Σάββατο 27 Νοεμβρίου 2010

Ψάχνω ,,, Βρίσκω ...Διαλέγω ....Γράφω...Αντιγράφω... κ. π.α. 27-11--2010 *

Ψάχνω ,,, Βρίσκω ...Διαλέγω ....Γράφω...Αντιγράφω... κ. π.α. 27-11--2010 :
-Ο σοφός αναζητά την σοφία,ο τρελλός πιστεύει ότι την έχει βρεί.. (ΠΕΡΣΙΚΗ ΠΑΡΟΙΜΙΑ)


-Η μεγαλύτερη ευτυχία είναι,όταν στο τέλος του έτους,αισθάνεσαι καλύτερα,από ότι στην αρχή ..... {ΧΕΝΡΥ ΝΤΕΗΒΙΝΤ ΘΟΡΩ }.-


-Αν δεν επιθυμείς να κάνεις κακό,τότε δεν υπάρχει ούτε μια καλή πράξη που δεν μπορείς να κάνεις.. (ΚΙΝΕΖΙΚΗ ΠΑΡΟΙΜΙΑ)
** Τέσσερα Χρόνια Χαμομηλάκι

** Aν είχα την ευκαιρία να μεγαλώσω το παιδί μου από την αρχή If I had my child to raise over again

** Επείγουσα Έκκληση για Ιατρικό Προσωπικό στην Αϊτή από τους Γιατρούς Χωρίς Σύνορα MSF calls on all actors to step up cholera response

Τέσσερα Χρόνια Χαμομηλάκι
Posted: 26 Nov 2010 12:10 PM PST
Ήταν 4 χρόνια πριν. Μια μέρα του Νοέμβρη. Άξιον Αγάπης κάθε παιδί – Χαμομηλάκι όπου γης, όποιας φυλής, όποιας πατρίδας. Αυτή η ιστοσελίδα φτιάχτηκε για ένα παιδάκι που ταλαιπωρήθηκε πολύ και...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]

Aν είχα την ευκαιρία να μεγαλώσω το παιδί μου από την αρχή If I had my child to raise over again
Posted: 26 Nov 2010 12:49 AM PST
Αν είχα την ευκαιρία να μεγαλώσω το παιδί μου από την αρχή, * θα φρόντιζα να χτίσω πρώτα την αυτοεκτίμησή του και μετά θα φρόντιζα για το σπίτι * θα χρησιμοποιούσα τα δάχτυλά μου...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]

Επείγουσα Έκκληση για Ιατρικό Προσωπικό στην Αϊτή από τους Γιατρούς Χωρίς Σύνορα MSF calls on all actors to step up cholera response
Posted: 26 Nov 2010 05:25 AM PST
MSF calls on all actors to step up cholera response Απαιτούμενη εμπειρία: • Διαθεσιμότητα αναχώρησης μέσα στους επόμενους 2 μήνες (Δεκέμβριος-Ιανουάριος) και διαθεσιμότητα παραμονής στην αποστολή ...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]

**-Η ελικρίνεια,είναι το μόνο γνήσιο νόμισμα που κυκλοφορεί παντού...( ΚΙΝΕΖΙΚΗ ΠΑΡΟΙΜΙΑ)


~** , Δευτέρα, 22 Νοεμβρίου 2010 ..Καθαρά και ξάστερα ...σήμερα Δευτέρα 22/11/2010
** , Δευτέρα, 22 Νοεμβρίου 2010 Ένα μωρό έρχεται στη ζωή μας 22/11/2010* Ένα μωρό έρχεται στη ζωή μας 22/11/2010
~** , Τρίτη, 23 Νοεμβρίου 2010 Αυτοί που μας γράφουν 23/11/2010 .-
~* * , Τρίτη, 23 Νοεμβρίου 2010 Λίγα απ΄ όλα -Λιγό-λογα χθες και σήμερα 23/11/2010 .-
~** , Τετάρτη, 24 Νοεμβρίου 2010 Οδοιπορικό στην καθημερινότητα Τετάρτη 24/11/2010
~** , Πέμπτη, 25 Νοεμβρίου 2010 Oδοιπορικό μιας μέρας Μεσσηνία- Αρκαδία -Λακωνία 25/11/2010 .-
~** , Παρασκευή, 26 Νοεμβρίου 2010 .Στο δρόμο της ζωής μας Παρασκευή 26/11/2010

** Να μιλάς,μόνο όταν τα λόγια σου είναι καλύτερα από την σιωπή...( ΑΡΑΒΙΚΗ ΠΑΡΟΙΜΙΑ)

~**Στη βεράντα του σπιτιού ΑΡΦΑΡΑ ΚΑΛΑΜΑΤΑΣ Σεπτέμβριος 2010 ,

~** Η φύση χρειάζεται λίγα πράγματα,όμως η φαντασία σου χρειάζεται πολλά... ( ΒΟΥΔΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΣΟΦΙΑ) .-

~** ΣΤΗΝ όμορφη φύση του κήπου μου Σεπτέμβριος 2010 , ,

** ** Δεν υπάρχει το αύριο,το σήμερα ....... μόνο το χτες που σε θυμίζει............ !!

ΤΑ ΑΘΛΗΤΙΚΑ σήμερα ...27/11/2010 Σάββατο .- :
ΣΤΟΥΣ Αγώνες για την Σούπερ Λινγκ του Ελληνικού πρωταθλήματος :
** ΠΑΝΣΕΡΑΙΚΟΣ -ΑΡΗΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ μέχριι το 55΄ 1-0 υπέρ των Σερρών με γκόλ στο 40΄ του Ζουμπίνιο , ο αγώνας διακόπηκε στο 55΄ οριστικά λόγω ομίχλης ...υπόλοιπο αγώνα για αύριο τα 35 ΄ .-Kυρ. 28/11 , επανάληψη υπόλοιπου 1-0 .-
** ΕΡΓΟΤΕΛΗΣ - Α.Ε. ΛΑΡΙΣΑΣ 2-1 τα γκόλ : 8΄ Ρομάνο , 18 ΄Κανόμπιο 27΄ πεν . Λεάλ , στο 86΄πεν.Ο Λεάλ άουτ , και κόκκινη κάρτα ο Ιμπραήμ Τάλ , από το 28΄.-
** ΑΕΚ - ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΣ Πειραιώς 1-0 (0-0).- ... στο 57΄Διαιτητής Σιδηρόπουλος σφυριζει...πεναλτι , Ο Ντουντού το κτυπά άουτ ! 90΄ Ισμαέλ Μπλάνκο , καθυστερήσεις 4΄....δεν έδωσε κανονικό πέναλτι υπέρ της ΑΕΚ , και δεν έδωσε δεύτερη κίτρινη κάρτα και αποβολή στον ποδοσφαιριστή του Ολυμπιακού μπαγάσα με 7΄ καθυστέρηση από διαιτητή αδικαιολόγητη ... από διαιτητή .-

Κυριακή 28/11/2010 :
Ολυμπιακός Βόλου - Καβάλα 1-1 , τα γκόλ : 66΄ πεν. Καπετάνου , 90+3 ΄Ονουάτση , κοκκινες : Ονουάτση , Νόνχε , Καρτόζο .-
Αστέρας Ττρίπολης - Ξάνθη 1-2 , τα γκόλ : 14΄Μαστία , 32΄ Κατέγκο , 41΄ Κιντάνα .- κόκκινες :Αργυρόπουλος , Τζάκη .-
ΠΑΟΚ - Ατρόμητος Αθηνών 0-1 , το γκόλ: 56΄Σφακιανάκης , 41΄ πεν. άουτ Μιχαηλίδης .- κόκκινη :Φωτάκης .-
Κέρκυρα - Παναθηναϊκός 0-2 τα γκόλ : 79΄ πεν. & 90+3 ΄ Τζιμπρίλ Σισέ
Πανιώνιος - Ηρακλής 1-0 το γκόλ : 69΄Κούτετς , κόκκινη :Γιάκομπ .-

**ΣΤΟ Πρωτάθλημα της Β΄ εθνικής στο ποδοσφαιρο στην Ελλάδα Σα, 27/11/2010 :
~** ΙΩΝΙΚΟΣ - ΒΕΡΟΙΑ 0-0 .-
Κυριακή 28/11, :
Καλιθέα - Αναγέννηση Καρδίτσας 2-1 .-
Πανθρακικός Εθνικός Αστέρας 1-2 .-
Ηλιούπολη - Θρασύβουλος 1-0 .-
Αγροτικός Αστέρας - Λεβαδειακός 0-1 .-
Δοξα Δράμα Εθνικός 2-2 .-
~** Δευτέρα 29/11/2010 :
Παναιτωλικός - ΟΦΗ
Διαγόρας Ροδου -ΠΑΣ Γιάνενα

~** ΣΕ ΑΓΩΝΕΣ ΜΠΑΣΚΕΤ για την Α1 πρωτάθλημα Ελλαδας , Σάββατο 27/11/20910 :
** ΠΑΟΚ ΘΕΣ/ΝΙΚΗΣ - ΙΚΑΡΟΣ 70-59 ( 39-27) .-
Κυριακή 28/11/2010 :
** ΚΑΒΑΛΑ - ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ 79-65 .-
**ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΟΣ - ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΣ Πειραιώς 65-92 .-
**Παναθηναϊκός -Μαρούσι 102- 65 .-
**Περιστέρι - ΑΕΚ κ.α 77-77 , παραταση : 82-87 .-
~** Δευτέρα 29/11/2010 :


