΩΙ !
Ενδιαφέροντα λόγια από καρδιάς ...για όλους ...ο νοών ανοείτω νοείτω Ιούλιος 2010
~*** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post.html , Παρασκευή, 09 Ιουλίου 2010 Διαβάζοντας μαθαίνουμε
*** http://stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/11-12-07-2010.html , Δευτέρα, 12 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις τα Νέα μας σήμερα χθες - Αθλητικά 11 και 12-07-2010 ,υγεία και άλλα .-
**** http://arfara-messinias-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/13-14-07-2010.html , Τρίτη, 13 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα Τρίτη , 13 και 14 - 07-2010
**** http://stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/11-12-07-2010.html , Δευτέρα, 12 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις τα Νέα μας σήμερα χθες - Αθλητικά 11 και 12-07-2010 ,υγεία και άλλα .-
**** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2010/07/httparfara-messinias-stamos-2010-341989.html , Τρίτη, 13 Ιουλίου 2010
~*** http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010: Η λειτουργία του Κ.Υ.Μελιγαλά από 3/4/1989 έως κ...
**** http://dimmetoparfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/14-15-07-2010.html , Τετάρτη, 14 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα , 14 και 15 -07-2010.-
~*** http://snsarfara-stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/15-07-2010.html , Τετάρτη, 14 Ιουλίου 2010 , Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Παράξενα - Υγεία για όλους και πολλά άλλα 15 - 07-2010 .-
**** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/15-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 15 Ιουλίου 2010
Ο Οδοντίατρος σας ενημερώνει , 15 Ιουλίου 2010
**** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/ygeia-gia-olous-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 15 Ιουλίου 2010 YGEIA GIA OLOUS -Υγεία για όλους Ιούλιος 2010
**** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2010/07/19-2010.html , Δευτέρα, 19 Ιουλίου 2010 Ενημέρωση Δευτέρα , 19 Ιουλίου 2010
**** http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post.html , Τρίτη, 20 Ιουλίου 2010 Η ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ ΕΝΟΣ ΧΩΡΙΟΥ Αρφαρά Μεσσηνίας .-
**** http://stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/18-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 17 Ιουλίου 2010 Ενημέρωση -ειδήσεις - αθλητικά και άλλα Κυριακή 18-07-2010 ,
**** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post_7713.html , Παρασκευή, 16 Ιουλίου 2010Ειδήσεις-παράξενα-θέματα υγείας-αυτοί που μας γράφουν κ.α.
**** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post_1388.html , Παρασκευή, 16 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις-Αθλητικά - παράξενα-θέματα υγείας-αυτοί που μας γράφουν κ.α.
**** http://vlasisarfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/17-18-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 17 Ιουλίου 2010 Ενημερώσεις - παράδοξα- αυτοί που γράφουν - Αθλητικά και άλλα 17 , 18 -
*** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post.html , sάββατο, 10 Απριλίου 2010
Aυτοί που μας θυμούνται και μας γράφουν *
Aυτοί που μας θυμούνται και μας γράφουν :
*** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/arfara-messinias-04-07-2010.html , Τρίτη, 20 Ιουλίου 2010
ARFARA MESSINIAS * Μας γράγουν και σας τα γράφουμε 04-07-2010
&*** http://www.facebook.com/photo_search.php?oid=26476774455&view=user#!/group.php?gid=26476774455 , ARFARA MESSINIAS 2010 !
~** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post.html , Τρίτη, 20 Ιουλίου 2010
Από όσα μας γράφουν και γράφουμε 21-07-2010
*** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/2010.html , Τετάρτη, 21 Ιουλίου 2010 Ψάχνω...Βρίσκω... Καταχωρώ ....Σχολιάζω ... Ιούλιος 2010
*** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/2010.html , Τετάρτη, 21 Ιουλίου 2010 Από τα παλιά ....τα λησμονημένα (1) Ιούνιος 2010 .-
**** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2008/06/blog-post.html , Δευτέρα, 09 Ιουνίου 2008 Α.Π.Σ. ΑΣΤΕΡΑΣ ΑΡΦΑΡΩΝ - Η Ιστορία του.-
*** http://dimmetoparfara.blogspot.com/2010/07/22-07-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 22 Ιουλίου 2010 Ειδήσεις - Ψάχνω ...Βρίσκω...Καταχωρώ...Σχολιάζω...22-07-2010
*** http://snsarfara-stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2010/07/22-07-2010.html , Πέμπτη, 22 Ιουλίου 2010 ΜΑΣ ΓΡΑΦΟΥΝ ..ΚΑΤΑΧΩΡΩ ΚΑΙ ΣΧΟΛΙΑΖΩ ..22-07-2010
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/2-2010.html , Παρασκευή, 23 Ιουλίου 2010 Από τα παλιά ....τα λησμονημένα (2) Ιούλιος 2010 .-
~** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/2010.html , Παρασκευή, 23 Ιουλίου 2010
Ενδιαφέροντα ... Απόψεις ..Λόγια από την καρδιά Ιούλιος 2010
** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/ , Πέμπτη, 22 Ιουλίου 2010 Ψάχνω ...Βρίσκω...Καταχωρώ...Σχολιάζω ...Μας γράφουν σήμερα χθες αύριο 2010
~** http://vlasisarfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/24-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 24 Ιουλίου 2010 Διαβάζω..Ψάχνω... Βρίσκω ..Γράφω ... Αντιγράφω.. Καταχωρώ...Σχολιάζω .. 24-07-2010
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2010/07/24-07-2010.html , Σάββατο, 24 Ιουλίου 2010.. Διαβάζω...Ψάχνω ...Βρίσκω ...Ξεχωρίζω.... Καταχωρώ... Σχολιάζω ... Σα, 24-07-2010 .-
*** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2010/07/2010_24.html , Σάββατο, 24 Ιουλίου 2010 kai ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 25 , ΠΡΩΙ !
Ενδιαφέροντα λόγια από καρδιάς ...για όλους ...ο νοών ανοείτω νοείτω Ιούλιος 2010