«Το γεγονός αυτό έχει προκαλέσει αναστάτωση και ανησυχία στους νομούς της Πελοποννήσου, όπου λειτουργούν Τμήματα του Πανεπιστημίου».
Συνάντηση με τον πρύτανη του πανεπιστημίου Πελοποννήσου κ. Παπαθεοδώρου και δύο αντιπρυτάνεις είχαν χθες στη Βουλή, οι 6 βουλευτές της Περιφερείας μας που είχαν καταθέσει ερώτηση στη Βουλή για την υπουργό Παιδείας Δια Βίου Μάθησης και Θρησκευμάτων, Άννα Διαμαντοπούλου, στην οποία διατύπωναν την ανησυχία τους, γιατί όπως ανέφεραν, «το τελευταίο διάστημα βλέπουν το φως της δημοσιότητας ιδέες και προτάσεις για συγχωνεύσεις και «καταργήσεις» Τμημάτων και Πανεπιστημίων ανά την Επικράτεια με μία ιδιαίτερη στοχοποίηση του Πανεπιστημίου Πελοποννήσου, και συμπλήρωναν: «Το γεγονός αυτό έχει προκαλέσει αναστάτωση και ανησυχία στους νομούς της Πελοποννήσου, όπου λειτουργούν Τμήματα του Πανεπιστημίου».Οι βουλευτές αυτοί του ΠΑΣΟΚ Μεσσηνίας Νάντια Γιαννακοπούλου και Οδυσσέας Βουδούρης, Αρκαδίας Οδυσσέας Κωνσταντινόπουλος, Κορινθίας Αικατερίνη Φαρμάκη και Άγγελος Μανωλάκης και Λακωνίας Λεωνίδας Γρηγοράκος ενημερώθηκαν από τις πρυτανικές αρχές του πανεπιστημίου για τα φλέγοντα ζητήματα του τριτοβάθμιου αυτού ιδρύματος και τις επικείμενες αλλαγές που δρομολογούνται με το νομοσχέδιο του Υπουργείου Παιδείας για την τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση.Η κ. Γιαννακοπούλου, μετά τη συνάντηση, δήλωσε μεταξύ άλλων ότι «το νομοσχέδιο για την τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση συνιστά μία γενναία προσπάθεια εκ μέρους του Υπουργείου Παιδείας για την αναμόρφωση της μεταλυκειακής εκπαίδευσης στην Ελλάδα. Οι επικείμενες αλλαγές που θα επιφέρει, οφείλουν να διατηρούν τα συστατικά χαρακτηριστικά του κάθε ιδρύματος και του πανεπιστημίου Πελοποννήσου, ειδικότερα. Το πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου θα μας βρει αρωγούς και συμπαραστάτες».-
Ερώτηση του Συνασπισμού για τον αυτοκινητόδρομο
Το λόγο για τις καθυστερήσεις που παρατηρούνται στην ολοκλήρωση του έργου αποκατάστασης του οδικού δικτύου στο τμήμα Παραδείσια-Τσακώνα, ζητούν να πληροφορηθούν με ερώτησή τους στη Βουλή οι βουλευτές του Συνασπισμού της Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς Παναγιώτης Λαφαζάνης και Ευαγγελία Αμμανατίδου-Πασχαλίδου. Επίσης ερωτούν τους υπουργούς Οικονομικών, Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης και Ανταγωνιστικότητας και Υποδομών, Μεταφορών και Δικτύων, αν «υπάρχουν εγγεγραμμένα στον προϋπολογισμό του 2011 τα χρήματα που απαιτούνται για την ολοκλήρωση του έργου».Όπως αναφέρουν στην ερώτησή τους, την οποία οι δύο βουλευτές «οκτώ χρόνια μετά την κατάρρευση του δρόμου των 12 χλμ. Παραδείσια-Τσακώνα του οδικού άξονα Τρίπολης-Καλαμάτας, οι εργασίες αποκατάστασής του κινδυνεύουν να «παγώσουν» με αποτέλεσμα να υπάρξουν μεγάλες καθυστερήσεις στην ολοκλήρωση του έργου. Σύμφωνα με καταγγελίες των φορέων της περιοχής από τον Ιούνιο έχει σταματήσει η χρηματοδότηση του έργου από πλευράς του αρμόδιου Υπουργείου». Στην ίδια ερώτηση σημειώνεται ότι «η αποπεράτωση του έργου, μετά από 3 διαδοχικές αλλαγές ημερομηνιών παράδοσης αρχικά το 2008, μετά το 2009, στη συνέχεια το 2010, τώρα είναι προγραμματισμένη για τα τέλη του 2011 Επιπλέον θέλουμε να σημειώσουμε ότι ο χρόνος των 8 ετών για έργο αποκατάστασης είναι πρωτοφανής, με συνέπεια οι χρήστες του δρόμου να υφίστανται μεγάλη ταλαιπωρία στο άθλιο οδικό δίκτυο που υπάρχει σήμερα στο τμήμα Παραδείσια-Τσακώνα».-
Παρέμβαση Λαμπρόπουλου για το δρόμο…Ο βουλευτής Μεσσηνίας της Ν.Δ. Γιάννης Λαμπρόπουλος ανακοίνωσε ότι θα καταθέσει στη δικαιοσύνη για το δρόμο Τσακώνα - Παραδείσια «τα σοβαρά στοιχεία που προέκυψαν τον τελευταίο καιρό και κατά τη διάρκεια αποκατάστασης του δρόμου από αρμόδιους μηχανικούς του υπουργείου Υποδομών και που αφορούν τα αίτια της καταστροφής». Όπως είναι γνωστό το συγκεκριμένο τμήμα του αυτοκινητόδρομου παραδόθηκε στην κυκλοφορία το 2000, αλλά λίγα χρόνια μετά καταστράφηκε από κατολισθήσεις. Ο κ. Λαμπρόπουλος αναφέρει ακόμη στην ανακοίνωσή του, ότι τη Δευτέρα θα συζητηθεί στη Βουλή η επίκαιρη ερώτηση που κατέθεσε, ενώ σημειώνει πως «η Κυβέρνηση οφείλει να συνεχίσει κανονικά την εκταμίευση των χρημάτων που από το 2005 είχαν εγκριθεί, ώστε ο δρόμος να παραδοθεί το συντομότερο».-
Ερώτηση για τις αποζημιώσεις από απαλλοτριώσεις
Ερώτηση για τις αποζημιώσεις ιδιοκτητών κτημάτων που απαλλοτριώνονται για την κατασκευή του αυτοκινητόδρομου Τσακώνα-Καλαμάτα» κατέθεσαν στη Βουλή οι βουλευτές του Συνασπισμού της Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς Παναγιώτης Λαφαζάνης και Ευαγγελία Αμμανατίδου-Πασχαλίδου. Όπως αναφέρεται στην ερώτηση των 2 βουλευτών, «στον υπό κατασκευή αυτοκινητόδρομο Τρίπολης-Καλαμάτας που γίνεται με σύμβαση παραχώρησης από την εταιρεία Μωρέας Α.Ε. εντός του νομού Μεσσηνίας, ο Πρόεδρος της Συντονιστικής Επιτροπής «Ιδιοκτητών Περιοχής Θουρίας-Σπερχογείας» και οι ιδιοκτήτες των οποίων τα κτήματα απαλλοτριώνονται για την κατασκευή του αυτοκινητοδρόμου διαμαρτύρονται και καταγγέλλουν ότι δεν εφαρμόζονται οι ισχύοντες νόμοι. Συγκεκριμένα, καταγγέλλουν ότι ενώ η νομοθεσία ορίζει ότι όταν βγει η απόφαση από το Πρωτόδικο Δικαστήριο θα πρέπει να καταβληθεί το 60% των χρημάτων της απόφασης του Πρωτόδικου Δικαστηρίου, αυτό δεν εφαρμόζεται. Μέχρι σήμερα έχουν καταβληθεί οι αποζημιώσεις στους ιδιοκτήτες μόνο για τα «επικείμενα» παρότι τα έργα προχωρούν κανονικά». Επίσης, όπως αναφέρεται στην ερώτηση «καταγγέλλουν ότι η εταιρεία Μωρέας Α.Ε. εκβιάζει τους ιδιοκτήτες να αποδεχτούν την αποζημίωση για τα «επικείμενα» χωρίς να έχει βγει η πρωτόδικη απόφαση του Δικαστηρίου και τους απειλούν ότι αν δεν αποδεχθούν την αποζημίωση που τους δίνει η εταιρεία θα καταθέσουν αυτά τα χρήματα στο Ταμείο Παρακαταθηκών και Δανείων».Καταλήγοντας οι βουλευτές, ερωτούν τον υπουργό Οικονομικών αν θα εφαρμοστεί και πότε η κείμενη νομοθεσία για την καταβολή του 60% της αποζημίωσης που έχει ορίσει το Πρωτόδικο Δικαστήριο και ακόμα αν θα γίνει παρέμβαση για να σταματήσουν οι απειλές και οι εκβιασμούς στους ιδιοκτήτες.-
Καλούν σε κινητοποιήσεις για τα διόδια της Νεστάνης!Σε συμβολική κατάληψη και απελευθέρωση των διοδίων της Νεστάνης, την Κυριακή στις 04:00 μετά το μεσημέρι καλούν τους φορείς η “Αγωνιστική Συνεργασία Πελοποννήσου” και το Εργατικό Κέντρο Τρίπολης.Όπως αναφέρεται σε σχετική πρόσκληση της “Αγωνιστικής Συνεργασίας Πελοποννήσου” «αγωνιζόμαστε για να παραμείνουν χιλιοπληρωμένοι εθνικοί δρόμοι δημόσιο κοινωνικό αγαθό και ελεύθεροι για όλους. Αγωνιζόμαστε να καταργηθούν οι αποικιακές συμβάσεις που υπέγραψε η προηγούμενη κυβέρνηση και διατηρεί η σημερινή, με τις παραχωρησιούχες εταιρείες που τοποθετούν διόδια μετωπικά και πλευρικά, όπου και όσα θέλουν και αυξάνουν κάθε τόσο τις τιμές τους. Καλούμε τους πολίτες να αντιδράσουν, αρνούμενοι να πληρώσουν».Το Εργατικό Κέντρο Αρκαδίας, από την πλευρά του, καλεί τους εργαζόμενους, και τους τοπικούς κοινωνικούς φορείς, «να αντιδράσουν μαζικά και αποφασιστικά ενάντια στην επιβολή διοδίων, υπερασπίζοντας τους δρόμους ως ελεύθερο, κοινωνικό αγαθό, ενάντια στις "αποικιακού τύπου συμβάσεις" που το Ελληνικό Δημόσιο υπογράφει με ιδιωτικές εταιρείες, αρνούμενοι να πληρώσουν», συμμετέχοντας στη συμβολική κατάληψη με το άνοιγμα των διοδίων Νεστάνης, την Κυριακή στις 4 το απόγευμα.-
Το «Δίκτυο Ενεργών Πολιτών» αντίθετο για τις αυξήσεις στα διόδια…Σε κοινή πρωτοβουλία και δράση καλεί το «Δίκτυο Ενεργών Πολιτών» του Δήμου Καλαμάτας τους συλλογικούς φορείς της Μεσσηνίας (Επιμελητήριο, Εμπορικό σύλλογο, εργατικό κέντρο, σύλλογο ξενοδόχων κ.λ.π.), για τις αυξήσεις των διοδίων στον δρόμο Καλαμάτας – Τρίπολης – Κορίνθου, με ανακοίνωσή του, στην οποία αναφέρει ότι θα συμμετάσχει στο συμβολικό άνοιγμα των διοδίων της Νεστάνης την Κυριακή στις 04:00 το απόγευμα.Όπως αναφέρεται στην ανακοίνωση «Το Δίκτυο Ενεργών Πολιτών» είναι αντίθετο με τις πρόσφατες αυξήσεις των διοδίων τις οποίες χαρακτηρίζει «προκλητικές στη σημερινή συγκυρία της μείωσης των μισθών και της αυξημένης ανεργίας», ενώ προστίθεται ότι «αυτές θα οδηγήσουν στη συνέχιση της απομόνωσης και της υπανάπτυξης της περιοχής μας μέσω του υψηλού κόστους μετακίνησης».Επίσης καλεί «την κοινοπραξία «Μορέας» να επανεξετάσει την απόφασή της, καθώς και τους ενδιαφερόμενους πολιτειακούς φορείς, την κυβέρνηση, την περιφέρεια Πελοποννήσου και το Δήμο Καλαμάτας να παρέμβουν για την αντιμετώπιση του θέματος με γνώμονα το δημόσιο συμφέρον». Επίσης ζητάει από τη δημοτική αρχή να φέρει άμεσα το θέμα για συζήτηση στο Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο «επιδιώκοντας την έκδοση ομόφωνης απόφασης και την πραγματοποίηση παράστασης στον «Μορέα» και στο υπουργείο υποδομών».-
Ανάρτησαν πανό από το Δημαρχείο…Σπουδαστές του «Μετώπου Αγώνα Σπουδαστών» και των επιτροπών αγώνων του ΤΕΙ και του Πανεπιστημίου Καλαμάτας, ανάρτησαν χθες το πρωί πανό στο δημαρχείο της Καλαμάτας με το σύνθημα «Δωρεάν σίτιση, στέγαση και μετακίνηση». Στο ίδιο πανό αναγραφόταν πρόσκληση προς τους μαθητές και τους σπουδαστές να μετάσχουν την 1η Δεκεμβρίου στο συλλαλητήριο που θα γίνει στις 12:00 το μεσημέρι στην πλατεία 23ης Μαρτίου. Το πανό συμπλήρωνε σύνθημα για συμμετοχή των εργσαζομένων στην απεργία της 15ης Δεκεμβρίου με το ΠΑΜΕ.Με ανακοίνωσή του το «Μέτωπο Αγώνα Σπουδαστών» καταγγέλλει τη Δημοτική Αρχή που κάλεσε εισαγγελέα για να μην επιτρέψουν την είσοδό τους στο Δημαρχείο και να εμποδίσουν την ανάρτηση πανό από το γραφείο του Δημάρχου.-
Ο εορτασμός της Εθνικής Αντίστασης στη Καλαμάτα!Εορταστικές εκδηλώσεις για τον εορτασμό της Εθνικής Αντίστασης θα γίνουν την Κυριακή. Το πρόγραμμα περιλαμβάνει στις 10:00 το πρωί δοξολογία στον Μητροπολιτικό Ναό της Υπαπαντής του Σωτήρος κατά την οποία θα προστή ο σεβασμιώτατος Μητροπολίτης Μεσσηνίας κ. Χρυσόστομος. Στη συνέχεια, οι εκπρόσωποι των τοπικών αρχών των οργανώσεων και το κοινό θα μεταβούν στην πλατεία 23ης Μαρτίου όπου θα γίνει ομιλία από εκπρόσωπο των τοπικών αντιστασιακών οργανώσεων και καταθέσεις στεφάνων στο εκεί μνημείο των Ηρώων. Μετά την κατάθεση στεφάνων θα τηρηθεί ενός λεπτού σιγή και θα ανακρουστεί ο Εθνικός Ύμνος.Υλικά για την ανακύκλωση…Τις διαδικασίες προετοιμασίας διαγωνισμού για την αγορά μπλε κάδων και απορριμματοφόρων για ανακυκλώσιμα υλικά έχει ξεκινήσει η Περιφέρεια Πελοποννήσου, έχοντας εξασφαλίσει 1,5 εκατομμύριο ευρώ. Αυτό αναφέρεται σε ανακοίνωση του Γενικού Γραμματέα της Περιφέρειας Πελοποννήσου Φώτη Χατζημιχάλη, στην οποία προστίθεται ότι «προχωρούμε στη μελέτη για το σχεδιασμό και την ολοκλήρωση αυτόνομου συστήματος ανακύκλωσης σε ολόκληρη την Περιφέρεια Πελοποννήσου, το οποίο θα χρηματοδοτηθεί στη συνέχεια από πόρους του ΕΣΠΑ από το υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος Ενέργειας και Κλιματικής Αλλαγής. Έτσι προσπαθούμε να ανοίξουμε κάποιους δρόμους για να αντιμετωπίσουμε ολοκληρωμένα το πρόβλημα της διαχείρισης των απορριμμάτων».-
Αίθουσα για μαγνητικό τομογράφο στο Νοσοκομείο ΚαλαμάταςΠροκειμένου να ξεκινήσουν οι εργασίες διαμόρφωσης χώρου στον οποίο θα εγκατασταθεί ο Μαγνητικός Τομογράφος, το κυλικείο του Νοσοκομείου θα μεταφερθεί εντός του Δεκεμβρίου 2010 στην πύλη της κυρίας εισόδου. Όπως ανακοινώθηκε από το Νοσοκομείο Καλαμάτας, γι΄ αυτό το σκοπό, εργολάβος διαμορφώνει ήδη το νέο χώρο του κυλικείου, ώστε με το νέο έτος να ξεκινήσουν οι εργασίες διαμόρφωσης της αίθουσας που θα τοποθετηθεί ο Μαγνητικός Τομογράφος.-
Παραστάσεις από το ΔΗΠΕΘΕΚΤα Δημοτικό Περιφερειακό Θέατρο Καλαμάτας παρουσιάζει το έργο «τα μωρά τα φέρνει ο πελαργός» των Ρέππα - Παπαθανασίου, σε σκηνοθεσία Κλεώνης Φλέσσα.Παραστάσεις δίνονται κάθε Παρασκευή, Σάββατο και Κυριακή στις 9 το βράδυ, στην Κεντρική Σκηνή του ΘεάτρουΟ Θάνος Μικρούτσικος την Κυριακή στην Καλαμάτα…Ο Θάνος Μικρούτσικος θα παρουσιάσει την Κυριακή στις 8.30 το βράδυ, στο Πνευματικό Κέντρο Καλαμάτας έργα του σπουδαίου Έλληνα συνθέτη και φιλόσοφου Γιάννη Χρήστου. Μαζί του συμμετέχει η Νέλλη Σεμιτέκολο στο πιάνο και η μέτζο σοπράνο Αγγελική Καθαρίου. Το αφιέρωμα διοργανώνεται από το Δημοτικό Ωδείο Καλαμάτας, στο πλαίσιο μιας σειράς εκδηλώσεων με τίτλο "Κυριακή και μουσικοί". Εισιτήρια προπωλούνται στο Πνευματικό Κέντρο Καλαμάτας.Στο ίδιο πλαίσιο, την Κυριακή 5 Δεκεμβρίου θα γίνει ένα αφιέρωμα στην πορεία του Καλαματιανού βαρύτονου Δημήτρη Πλατανιά. Στο αφιέρωμα θα τραγουδήσει ο ίδιος και η επίσης Καλαματιανή σοπράνο Χριστίνα Γιαννακοπούλου, ενώ στο πιάνο θα είναι ο Δημήτρης Γιάκας.Στη συνέχεια, στις 12 Δεκεμβρίου στις 07:00 το απόγευμα, είναι προγραμματισμένη εκδήλωση ρεσιτάλ πιάνου της Μαρίας Ευστρατιάδη, σε έργα Γιόχανς Μπραμς.Το Λύκειο Ελληνίδων στην Αλεξάνδρεια…Η χορευτική ομάδα του Λυκείου των Ελληνίδων Καλαμάτας βρίσκεται στην Αλεξάνδρεια της Αιγύπτου, όπου θα παραμείνει μέχρι και αύριο, προσκεκλημένη του μακαριότατου Πατριάρχη Αλεξανδρείας κ.κ. Θεόδωρου, συμμετέχοντας στις εκδηλώσεις που γίνονται για την επέτειο των γενεθλίων του. Εκεί θα έχουν συνάντηση με την Πρόεδρο και μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου του Λυκείου των Ελληνίδων Αλεξανδρείας.«Δρόμοι πάνω στο χιόνι»Το βιβλίο του «Δρόμοι πάνω στο χιόνι» θα παρουσιάσει σήμερα στις 12:30 το μεσημέρι ο δικηγόρος Βασίλης Αμανατίδης, στο εντευκτήριο του Δικηγορικού Συλλόγου Καλαμάτας. Η παρουσίαση του βιβλίου, στην οποία θα μιλήσει ο συγγραφέας και ο εκδότης Κ. Παπαδόπουλος, διοργανώνεται από το Δικηγορικό Σύλλογο, το Σύνδεσμο Φιλολόγων Μεσσηνίας και το βιβλιοπωλείο «Παπασωτηρίου».«Αγαπώ τη δυσλεξία σου»Το βιβλίο του Γρηγόρη Χαλιακόπουλου «Αγαπώ τη δυσλεξία σου» θα παρουσιαστεί σήμερα στις 07:00 το απόγευμα στο Βιβλιοπωλείο “Παπασωτηρίου” στην Καλαμάτα. Στην παρουσίαση θα παραβρεθεί ο συγγραφέας, ενώ αποσπάσματα του βιβλίου θα διαβάσει η φιλόλογος Χριστίνα Στριμπάκου.«Μαρτυρίες μιας διαδρομής»Ο «Πολιτιστικός Αντίλογος διοργανώνει παρουσίαση του βιβλίου «μαρτυρίες μιας διαδρομής» της Έλλης Παππά που κυκλοφόρησε από τις εκδόσεις του Μουσείου Μπενάκη. Η εκδήλωση, θα πραγματοποιηθεί το Σάββατο 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2010 στις 6 το απόγευμα, στο αμφιθέατρο της Δημοτικής Φιλαρμονικής. Για το βιβλίο θα μιλήσουν ο Νίκος Μπελογιάννης, η συγγραφέας Σώτη Τριανταφύλλου, ο δικηγόρος Γιάννης Καούνης και ο επιμελητής εκδόσεων και ερευνητής Γιώργος Ζεβελάκης.Στα ίχνη του ΟδηγισμούΟι ομάδες του Σώματος Ελληνικού Οδηγισμού του Τοπικού Τμήματος Καλαμάτας διοργανώνουν εκδήλωση αύριο στις 06:00 το απόγευμα στο Δημοτικό Στάδιο της Παραλίας. Πρόκειται για ένα παιχνίδι στο οποίο μπορούν να πάρουν μέρος μικροί και μεγάλοι, που θα βρεθούν το Σάββατο στο Δημοτικό Στάδιο Παραλίας.-
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ…Εκθέσεις ζωγραφικής- Η εικαστική έκθεση της Παυλίνας Αθανασοπούλου εγκαινιάζεται σήμερα στις 08:00 το βράδυ στο «Καλλιτεχνικό Στέκι», στο Ιστορικό Κέντρο Καλαμάτας. Η έκθεση θα λειτουργεί καθημερινά από τις 07:30 το απόγευμα έως τις 11:00 το βράδυ.- Τα εγκαίνια της έκθεσης της ζωγράφου Χριστιάνας Κανελλακοπούλου, θα γίνουν το Σάββατο, 4 Δεκεμβρίου στις 05:00 το απόγευμα, στο Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Μεσσηνίας, στην Καλαμάτα. Η έκθεση θα διαρκέσει μέχρι τις 18 Δεκεμβρίου και θα λειτουργεί τις ώρες που θα είναι ανοιχτό το Μουσείο.- Έκθεση ζωγραφικής με έργα του Σωτήρη Τζαμουράνη με υδατογραφίες και λάδια με θέμα τη Μεσσηνία και τη Μάνη φιλοξενείται στο Πνευματικό Κέντρο Καλαμάτας. Η έκθεση θα διαρκέσει έως και τις 2 Δεκεμβρίου.Συνάντηση Τριτέκνων της Μεσσηνίας…Ο Σύλλογος Γονέων Ταριών Τέκνων Νομού Μεσσηνίας θα πραγματοποιήσει τη Δευτέρα στις 07:00 το απόγευμα στο ξενοδοχείο «Φιλοξένια» την πρώτη συνάντηση ενημέρωσης και γνωριμίας των μελών του. Στη συνάντηση αυτή, μπορούν να συμμετάσχουν τα μέλη του Συλλόγου, καθώς και όσοι επιθυμούν να ενημερωθούν σε θέματα τριτεκνίας.-
ΚΑΘΟΛΙΚΟ ΒΟΥΛΚΑΝΟΥΣτην Ιθώμη με τον Ορειβατικό Καλαμάτας...
Ο Ορειβατικός Σύλλογος Καλαμάτας πραγματοποιεί την Κυριακή την προγραμματισμένη εξόρμηση στην Ιθώμη. Η ανάβαση θα γίνει στην νότια κορυφή της η οποία προσφέρει φανταστική θέα σε όλη τη Μεσσηνία. Η διάρκεια της πεζοπορίας, ανάβαση και κατάβαση, είναι περίπου 4 ώρες. Επίσης θα πραγματοποιηθεί επίσκεψη στον Αρχαιολογικό χώρο της Αρχαίας Μεσσήνης. Το ξεκίνημα θα γίνει από τα γραφεία του Συλλόγου στις 08.30 το πρωί της Κυριακής. -
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, οδηγίες και δηλώσεις συμμετοχής κάθε βράδυ στα γραφεία του Συλλόγου. -
Τηλέφωνα επικοινωνίας 27210 97733 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 27210 97733 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, και 6942 553154 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 6942 553154 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
(κ. Ευθύμιος Αλεξόπουλος)
ΕΡΑ Καλαμάτας 105,4Fm
από : .-

**ΤΑ ΝΕΑ ΜΑΣ Λιγό- λογα :
~ Υπέρ μιας αριστερής πλειοψηφίας κατά του Μνημονίου
Ανοίγοντας τις εργασίες της Κεντρικής Πολιτικής Επιτροπής
ο πρόεδρος του ΣΥΝ Αλ. Τσίπρας τάχθηκε υπέρ της διαμόρφωσης μιας αριστερής πλειοψηφίας κατά του Μνημονίου αλλά και υπέρ της αποσαφήνισης των σχέσεων εντός του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ.-

~ «Μορατόριουμ ενός έτους για να επιτευχθούν οι στόχοι»
Συγκρότηση τριμερούς επιτροπής που θα ετοιμάζει τα νομοσχέδια, αποφάσισε το Πολιτικό Συμβούλιο του ΠΑΣΟΚ. «Μορατόριουμ ενός έτους για να επιτευχθούν οι εθνικοί στόχοι», ζήτησε από τα κομματικά στελέχη ο Γ. Παπανδρέου. -

~ Σοβαρός τραυματισμός αστυνομικού
Στο 401 στρατιωτικό νοσοκομείο μεταφέρθηκε αστυνομικός των ΜΑΤ
, που τραυματίσθηκε ενώ εκτελούσε περιπολία στα Εξάρχεια, όταν για άγνωστο λόγο εξερράγη χειροβομβίδα κρότου λάμψης που έφερε στη ζώνη του.-

~ Διαδήλωση στην Ιρλανδία για τη σκληρή λιτότητα
Στους δρόμους βγήκαν χιλιάδες Ιρλανδοί, στο κέντρο του Δουβλίνου
, προκειμένου να διαδηλώσουν κατά του προγράμματος σκληρής λιτότητας της κυβέρνησης, παράλληλα με την ένταξη της χώρας στο μηχανισμό στήριξης ΕΕ- ΔΝΤ.-

~ Στην τελική ευθεία η αναδιάρθρωση του ΟΑΣΑ
Το σχέδιο για την αναδιάρθρωση του ΟΑΣΑ, που προβλέπει συγχώνευση επιχειρήσεων
και μετατάξεις, αναμένεται να είναι έτοιμο μέσα στις επόμενες 15 ημέρες, όπως προκύπτει μετά τη συνάντηση του Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου και του Δ. Ρέππα. -

~ Χαιρετισμοί Παπαρήγα και Τσίπρα στο συνέδριο του ΑΚΕΛ
Η γγ του ΚΚΕ, Αλέκα Παπαρήγα και ο πρόεδρος του ΣΥΝ, Αλέξης Τσίπρας
, εξέφρασαν την αλληλεγγύη τους στις προσπάθειες για μία βιώσιμη λύση του Κυπριακού, κατά τους χαιρετισμούς τους στο 21ο Συνέδριο του ΑΚΕΛ.-

~ Νέα παράταση στην εξεταστική για τη Siemens
Στοχεύοντας στην μέγιστη δυνατή συναίνεση
, η εξεταστική επιτροπή της Βουλής για την υπόθεση της Siemens, προσανατολίζεται σε παράταση λίγων ακόμη ημερών, σχετικά με την σύνταξη του τελικού πορίσματος. -

~ Τροπολογία για παράταση της ρύθμισης για τους ημιυπαίθριους
Με τροπολογία, που κατατέθηκε στη Βουλή
, παρατείνεται ως τις 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2010 η προθεσμία υποβολής με συστημένη επιστολή στην πολεοδομία, των δικαιολογητικών για τη διατήρηση χώρων που άλλαξαν χρήση (ημιυπάιθριοι κλπ).-

~ «Όχι» συνεκμετάλλευση πετρελαίου του Αιγαίου
Ο πρωθυπουργός επανέλαβε από το βήμα της Βουλής
ότι δεν τίθεται θέμα συνεκμετάλλευσης με την Τουρκία ενεργειακών πόρων στο Αιγαίο, απαντώντας σε επίκαιρη ερώτηση του Γ. Καρατζαφέρη, αν υπάρχουν επί του θέματος μυστικές συνομιλίες. -

~ Μήνυμα Σαμαρά προς πάσα κατεύθυνση
«Δεν θα είμαστε συνένοχοι στην αδιέξοδη πολιτική της κυβέρνησης, προσφέρουμε συναίνεση μόνο για να μπει η χώρα στη φάση της ανάκαμψης, τίποτε λιγότερο», ξεκαθάρισε ο Α. Σαμαράς, μιλώντας στην Κοινοβουλευτική Ομάδα του κόμματος. -

~ Ευρύτατες αλλαγές στο Δημόσιο τομέα
Η αναδιάρθρωση του ΟΣΕ και των αστικών συγκοινωνιών
, καθώς και η μελέτη ομαδοποίησης των περιφερειακών αεροδρομίων της χώρας συζητήθηκαν στην, υπό την προεδρία του πρωθυπουργού, συνεδρίαση του υπουργικού συμβουλίου.-

~ Αναφορές Γκρούεφσκι για το θέμα της ονομασίας
Το θέμα της ονομασίας είναι ουσιαστικά θέμα ταυτότητας
, δήλωσε ο πρωθυπουργός της ΠΓΔΜ ενώπιον της σκοπιανής Βουλής, ενώ η αντιπολίτευση κατηγόρησε την κυβέρνηση Γκρούεφσκι για τα ζητήματα ταυτότητας που ανέκυψαν πρόσφατα.-

1.-!/?ref=home , 434 ΦίλοιΠροβολή Όλων , και 360 αγαπημένες σελίδες μου .- , ΑΡΦΑΡΑ-ΜΕΣΣΗΝΙΑΣ 2010.- , Η ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ ΕΝΟΣ ΧΩΡΙΟΥ , ΑΡΦΑΡΑ - ΜΕΣΣΗΝΙΑΣ 2010 .-
2.-!/profile.php?id=1037492258 , Σταμάτης Σκούλικας (2) .- 343 Φίλοι Προβολή , Όλων & 224 αγαπημένες σελίδες μου .-
** , ( Αναγνώστες (75)) , ΣΤΑΜΟΣ - Αρφαρά - ΕΛΛΑΔΑ .- , { 89 } Αναγνώστες Βλάσης .- (15).- ( , αναγνώστες 23) .- Stamos - Δύναμη , Arfara - Μεσσηνίας .- (62) , Αρφαρά - Μεσσηνίας 2 .- (24).- , Αρφαρά - Μεσσηνίας 1 - FOTOS .- (25).-αναγνώστες (17).- , (29) bloggers asteras arfaron , Η Ιστορία του χωριού μας Αρφαρά - Καλαμάτας - Μεσσηνίας .- , Στάμος 264 ΦίλοιΠροβολή Όλων , και 348 αγαπημένες σελίδες μου .- , ( αναγνώστες 24).- , 2738 φίλοι , 1078 μέλη σέ έχουν φίλο , ... ... Σταμάτιος Ν. Skoulikas Αρφαρά - Μεσσηνίας 2010 .-
*** facebook : 346 Φίλοι Προβολή , Όλων & 226 αγαπημένες σελίδες μου .- - & 264 ΦίλοιΠροβολή Όλων , και 348 αγαπημένες σελίδες μου .-
** , 285 βίντεο .-

~** ΟΙ σκέψεις ενός νέου κοριτσιού στα 16 χρόνια του !! : «Μαμά, δε έχει νόημα» ήταν τα λόγια της μέσα από τους λυγμούς της «δεν έχει νόημα η προσπάθεια, ούτε θέλω να γίνω οδοντίατρος, αφού θα ναι μόνο οι τέσσερις τοίχοι κι εγώ, ούτε να κάνω παιδιά γιατί τα λυπάμαι ήδη! Φοβάμαι».Πρόκειται για ένα κορίτσι γεμάτο ζωντάνια, που κάνει όνειρα για το μέλλον, που διαβάζει, ενημερώνεται, συμμετέχει, ερωτεύεται, κουτσομπολεύει, βάφεται, χορεύει, φλερτάρει, κάνει λάθη, μαθαίνει, μεγαλώνει, σκέφτεται...σκέφτεται.. και τώρα να τι σκέφτεται!!!!Είναι η κόρη μου, μόνο 16 χρονών! ΚΑΤΑΡΑΜΕΝΟΙ να ναι όλοι αυτοί που...


** Stamatios, you have a public message from MOTIVO DE TUZANTLA! ----------------------------------------------- Subject: Saludos queridos amigos!!! Click here to read the message: .-

~**MOTIVO DE TUZANTLA invites you to the event: "Dia internacional del Motociclista"
Will you attend?
When: Sunday 5 of December at 10:00hs Where: Ciudad Azteca Ecatepec, Mexico, Mexico ..

** MOTIVO DE TUZANTLA invites you to the event: "Festival de la Radio "La voladora" 91.3"
Will you attend?
When: Saturday 27 of November at 19:00hs Where: Centro de Ozumba Estado de México Amecameca, Mexico, Mexico

~** Ο/Η Kavvadias Stelios έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του ΥΠΟΒΡΙΧΕΙΑ ME BYRA KAI JACK DANIELS.

Kavvadias SteliosNovember 27, 2010 at 1:07pm
Θέμα: add profil
Kavvadias Stelios


Ayn Rand asserts that since men are born tabula rasa, both cognitively and morally, a rational man regards strangers as innocent until proved guilty, and grants them that initial good will in the name of their human potential. After that, he judges them according to the moral character they have actualized. If he finds them guilty of major evils, his good will is replaced by contempt and moral condemnation. (If one values human life, one cannot value its destroyers.) If he finds them to be virtuous, he grants them personal, individual value and appreciation, in proportion to their virtues.Nevertheless, the irrational Greek government assumes dissident bloggers guilty of everything gone wrong under heaven! Freakish Graecokleptocrats accuse dissident bloggers of treason, confiscate their computers, and lock them is jail! Graecokleptocrats are the #1 enemy of the Greek people. Kleptocracy, perjury, and police brutality are galloping in Greece, but Premier George Papandreou speaks no evil, hears no evil, and sees no evil. Selective hearing is a symptom of the cancer of socialism!The Greek Ministry of Justice is a euphemism for the Greek Ministry of Injustice, aka Kangaroo Ministry! It's justice proceeding by leaps, like a kangaroo. Graecokleptocrats enjoy impunity, whereas citizens suffer from perjury. Police thugs are the main perjurers. Public prosecutors pick up either very easy targets of poor people who cannot afford defense to justify a quota system or very large targets to get publicity, in order to develop a political career. There is no independence of justice in Greece, and perjurers are dime a dozen.The huge Greek judiciary corruption complements the huge political corruption. Extrajudicial rings of judges, clergy, and kleptocrats manipulate the Greek justice system. Many judges have been found guilty for participating in trial-fixing rackets and sentenced to many months of imprisonment. Judge Antonia Ilia got eighty months, judge Panagiota Tsevis got sixty months, and judge Anna Korovessi got thirteen months.Netizens cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and cybercops. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of a heroic dissident, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf!The innocent dissident had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by a stupid minister. Is Premier Papandreou proud of her? The Greek government has neither restituted nor apologized yet for this freakish behavior. On the contrary, the dissident is still tortured with courts, perjurers, and freakish accusations such as treason! American patriot Patrick Henry famously said that if this be treason, make the most of it!Greece's criminal justice system is very slow and ineffective, losing files and protecting kleptocracy and police brutality. The European Court of Justice has ruled against Greece myriad times in cases related to the terrible Greek judiciary. For many years, there have been substantial loopholes of Greek laws. The judiciary systematically covers up corruption cases the minute they involve civil servants or kleptocrats. Lesmiserables syndrome is the prosecution of a minor infraction which catalyzes a series of major infractions. Innocent people suffer from lesmiserables syndrome, whereas kleptocrats enjoy impunity. Jails are full of lesmiserables, an injustice which will result in a global revolt against kleptocrats. There is an elasticity limit to how much abuse innocent people could tolerate. On a clear day, xasteria, lesmiserables and taxstrucks will take their guns and shoot all kleptocrats they could find. Lesmiserables do not need misereres, but guns. We've reached the limit of elasticity, and now is the time to revolt.Every day, new laws are created that make the yoke on citizens much heavier. Every new law is a new constraint on activity. This cannot go forever. Eventually people will revolt. To make it in life, you have to take risks. But this shakes the status quo of kleptocrats, who might send you to jail! Kleptocrats want you to live a monotonous boring life, enslaved to kleptocratic wishes, under the statist yoke. But this kind of life is not worth living.What fact of reality gave rise to the concept "justice"? The fact that man must draw conclusions about the things, people and events around him, i.e., must judge and evaluate them. Is his judgment automatically right? No. What causes his judgment to be wrong? The lack of sufficient evidence, or his evasion of the evidence, or his inclusion of considerations other than the facts of the case. How, then, is he to arrive at the right judgment? By basing it exclusively on the factual evidence and by considering all the relevant evidence available. But isn't this a description of "objectivity"? Yes, "objective judgment" is one of the wider categories to which the concept "justice" belongs. What distinguishes "justice" from other instances of objective judgment? When one evaluates the nature or actions of inanimate objects, the criterion of judgment is determined by the particular purpose for which one evaluates them. But how does one determine a criterion for evaluating the character and actions of men, in view of the fact that men possess the faculty of volition? What science can provide an objective criterion of evaluation in regard to volitional matters? Ethics. Now, do I need a concept to designate the act of judging a man's character and/or actions exclusively on the basis of all the factual evidence available, and of evaluating it by means of an objective moral criterion? Yes. That concept is "justice."

~** Γεια σας, Stamatios,
Ο Δημήτρης Τσαμπάς προτείνει να προσθέσετε τον ΝΕΑ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ Τ.Ο ΧΑΛΚΙΔΑΣ ως φίλο στο Facebook.
Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook

**MONAXOS ο Αγειορίτης Παίσιος: Σρατιώτης Αρσέ...
Ο Παίσιος στο Αγιο Ορος
Χειρόγραφο του ΠαίσιουΟ Παίσιος νέος μοναχός
Ο Παίσιος Οι γονείς του Παίσιου Ο Παίσιος στρατιώτης Ο Παίσιος στρατιώτης Αναφερόμενοι στα πολεμικά και άλλα γεγονότα τού εμφυλίου σπαραγμού στόν τόπο μας μετά το τέλος τής Κατοχής, αξίζει νά σημειώσουμε τήν παρουσία στην Αρ...

Διαβάστε και αυτό:
Παρακαλώ, κοινοποιήσατε σε όλους γνωστούς και αγνώστους, πως την Τετάρτη 1η του Δεκέμβρη ώρα 12 το μεσημέρι ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης, στην αίθουσα διαλέξεων του ιδρύματος Μιχάλης Κακογιάννης θα αναγγείλει την ίδρυση Κινήματος Ανεξάρτητων Πολιτών. - Θα είμαι οπωσδήποτε εκεί.- Ευαγγελάτος Γεώργιος.

1843: Mαθήματα ιστορίας από το 1ο Μνημόνιο της Ελλάδας
Το καλοκαίρι του 1843, η Ελλάδα έπρεπε να αποπληρώσει στην τραπεζική ελίτ της Ευρώπη χρεολύσια και τόκους δανείων που είχε λάβει τα προηγούμενα χρόνια. Δυστυχώς, πέρα από τους επαχθείς όρους των δανείων αυτών, τα χρήματα δεν είχαν διοχετευθεί ώστε να δημιουργηθούν υποδομές που θα βοηθούσαν την κατεστραμμένη ελληνική οικονομία, αλλά είχαν σπαταληθεί στους εμφυλίους της επανάστασης, στο παλάτι και στους Βαυαρούς συμβούλους. Οι τόκοι που έπρεπε να καταβάλλονται κάθε χρόνο ήταν 7 εκατομμύρια δραχμές και ισοδυναμούσαν με το μισό των συνολικών εσόδων του ελληνικού κράτους που έφταναν μετά βίας τα 14 εκατομμύρια ετησίως. Προκειμένου να συγκεντρωθούν τα χρήματα για την αποπληρωμή των τόκων και κάτω από την πίεση των κυρώσεων η κυβέρνηση έλαβε μέτρα λιτότητας την άνοιξη του 1843 τα οποία όμως φάνηκε πως δεν απέδιδαν και ότι δε θα ήταν αρκετά για να συγκεντρωθεί το απαιτούμενο κεφάλαιο και έτσι τον Ιούνιο του 1843 η ελληνική κυβέρνηση ενημερώνει τις ξένες κυβερνήσεις ότι αδυνατεί να καταβάλει το ποσό που χρωστάει και ζητά νέο δάνειο από τις μεγάλες δυνάμεις, ώστε να αποπληρώσει τα παλιά.
Αυτές αρνούνται κατηγορηματικά και αντί να εγκρίνουν νέο δάνειο, εκπρόσωποι των τριών μεγάλων δυνάμεων (Αγγλία-Γαλλία-Ρωσία) κάνουν μια διάσκεψη στο Λονδίνο για το ελληνικό χρέος και καταλήγουν σε καταδικαστικό πρωτόκολλο. Οι πρεσβευτές των μεγάλων δυνάμεων με το πρωτόκολλο στο χέρι, παρουσιάζονται στην ελληνική κυβέρνηση και απαιτούν την ικανοποίηση του. Αρχίζουν διαπραγματεύσεις ανάμεσα στα δύο μέρη και μετά από έναν μήνα υπογράφουν μνημόνιο, σύμφωνα με το οποίο η Ελλάδα έπρεπε να πάρει μέτρα ώστε να εξοικονομήσει υπέρ των δανειστών της μέσα στους επόμενους μήνες το αστρονομικό ποσό των 3,6 εκατομμυρίων δραχμών.
Προκειμένου να εξασφαλίσουν ότι το μνημόνιο θα εφαρμοστεί κατά γράμμα, οι πρεσβευτές απαιτούν να παραβρίσκονται στις συνεδριάσεις του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου που θα εγκρίνει τα μέτρα και να παίρνουν ανά μήνα λεπτομερή κατάσταση της πορείας εφαρμογής τους αλλά και των ποσών που εισπράττονται.
Τα βασικά μέτρα που επέβαλε η κυβέρνηση μέσα στο 1843 σε εφαρμογή του τότε μνημονίου ήταν τα ακόλουθα:
1. Απολύθηκε το ένα τρίτο των Δημοσίων υπαλλήλων και μειώθηκαν κατά 20% οι μισθοί όσων παρέμειναν.
2. Σταμάτησε η χορήγηση συντάξεων, που τότε δεν δίνονταν στο σύνολο του πληθυσμού αλλά σε ειδικές κατηγορίες.
3. Μειώθηκαν κατά 60% οι στρατιωτικές δαπάνες, μειώθηκε δραστικά ο αριθμός των ένστολων και αντί για μισθό οι στρατιωτικοί έπαιρναν χωράφια.
4. Επιβλήθηκε προκαταβολή στην είσπραξη του φόρου εισοδήματος και της "δεκάτης", που ήταν ο φόρος για την αγροτική παραγωγή.
5. Αυξήθηκαν οι δασμοί και οι φόροι χαρτοσήμου.
6. Απολύθηκαν όλοι οι μηχανικοί του Δημοσίου και σταμάτησαν όλατα δημόσια έργα.
7. Καταργήθηκαν εντελώς όλες οι υγειονομικές υπηρεσίες του κράτους.
8. Απολύθηκαν όλοι οι υπάλληλοι του εθνικού τυπογραφείου, όλοι οι δασονόμοι, οι δασικοίυπάλληλοι και οι μισοί καθηγητές πανεπιστημίου.
9. Καταργήθηκαν όλες οι διπλωματικές αποστολές στο εξωτερικό.
10. Νομιμοποιήθηκαν όλα τα αυθαίρετα κτίσματα και οι καταπατημένες "εθνικές γαίες"με την πληρωμή προστίμων νομιμοποίησης.
11. Περαιώθηκαν συνοπτικά όλες οι εκκρεμείς φορολογικές υποθέσεις με την καταβολή εφάπαξ ποσού.
Το αποτέλεσμα των εξαιρετικά σκληρών αυτών μέτρων ήταν οι δανειστές να πάρουν, όντως, ένα μέρος των χρημάτων τους αλλά η χώρα να οδηγηθεί σε μία βαθιά και πολυετή ύφεση η οποία οδήγησε στην εξαθλίωση μεγάλου τμήματος του πληθυσμού. Πάντως, το συγκεκριμένο μνημόνιο του 1843, θεωρείται από πολλούς ιστορικούς μία από τις σοβαρότερες αφορμές για το ξέσπασμα της επανάστασης της 3ης Σεπτέμβρη 1843, που έφερε Σύνταγμα στη χώρα.
(ευχαριστώ για τις πολύτιμες πληροφορίες και την καταλυτική συμβολή της στη συγγραφή του άρθρου την κα Μάρθα ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, διδάκτωρ Ιστορίας).
Πάνος Παναγιώτουχρηματιστηριακός τεχνικός ανάλυτής

**Ο/Η Savvidis Stavrosb έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Savvidis Stavros FAN CLUB.

Savvidis StavrosbNovember 27, 2010 at 10:47am

** Communauté des Hellènes likes CHANTEURS & MUSICIENS GRECS EN FRANCE on Facebook and suggests you like it too. Για να δείτε περισσότερες πληροφορίες και να επιβεβαιώσετε αυτή την πρόσκληση, ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο: Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook

**Ο/Η Demetris Terpizis έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Club FACES.

Demetris TerpizisNovember 27, 2010 at 12:19am
Θέμα: TAKESHY KUROSAWA fashion Party @ FACES CLUB SAT 27 NOV!/event.php?eid=141844749200983

O βαλυραίος φωτορεπόρτερ τράκαρε με γάιδαρο στη Τρίοδο!Έχουμε τονίσει πολλάκις ότι η 7η επαρχιακή οδός Μεσσήνης-Βαλύρας εγκυμονεί κινδύνους για τους διερχόμενους οδηγούς, καθώς τα τροχοφόρα έχουν πολλαπλασιασθεί και συχνά έχουν συμβεί πολλά τροχαία δυστυχήματα και με ζώα. Την Παρασκευή το βράδυ ο γνωστός φωτορεπόρτερ Λουίς Ντουρά στο δρόμο της επιστροφής για την γενέτειρά του, στο ύψος του χωριού Τρίοδος τράκαρε με γάιδαρο, ο οποίος πετάχτηκε ξαφνικά μπροστά του. Αποτέλεσμα της σύγκρουσης ήταν το αυτοκίνητό του να υποστεί υλικές ζημιές, αλλά ευτυχώς είχε «άγιο» και δεν τραυματίστηκε σοβαρά…

** Κανένας μας δεν πρέπει , να αμφισβητεί τη θρησκευτική ελευθερία του οποιουδήποτε .- Δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ ότι μπορεί να υπάρχει άνθρωπος λογικός ή άλογος , που να θέλει να επιβάλλει στον άλλον τις δικές του θρησκευτικές ή άλλες απόψεις .- Η θρησκευτική ελευθερία είναι ένα θεμελιώδες δικαίωμα , απόλυτα σεβαστό σε μια δημοκρατική κοινωνία .- Η Πίστης , η ή απιστία , δεν παύει να είναι αυστηρά προσωπική υπόθεση του καθενός .- Είναι όμως αδιανόητο να φτάνουμε στο άλλο άκρο κι έτσι να φαλκιδεύουμε αντιθέτως τη θρησκευτική ελευθερία των άλλων πολιτών .- ( Ευάγγελος Κρουσταλάκης ).-

** Η θεώρηση της φύσης χαρίζει μια πρόγευση της ουρανίου ευδαιμονίας , μια διαρκή χαρά της ψυχής και μια αρχή για το πλήρες ξεδίψασμά της , που θα είναι η υψηλότερα κορυφή της ανθρώπινης ευτυχίας .- Όσο συμμετέχει σε αυτό η ψυχή , τόσο ξυπνά από μια βαθιά νάρκη που βαδίζει στο φως , λησμονεί τον εαυτόν της και οδηγεί τη ζωή της σε μια ουράνια γη ή σε ένα επίγειο ουρανό .( Κάραλος Λιναίος ).-

** Η θέληση του θεού, είναι τα σώματα μας , να απορρίπτονται , όταν η ψυχή πρόκειται να εισέλθει στην αληθινή ζωή . – Η ύπαρξή μας επί της γης μόλις αξίζει το όνομα ζωή …Γιατί λοιπόν να μη χαιρόμαστε , όταν ένα νέο άτομο καλείται στην αιωνιότητα , να γίνει μέλος της ευτυχισμένης κοινωνίας των αθανάτων; (Βενιαμίν Φραγκλίνος).-

**Ο ήλιος φωτίζει τα σώματα τα , η δε σοφία τις ψυχές .Ο κόσμος είναι ένα ανάκτορο της σοφίας του Υψίστου . Ο Θεός άναψε κάθε μία ψυχή με το δικό του πυρ . Έτσι λάμπουν όλοι οι άνθρωποι με τη σοφία του σε αυτό το θέατρο , όπως ο Θεός τους έπλασε .-Μερικούς τους έκανε μεγάλα φώτα , σε άλλους μικρά.-(Κάρλος Λιναίος ) .-

** Λέγεται , ότι η ενθύμηση του θανάτου , φοβίζει , απογοητεύει τον άνθρωπο , και το κάμνει αδρανή . ( Βενιαμίν Φραγκλίνος ).-

** Πρέπει το όνειρο , που ονομάζουμε ζωή , να είναι γλυκύτερο .Να είναι πρόγευση της αληθινής ζωής στην καθ΄ αυτό πατρίδα μας , στην οποία το ζων πνεύμα δεν θα φέρει την άλυσι του σώματος , την σκευοθήκη του χώρου , την μάστιγα των γήινων πόνων και όπου δεν θα το πιέζουν οι πειρασμοί των πολύ μικρών μας αναγκών και επιθυμιών . Ας φέρουμε με θάρρος και χωρίς γογγυσμό το φορτίο μέχρι τέλους χωρίς να λησμονούμε καθόλου εκείνον τον υψηλότερο σκοπό . Θα είμαστε γεμάτοι χαρά , όταν θα σημάνουν οι τελευταίες ΄ώρες της ζωής μας , για να αποθέσουμε το φορτίο και να βλέπουμε να φεύγει από επάνω μας κάθε τι το φθαρτό .-(Κάρολος Γκάους ).-

** Όταν γελάς , διακινδυνεύεις να περάσεις για ηλίθιος , Όταν κλαις , κινδυνεύεις να περάσεις για συναισθηματικός , Όταν ανοίγεσαι στους άλλους , κινδυνεύεις να μπλεχτείς , Όταν δεχθείς τα συναισθήματά σου , κινδυνεύεις να αποκαλύψεις την ανθρωπιά σου , Όταν εκθέτεις τις ιδέες και τα όνειρα σου στον κόσμο , κινδυνεύεις να τα χάσεις ,Όταν αγαπάς , κινδυνεύεις να μην έχεις ανταπόκριση η αγάπη σου , Όταν ελπίζεις , κινδυνεύεις να πονέσεις , Και όταν δοκιμάζεις , κινδυνεύεις να αποτύχεις .- Μόνο ο άνθρωπος που ρισκάρει είναι ελεύθερος .- Το να κρατάς κρυμμένο τον εαυτό σου , να τον χάνεις με τις αυτομειωτικές σου ιδέες , είναι Θάνατος .- Η μεγαλύτερη υποχρέωση σου είναι να γίνεις όλα όσα είσαι όχι μόνο για δικό σου όφελος , αλλά και για όφελος του άλλου. [ Λεό Μπουσκαλία.- Να ζεις ή να μη ζεις.- ]

**Ο ιδανικός δάσκαλος είναι εκείνος που γίνεται γέφυρα για να περάσει στην αντίπερα όχθη ο μαθητής του κι όταν πια του έχει διευκολύνει το πέρασμα , αφήνεται χαρούμενα να γκρεμιστεί , ενθαρρύνοντας το μαθητή του να φτιάξει δικές του γέφυρες .-(Νίκος Καζαντζάκης). -

**Ένας άνθρωπος με πολύπλευρο ταλέντο είναι: δάσκαλος , μαθητής , συγγραφέας, αναγνώστης , ομιλητής , ακροατής . χωρίς να παραμερίζει την διδασκαλία .- Ξέρεται , πως δεν πιστεύω ότι έχει καταφέρει ποτέ κανείς να διδάξει τίποτε σε κανέναν .-Αμφισβητώ την αποτελεσματικότητα της διδασκαλίας .- Το μόνο που ξέρω είναι ότι όποιος θέλει να μάθει θα μάθει .- Και ίσως ο δάσκαλος είναι ένας διευκολυντής , κάποιος που απλώνει τα πράγματα μπροστά στους άλλους και τους λέει πόσο ενδιαφέρον και υπέροχο είναι αυτό και τους προσκαλεί να φάνε .- (Κάρλς Ρόντζερς ).-

**Σάββατο, 27 Νοεμβρίου 2010

Ο Κύριος αναζητά κτίστες, όχι καταστροφείς!
Σ’ αυτά τα λόγια συμπυκνώνονται όλες οι προσπάθειες που πρέπει να καταβάλλουμε εδώ στη γη, στη χοϊκή γη και με το χοϊκό, φυσικό σώμα μας. Τί νόημα πρέπει να έχει ο μόχθος μας, που ν’ αποσκοπεί; Στην απόκτηση δύο συνηθειών: πρώτον, ν’ αποφεύγουμε το κακό και δεύτερον, να κάνουμε το καλό. Σχετικά με το τί είναι καλό και τί κακό μας πληροφορεί μεν η συνείδησή μας, εν μέρει όμως και όχι ξεκάθαρα, διότι είναι σκοτισμένη από την αμαρτία· απεναντίας η διδασκαλία του Χριστού μας μιλάει πλήρως και ολοκάθαρα γι’ αυτό που είναι καλό και αυτό που είναι κακό. Αδελφοί, τί ζητά από εμάς ο Χριστός μας; Μας ζητά, όπωςτο ιερό των εκκλησιών μας στρέφεται πάντοτε προς την ανατολή, έτσι και οι ψυχές μας να στρέφονται πάντοτε προς το καλό. Να αφήνουμε πίσω μας το κακό ν’ αφήνουμε το κακό πίσω στις σκιές ν’ αφήνουμε το κακό στην άβυσσο της λήθης ν’ αφήνουμε το κακό στο σκοτάδι του παρελθόντος· να επεκτείνουμε τον εαυτό μας προς το καλό· να σκεπτόμαστε το καλό, να λαχταράμε το καλό, να μιλούμε για το καλό, να πράττουμε το καλό. Ο Κύριος αναζητά κτίστες, όχι καταστροφείς. Εκείνος ο οποίος κτίζει το καλό, ταυτοχρόνως με την ίδια πράξη καταστρέφει το κακό. Αλλά όποιος πάει να καταστρέψει το κακό, σύντομα λησμονά πως να οικοδομεί το καλό και μεταμορφώνεται σε κακοποιό.Ο απόστολος του Χριστού μας διδάσκει: Μισείτε το κακό και προσκολλάστε στο καλό (Ρωμ. 12:9). Μισείτε το κακό, αλλά μη μισείτε τον άνθρωπο ο οποίος διαπράττει το κακό, διότι αυτός είναι ασθενής. Αν μπορείτε ας θεραπεύσετε τον άρρωστο άνθρωπο, άλλα μη τον σκοτώσετε με το μίσος σας. Προσκολληθείτε στο καλό και μόνο σ’ αυτό, διότι το καλό πηγάζει από το Θεό και Αυτός είναι η Κιβωτός κάθε καλού.Ω, Αγαθέ και Πολυεύσπλαχνε Κύριε, δίδαξε μας ν’ αποφεύγουμε το κακό και να πράττουμε το αγαθό για χάρη της δίκης Σου δόξας και της δικής μας σωτηρίας.Γιατί σου ανήκει κάθε δόξα, τιμή και προσκύνηση στους αιώνες. Αμήν.
Αναρτήθηκε από FLOGA ΚΥΡΙΟΥ


Τρίτη 23 Νοεμβρίου 2010

Αυτοί που μας γράφουν 23/11/2010 *

Αυτοί που μας γράφουν 23/11/2010 :



~** , Παρασκευή, 19 Νοεμβρίου 2010 Λίγα απ΄ όλα ...Λιγό - λογα ...χθές και σήμερα 19/11/2010
~** , Σάββατο, 20 Νοεμβρίου 2010 Σήμερα - Αύριο ...Γράφοντες ...και ...Αντιγράφοντες 20/11/2010
~** , Κυριακή, 21 Νοεμβρίου 2010 .. ΜΕΤΑΝΟΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΞΟΜΟΛΟΓΗΣΗ 21/11/2010
~** , Δευτέρα, 22 Νοεμβρίου 2010 ..Καθαρά και ξάστερα ...σήμερα Δευτέρα 22/11/2010
** , Δευτέρα, 22 Νοεμβρίου 2010 Ένα μωρό έρχεται στη ζωή μας 22/11/2010* Ένα μωρό έρχεται στη ζωή μας 22/11/2010

** Αυτοί που μας θυμούνται ....μας γράφουν και σας τα γράφουμε :

Politicians are trying to take away your right to read what you want, and to say what you want. The Internet is making it possible for new voices to be heard, the voices of people who simply could not afford to publish their ideas or display their artistic talents to a wide audience using older technologies. Established interests of both the left and the right fear new voices, and are trying to control what appears on the Internet through new laws and regulations.The Ministry of Truth or Minitrue in Newspeak was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by government to control information in his seminal novel of 1984. Now, governments have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they will have a virtual monopoly on information that the public is able to access. But there is no way Minitrue can gag the internet. Even mainstream media, Fourth Estate, have praised bloggers as the Fifth Estate. Clergy is the First Estate, nobility is the Second Estate, and commoners are the Third Estate.Nevertheless, the Greek government is a major bully of the internet, confiscating the computers of dissident bloggers and locking them in jail. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of the heroic dissident who discovered most scandals of the 300 Graecokleptocrats, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! Starting with no money, no backers, and no affiliation with elite institutions, the internet made it possible for hoi polloi to succeed by making knowledge accessible and searchable on a scale never previously available. The intellectual playing field was being leveled and the internet changed the way we think about the very real possibility of fairness and opportunity in a world that has for too long been rigged to favor the elite.Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth, are trying to gag dissident bloggers, manipulating the Cyber Crimes Unit(CCU), aka Cyber Crypt Ursines. Graecokleptocrats have discovered that CCU is the best political tool, able and willing to destroy their opponents. That's why an influential dissident blogger would normally wait for police thugs to eventually confiscate his computer before he buys a new model!All arguments for controlling internet are essentially themselves fraudulent and are in reality being exploited by those who favor big government and state control. The anonymity and low cost nature of the internet means that it can be used to express views that are unpopular or unconventional, which is its strength. It is sometimes used for criminal behavior because it is a mechanism, not because there is something intrinsic in it that makes it a choice of wrongdoers.Before internet existed, fraud was carried out through the postal service and over the telephone. Pornography circulated freely by other means. As for the security argument, the few actual terrorists who use the internet do so because it is there and it is accessible. If it did not exist, they would find other ways to communicate, just as they did in pre-internet days. In fact, intelligence sources report that internet use by terrorists is rare because of persistent government monitoring of the websites.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to

Kleptocrats in USA are penalized, whereas kleptocrats in Greece enjoy impunity. Since democracy has been transformed to kleptocracy, we have to bypass the rotten system and deal in the underground economy. We could barter, evade VAT and all kind of taxes, ignore all licenses, and become untraceable.Amerikleptocrat Charles Rangel, a leader of Democrats, was convicted on Tuesday by the Prliament of Whores of ethics violations. An eight-member congressional panel found Rangel, 80, guilty of 11 counts. Rangel resigned in March as chairman of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee after being admonished in an unrelated case for corporate-sponsored trips in violation of House gift rules. Another prominent House Democrat, Maxine Waters of California, is set to go on trial before a House ethics panel on November 29. Waters, a member of the Financial Services Committee, is charged with improperly helping a bank where her husband has an investment.The fact that two top Democrats are to face trials within two weeks is embarrassing for their party. Rangel was the first House member to face a public ethics trial in Congress since Democratic Representative James Traficant in 2002. Traficant was expelled from Congress after being convicted in a federal court of bribery and racketeering.Greeks, robbed at gunpoint by Graecokleptocrats, survive by schemes, fraud, sinecures, and mugging each other. Rousfeti means expensive political favors, which pervade everything from hiring public employees to property deals. Tax evaders and law breakers receive visits from officials eager to collect kickbacks. In return for leaving the guilty untouched, officials receive fakelaki, envelope containing bribe in cash. The standard rate for kickbacks is 10% of the forfeited penalty. Desperate Greeks now pray for a new dictatorship! Allons enfants de la Grece!Gregory means fast in Greek. Gregory's tax is fakelaki for fast service. Without it, you will wait forever! All Athenians know very well that without Gregory they will have to wait many months before a state IKA physician could see them. If you want a surgery, you will have to give the IKA surgeon at least 5,000 euros kickback, that beloved Gregory! The surgeon would ask you how is Gregory. If you do not present Gregory, you will have to come back to IKA months later to answer the same question. If Gregory is not fat enough, the IKA surgeon might pseudoforget his scissors inside you! Allons enfants de la Grece!Beyond the unprecedented mandates, new taxes, massive entitlement expansion, unworkable and costly insurance provisions, and its failure to control costs, new laws concentrate enormous power to kleptocrats. It creates a giant network for the government micromanagement of health plans, benefits, insurance markets, and unprecedented intervention into all services.The early result is a veritable flood of controversial rules and regulations, administrative decisions, and guidelines directly affecting the lives of all citizens. This regulatory regime, administered by unelected bureaucrats, is even more onerous because of the fundamental flaws of the hastily enacted legislation itself, including undefined provisions and unrealistic timeliness. Those with the knowledge, access, and influence with kleptocrats obtain more exemptions than those who are not so fortunate. Greece, the cradle of kleptocracy, is the most corrupt country on Earth. Abolishing kleptocracy in modern Greece will prove even more futile than the famous search by Diogenes for an honest man in Ancient Greece. Greece is George Orwell's Dystopia with the four infamous ministries, Minitrue(Education), Miniluv(Police), Miniplenty(Economy), and Minipax(Defense).On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of the heroic dissident who discovered most scandals of the 300 Graecokleptocrats, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! From San Fransisco to Athens, from Sidney to Salonica, we must resist police violence, brutality, and terrorism in all its forms, as well as the system that necessitates it. We must stand together in solidarity against the uniformed and armed thugs of the State, and in solidarity with those who choose to resist.Most importantly, we must choose to resist and take action where we are, in our own communities and contexts. The abuses of authority, control, and power are everywhere. Take action today in your own community. Hold `Know Your Rights' trainings, form a civilian review unit, or start a Copwatch chapter. Hold the police accountable for their actions and call them out on their crimes. Defend yourself, one another, and your neighborhoods. Cops, like the State they protect, are criminals and gangsters. They should be considered armed and dangerous.Wherever the State and its thugs kill, we must be prepared to respond. The uniformed criminal gang members known as police must know that we are watching them. They must know that if they kill us, there will be consequences. Real consequences, in the streets. We recognize that their laws are not on our side.-

Since the golden age of Greece, there has been only one era of reason in twenty-three centuries of Western philosophy. During the final decades of that era, the United States of America was created as an independent nation. This is the key to the country, to its nature, its development, and its uniqueness: the United States is the nation of the Enlightenment. But terrorist Islam might bring new Dark Ages, using EMP.James Carafano points out an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack represents the greatest threat imaginable to the whole world. An EMP occurs when a nuclear device is detonated high in the atmosphere. The electromagnetic discharge can permanently disable the electrical systems that run nearly all civilian and military infrastructures. An EMP attack on the West would produce unimaginable devastation. Communications would collapse, transportation would halt, and electrical power would be non-existent. Not even a global humanitarian effort would be enough to keep hundreds of millions of citizens from death by starvation, exposure, and lack of medicine. Nor would the catastrophe stop at the West. Without the Western economic engines, the world economy would quickly collapse. Most of the world's intellectual brain power would be lost as well. Earth would recede into new Dark Ages.Richard Weitz notes EMP is a high-intensity burst of electromagnetic energy caused by the rapid acceleration of charged particles. EMP is most often created from gamma rays emitted during a nuclear explosion. At altitudes between 40 to 400 kilometers, these gamma rays produce high-energy free electrons that give rise to an oscillating electric current that destroys electronic equipment. The direct effects are due to electromagnetic shocking of electronics and the stressing of electrical systems. Indirect effects include the cascading damage that occurs because of these shocked, damaged, and destroyed electronics and electronic systems that are embedded in critical infrastructure. These indirect effects can be even more severe than the direct effects. For example, surges might simultaneously cause electrical fires and incapacitate traffic control and emergency dispatch systems. In turn, responders will be unable to respond to resulting mass fires.The answer to terrorist Islam is better intelligence, improved international cooperation, and limited use of Special Forces, drones, and other limited means. In fact, intervention and war make terrorism more likely. As the U.S. has expanded operations in Pakistan and Yemen and backed foreign African military forces in Somalia, those nations have become greater incubators of terrorism. Unfortunately, Washington appears to be creating terrorists faster than it can kill them.-


The Greek Ministry of Justice is a euphemism for the Greek Ministry of Injustice! Graecokleptocrats enjoy impunity, whereas citizens suffer from perjury. Police thugs, clergy, and judges are the main perjurers. Public prosecutors pick up either very easy targets of poor people who cannot afford defense to justify a quota system or very large targets to get publicity, in order to develop a political career. There is no independence of justice in Greece, and perjurers are dime a dozen.Tha latest court proceedings against an infamous perjury racket of judges and clergy lasted two years. The court declared guilty six of the seventeen defendants.Priest Jacob Giosakis was found guilty of complicity in criminal fraud committed by judge Antonia Ilia and money laundering. Giosakis was sentenced to ten years imprisonment.Lawyer Sakis Kehagioglou was sentenced to six years imprisonment on charges of money laundering and perjury.Fugitive judge Antonia Ilia was sentenced to a total prison sentence of eighty months for acts of misconduct and acts of silencing speech exception.Lawyer Nick Emmanouilidis was sentenced to a 28 months imprisonment for inciting acts of misconduct and inciting speech silencing immunity.Judge Panagiota Tsevis was sentenced to a 58 month imprisonment for acts of misconduct and concealment ground for exclusion.Judge Anna Korovessi was sentenced to a 13 month improsonment for misconduct.In UK, police is considered a friend of the people, whereas in Greece, police is considered an enemy of the people. The Greek Ministry of Citizen Protection is a euphemism for the Greek Ministry of Kleptocrat Protection and Citizen Harassment, George Orwell's Miniluv! Graecokleptocrats use their brutal police to protect themselves from the Greek people. Major global riots against police brutality started on December 6, 2008, when Alexis Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old student, was fatally shot by a police officer without any reason. December 6 is now the International Day Against Police Brutality.Police brutality is the intentional use of excessive force, usually physical, but also in the form of verbal abuse and psychological intimidation, by a police officer. The Greek police is infamous for its brutality. Amnesty International has longstanding and continuing concerns regarding the failure of the authorities in Greece to ensure that the police respect and protect human rights. Allegations of human rights violations committed by the police continue to be made, in the context of both policing demonstrations and during arrest and detention. Such violations include excessive use of force during Greek demonstrations; arbitrary detention; torture or other ill-treatment; and denial of prompt access to legal assistance. These patterns of abuse by the Greek police have been documented by Amnesty International over many years, but Graecokleptocrats continue using the police to harass Greeks. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have received many reports from Athens and other parts of Greece about arbitrary arrests, ill-treatment, and the denial of prompt access to legal assistance.In a society governed by laws and gangs, no one should be above the law. This includes the Greek police. Police brutality is real. Real people really do die unjustly at the hands of criminal police. Greek police must be held accountable for its actions and we must demand prosecution of police who brutalize people.We can stop Greek police brutality now if we work together to create a climate in which it is not tolerated. Bloggers provide an ongoing framework for Greeks to effectively challenge police brutality in powerful ways and provide information to empower families and survivors.The overriding goal is to create a climate of resistance to abuse of authority by police thugs and to empower Greeks with a structure that can take on police brutality and actually bring it to an end. Stolen Lives are people who have been destroyed by police freaks. These people can no longer speak for themselves. Bloggers must speak for them.In 2007, two emigrants from Albania were forced to beat and insult each other by a policeman at an Athens police station. Three other policemen watched in harmjoy and used a mobile phone to record their delight!Greek police thugs humiliated and abused a homeless in Athens. While he was sleeping, they doused with a bucket of cold water on him and recorded all incident on a mobile phone to share their harmjoy with their colleagues! Apparently this was very amusing for Greek police, as you could see and hear by their freakish reactions. No charges were made against them.Tourists report abuse by Greek police freaks. This has a negative impact on the national income of Greece, where tourism is the #1 industry. One must be a risk-taker to visit Greece, if there is a good chance of being beaten by the freakish police and jailed with false accusations. Human rights and EU regulations are toilet paper for Greek police thugs! And speaking of toilet paper, there is no such thing in a Greek jail. You have to ask your kith and kin to bring you toilet paper and soap.Two Britons, aged 23 and 18, were arrested with their mother and stepfather on Sunday in Athens' historic Plaka district, under Acropolis. The brothers were beaten with batons while in custody. They had bruises on their arms and back and the younger brother also appeared in court with black eye.On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of the heroic dissident who discovered most scandals of the 300 Graecokleptocrats, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf!

You have heard no concepts of morality but the mystical or the social. You have been taught that morality is a code of behavior imposed on you by whim, the whim of a supernatural power or the whim of society, to serve God's purpose or your neighbor's welfare, to please an authority beyond the grave or else next door, but not to serve your life or pleasure. Your pleasure, you have been taught, is to be found in immorality, your interests would best be served by evil, and any moral code must be designed not for you, but against you, not to further your life, but to drain it.For centuries, the battle of morality was fought between those who claimed that your life belongs to God and those who claimed that it belongs to your neighbors, between those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of ghosts in heaven and those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of incompetents on earth. And no one came to say that your life belongs to you and that the good is to live it.Both sides agreed that morality demands the surrender of your self-interest and of your mind, that the moral and the practical are opposites, that morality is not the province of reason, but the province of faith and force. Both sides agreed that no rational morality is possible, that there is no right or wrong in reason, that in reason there's no reason to be moral.Whatever else they fought about, it was against man's mind that all your moralists have stood united. It was man's mind that all their schemes and systems were intended to despoil and destroy. Now choose to perish or to learn that the anti-mind is the anti-life.Man's mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not. His body is given to him, its sustenance is not. His mind is given to him, its content is not. To remain alive, he must act, and before he can act he must know the nature and purpose of his action. He cannot obtain his food without a knowledge of food and of the way to obtain it. He cannot dig a ditch, or build a cyclotron, without a knowledge of his aim and of the means to achieve it. To remain alive, he must think.But to think is an act of choice. The key to what you so recklessly call human nature, the open secret you live with, yet dread to name, is the fact that man is a being of volitional consciousness. Reason does not work automatically; thinking is not a mechanical process; the connections of logic are not made by instinct. The function of your stomach, lungs or heart is automatic; the function of your mind is not. In any hour and issue of your life, you are free to think or to evade that effort. But you are not free to escape from your nature, from the fact that reason is your means of survival, so that for you, who are a human being, the question to be or not to be is the question to think or not to think.A being of volitional consciousness has no automatic course of behavior. He needs a code of values to guide his actions. Value is that which one acts to gain and keep, virtue is the action by which one gains and keeps it. Value presupposes an answer to the question: of value to whom and for what? Value presupposes a standard, a purpose and the necessity of action in the face of an alternative. Where there are no alternatives, no values are possible.There is only one fundamental alternative in the universe: existence or non-existence-and it pertains to a single class of entities: to living organisms. The existence of inanimate matter is unconditional, the existence of life is not; it depends on a specific course of action. Matter is indestructible, it changes its forms, but it cannot cease to exist. It is only a living organism that faces a constant alternative: the issue of life or death. Life is a process of self-sustaining and-self-generated action. If an organism fails in that action, it does; its chemical elements remain, but its life goes out of existence. It is only the concept of Life that makes the concept of Value possible. It is only to a living entity that things can be good or evil.A plant must feed itself in order to live; the sunlight, the water, the chemicals it needs are the values its nature has set it to pursue; its life is the standard of value directing its actions. But a plant has no choice of action; there are alternatives in the conditions it encounters, but there is no alternative in its function: it acts automatically to further its life, it cannot act for its own destruction.An animal is equipped for sustaining its life; its senses provide it with an automatic code of action, an automatic knowledge of what is good for it or evil. It has no power to extend its knowledge or to evade it. In conditions where its knowledge proves inadequate, it dies. But so long as it lives, it acts on its knowledge, with automatic safety and no power of choice, it is unable to ignore its own good, unable to decide to choose the evil and act as its own destroyer.Man has no automatic code of survival. His particular distinction from all other living species is the necessity to act in the face of alternatives by means of volitional choice. He has no automatic knowledge of what is good for him or evil, what values his life depends on, what course of action it requires. Are you prattling about an instinct of self-preservation? An instinct of self-preservation is precisely what man does not possess. An `instinct' is an unerring and automatic form of knowledge. A desire is not an instinct. A desire to live does not give you the knowledge required for living. And even man's desire to live is not automatic: your secret evil today is that that is the desire you do not hold. Your fear of death is not a love of life and will not give you the knowledge needed to keep it. Man must obtain his knowledge and choose his actions by a process of thinking, which nature will not force him t9 perform. Man has the power to act as his own destroyer-and that is the way he has acted through most of his history.A living entity that regarded its means of survival as evil, would not survive. A plant that struggled to mangle its roots, a bird that fought to break its wings would not remain for long in the existence they affronted. But the history of man has been a struggle to deny and to destroy his mind.Man has been called a rational being, but rationality is a matter of choice - and the alternative his nature offers him is: rational being or suicidal animal. Man has to be man, by choice; he has to hold his life as a value - by choice: he has to learn to sustain it, by choice; he has to discover the values it requires and practice his virtues, by choice.A code of values accepted by choice is a code of morality.Whoever you are, you who are reading my post now, I am posting to whatever living remnant is left uncorrupted within you, to the remnant of the human, to your mind, and I say: There is a morality of reason, a morality proper to man, and Man's Life is its standard of value. All that which is proper to the life of a rational being is the good; all that which destroys it is the evil.Man's life, as required by his nature, is not the life of a mindless brute, of a looting thug or a mooching mystic, but the life of a thinking being, not life by means of force or fraud, but life by means of achievement, not survival at any price, since there's only one price that pays for man's survival: reason.Man's life is the standard of morality, but your own life is its purpose. If existence on earth is your goal, you must choose your actions and values by the standard of that which is proper to man, for the purpose of preserving, fulfilling, and enjoying the irreplaceable value which is your life."Since life requires a specific course of action, any other course will destroy it. A being who does not hold his own life as the motive and goal of his actions, is acting on the motive and standard of death. Such a being is a metaphysical monstrosity, struggling to oppose, negate and contradict the fact of his own existence, running blindly amuck on a trail of destruction, capable of nothing but pain.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to .-

Congressman Ron Paul points out a remarkable confluence of recent events has brought unprecedented but very welcome attention to both U.S. monetary policy and the global political economy in general. First, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke recently announced that the Fed would embark upon another round of monetary easing by purchasing $600 billion worth of U.S. Treasury debt. This amounts to an admission that markets have run out of patience with our profligacy, and therefore our own central bank literally must serve as the buyer of last resort for Treasury debt. Second, World Bank president Robert Zoellick openly suggested that gold could play a helpful role in the global monetary system by serving as reference against more volatile fiat currencies. This is almost heresy coming from a neoconservative globalist like Mr. Zoellick. It hints at an obvious but unspoken truth that is anathema to politicians and central bankers alike: namely, that gold could be viewed as. . .. money! Finally, Obama attended the G20 summit in South Korea last week and found a very chilly reception for his vision of American economic policy. Obama argued for continued worldwide stimulus, via continued debasing of the U.S. dollar, to bolster American exports. Several powerful European and Asian finance ministers, however, rejected this approach out of hand as nothing short of a currency war. They are committed to austerity measures at home, and don�t want to let the U.S. simply monetize its past sins at their expense. All of these events culminated in a tremendous amount of political and media scrutiny aimed the Fed. Ordinary Americans are demanding answers and accountability, and they are putting heat on their political representatives in Washington to end the cozy "independence" from congressional oversight the Fed has enjoyed for so long. In the 35 years Ron Paul has been studying, speaking, and writing about monetary policy he has never before seen Congress or the financial press pay much attention to the Fed. Monetary policy has always been considered boring on Capitol Hill, something left to remote policy wonks far away from the din of presidential or congressional politics. Congress always has been eager to leave Fed governors well alone, with no oversight or accountability, as long as they played along and papered over the growing budget deficits. But it's amazing what a global economic meltdown will do to the political and media landscape. In just two short years, the Fed has become the hot topic and a lightning rod for criticism. While it is gratifying to see so many formerly uninterested politicians, economists, talk show hosts, and pundits suddenly rally to attack the Fed, one can only wonder whether they truly understand that central banking is inherently incompatible with our Constitution and a free market economy. Ron Paul asserts it's not enough to show outrage at the latest Fed action or argue about the relative merits of Mr. Bernanke compared to his predecessors. To reclaim our dollar and our economy, Americans must oppose central banking per se. Fiat currencies cannot be "reformed" or "managed". They are fundamentally subject to ruinous debasement courtesy of the political and economic ruling class. History shows that this is true in all nations at all times.-


The Council of Fourth Reich(EU) today adopted unreasonable legal texts underpinning a pseudoreform of the Fourth Reich framework for supervision of the financial system, aimed at eliminating imaginary deficiencies that were exposed during the financial crisis.It adopted stupid regulations establishing a European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), which will provide macroprudential oversight of the financial system, and three new stupid supervisory authorities at the microfinancial level, namely:* a European Banking Authority (EBA);* a European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA); and* a European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).The four new stupid bodies will be part of an overregulated European system of financial supervisors, which will include the supervisory authorities of the member states. The ESRB and the EIOPA will be sited in Frankfurt, the EBA in London and the ESMA in Paris.The new stupid overregulated system will be operational as from 1 January 2011. The cost of government regulation is truly staggering; it is also a barometer of how free we are to pursue our own interests and to determine the course of our own lives. The cost of regulations is one trillion dollars in USA and two trillion euros in Fourth Reich(EU) every year. Financial costs are not the only burden. Regulations also result in a tremendous loss of one of our most valuable and limited resources, time. The private sector is spending over 10 billion hours a year just to meet government paperwork demands in USA, and 20 billion hours in Fourth Reich. It is no wonder that regulation discourages the creation of new businesses, new jobs, new products, and new services. Starve the beast by fighting taxes. Adoption by the Council follows an agreement reached with the European Parliament on the key elements of the reform, as endorsed by the Council at its meeting on 7 September.The euro has been rescued for the moment, but Eurokleptocrats have thrown the foundations of Fourth Reich's common currency overboard with their unprecedented bailout package. In the longer term, the dangers of the crisis can only increase, and the flood of billions of euros will lead to inflation. Eurokleptocrats have thrown overboard all the noble principles and promises of the formal, tough treaty-based foundations for the introduction of the euro and the independence of the European Central Bank.Eurokleptocrats sacrificed the independence of the European Central Bank and paved the way for a European Inflation Union. There won't be any state bankruptcies in the eurozone in the future. ECB will just purchase government bonds of the country in trouble. The money can't run out as ECB prints it itself. A flood of money like that can't continue without any consequences. The currency's stability will be undermined and inflation will destroy Fourth Reich.ECB now purchases government bonds in emergencies. Not only has this been prohibited until now, it also contradicts the central bank's overarching goal, keeping the value of money stable. Now this taboo is broken, and the very foundations of eurozone are eroded. ECB's independence' has now been shown to be nothing more than a sham, a chimera, a will-o'-the-wisp. In the end, ECB and euro will be punished for this decision to stand down from what had previouslybeen considered sacred.This policy effectively makes ECB a bad bank, a bank that buys up toxic assets as a means of helping out other institutions, all protestations of its president to the contrary. The pile of junk bonds on the ECB's balance sheet continues to grow. The fact that the ECB is keeping prices artificially high is downright encouraging banks to unload their risky assets onto the central bank.The European Central Bank has been buying up Greek bonds by the bucketload, even though Athens is already getting money from an EU rescue fund. There is a French plot behind the massive buy-up, as it gives French banks the perfect opportunity to get rid of their Greek assets. German banks, on the other hand, are not potential sellers, because they have made a voluntary commitment to Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble to hold their Greek bonds until May 2013.ECB is creating excess supply by buying at overinflated prices. In other words, many creditors are more inclined to sell their risky assets to the central bank under these terms. It's a free lunch. Anyone who doesn't take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of his securities now only has himself to blame.The current crisis was not the result of a market failure or of any inherent deficiency of capitalism. It was a government failure, resulting from kleptocracy and the ambitions to insensitively intervene in such a complex system as society and economy. Government actions and interventions caused, prolonged, and dramatically worsened the crisis.Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation, Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Democracy in Fourth Reich(EU) has deteriorated to kleptocracy, and Fourthreichians, aka Europeans, are mad as hell.Eurokleptocracy thrives on waste, fraud, abuse,and kickbacks. European Union(EU), aka Fourth Reich, an illegal unvoted confederation, condones the European Commission(EC), aka Eldorado of Corruption, the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, and Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth.Europeans cannot function properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and police. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of the heroic dissident who discovered most scandals of the 300 Graecokleptocrats, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf!
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Europeans cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and police. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of the heroic dissident who discovered most scandals of the 300 Graecokleptocrats, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! The Greek Ministry of Justice is a euphemism for the Greek Ministry of Injustice! Graecokleptocrats enjoy impunity, whereas citizens suffer from perjury. Police thugs are the main perjurers. Public prosecutors pick up either very easy targets of poor people who cannot afford defense to justify a quota system or very large targets to get publicity, in order to develop a political career. There is no independence of justice in Greece, and perjurers are dime a dozen.The huge Greek judiciary corruption complements the huge political corruption. Extrajudicial rings of judges, clergy, and kleptocrats manipulate the Greek justice system. Many judges have been found guilty for participating in trial-fixing rackets and sentenced to many months of imprisonment. Judge Antonia Ilia got eighty months, judge Panagiota Tsevis got sixty months, and judge Anna Korovessi got thirteen months.Greece's criminal justice system is very slow and ineffective, losing files and protecting kleptocracy and police brutality. According to Leandros Rakintzis, General Inspector of Public Administration, the European Court of Justice has already ruled against Greece four hundred times in cases related to the terrible Greek judiciary. For many years, there have been substantial loopholes of Greek laws. The judiciary systematically covers up corruption cases the minute they involve civil servants or kleptocrats. Since taking office in 2004, Rakintzis has reported five hundred cases of embezzlement, abuse of office, bribery, and corruption to investigators. Nevertheless, his efforts have not led to the launching of a single investigation or the filing of charges. This summer, Rakintzis submitted a formal complaint to the chief public prosecutor attached to Areios Pagos, pointing out that there had been no movement whatsoever on any of the cases he had reported. The prosecutor gave Rakintzis a deadline by which he was to provide additional concrete details to back his charges. He did so a month later and added another thousand cases to the list. He has not received a response yet!Lesmiserables syndrome is the prosecution of a minor infraction which catalyzes a series of major infractions. Innocent people suffer from lesmiserables syndrome, whereas kleptocrats enjoy impunity. Jails are full of lesmiserables, an injustice which will result in a global revolt against kleptocrats. There is an elasticity limit to how much abuse innocent people could tolerate. On a clear day, xasteria, lesmiserables and taxstrucks will take their guns and shoot all kleptocrats they could find. Lesmiserables do not need misereres, but guns. We've reached the limit of elasticity, and now is the time to revolt.Every day, new laws are created that make the yoke on citizens much heavier. Every new law is a new constraint on activity. This cannot go forever. Eventually people will revolt. To make it in life, you have to take risks. But this shakes the status quo of kleptocrats, who might send you to jail! Kleptocrats want you to live a monotonous boring life, enslaved to kleptocratic wishes, under the statist yoke. But this kind of life is not worth living.In UK, police is considered a friend of the people, whereas in Greece, police is considered an enemy of the people. The Greek Ministry of Citizen Protection is a euphemism for the Greek Ministry of Kleptocrat Protection and Citizen Harassment, George Orwell's Miniluv! Graecokleptocrats use their brutal police to protect themselves from the Greek people. Major global riots against police brutality started on December 6, 2008, when Alexis Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old student, was fatally shot by a police officer without any reason. December 6 is now the International Day Against Police Brutality.Police brutality is the intentional use of excessive force, usually physical, but also in the form of verbal abuse and psychological intimidation, by a police officer. The Greek police is infamous for its brutality. Amnesty International has longstanding and continuing concerns regarding the failure of the authorities in Greece to ensure that the police respect and protect human rights. Allegations of human rights violations committed by the police continue to be made, in the context of both policing demonstrations and during arrest and detention. Such violations include excessive use of force during Greek demonstrations; arbitrary detention; torture or other ill-treatment; and denial of prompt access to legal assistance. These patterns of abuse by the Greek police have been documented by Amnesty International over many years, but Graecokleptocrats continue using the police to harass Greeks. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have received many reports from Athens and other parts of Greece about arbitrary arrests, ill-treatment, and the denial of prompt access to legal assistance.In a society governed by laws, no one should be above the law. This includes the Greek police. Police brutality is real. Real people really do die unjustly at the hands of criminal police. Greek police must be held accountable for its actions and we must demand prosecution of police who brutalize people.We can stop Greek police brutality now if we work together to create a climate in which it is not tolerated. Bloggers provide an ongoing framework for Greeks to effectively challenge police brutality in powerful ways and provide information to empower families and survivors.The overriding goal is to create a climate of resistance to abuse of authority by police thugs and to empower Greeks with a structure that can take on police brutality and actually bring it to an end. Stolen Lives are people who have been destroyed by police freaks. These people can no longer speak for themselves. Bloggers must speak for them.-

The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is protesting the imprisonment of a Palestinian blogger. Waleed Khalid Hasayin has reportedly been detained by Palestinian Authority security forces in the West Bank since October 31. The 26-year-old computer science graduate is accused of posting anti-religious writings on the Internet. He faces a possible sentence of life in prison as well as the threat of vigilante killing.IHEU president Sonja Eggerickx has written to Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, appealing for Waleed Hasayin's immediate release. Eggerickx's appeal notes that the Palestinian Authority has committed to uphold human rights and international law, and that these basic human rights include the right to freedom of religion or belief, and the right to freedom of expression. Arresting, imprisoning and in any way mistreating Hasayin for his religious expressions is a gross violation of both these fundamental rights.According to news reports, the Palestinian Authority alleges that Hasayin, blogging under the pen name Waleed Al-Husseini, posted atheist arguments on English- and Arabic-language blogs. At its peak, the Waleed Al-Husseini Arabic blog had more than 70,000 visitors. Many of the "Al-Husseini" blogs criticize Islam, describing Allah as acting like a "primitive Bedouin" and criticizing the Prophet Muhammad as "a sex maniac" who bent his own rules "to appease his voracious desire." Al-Husseini also called Islam a "blind faith that grows and takes over people's minds where there is irrationality and ignorance."Hasayin is also accused of creating three satirical Facebook groups under the name "Allah." These Facebook groups elicited hundreds of angry comments, death threats and the formation of more than a dozen Facebook groups in protest, including one called "Fight the blasphemer who said `I am God.'"The "Basic Law" that functions as a constitution for the Palestinian Authority recognizes international human rights standards, which include freedom of thought and expression. However, Hasayin may face life in prison under an old Jordanian law against "defaming religion" which is still valid in the West Bank. In 2008, the same law was used by a Jordanian court to issue an international summons to 11 Danish journalists and publishers for drawing and reprinting cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed."This arrest is yet more proof that `defamation of religion' laws are an excuse to gag atheists and imprison critics of Islam," said Matt Cherry, IHEU representative to the United Nations and lead author of the in-depth report Speaking Freely About Religion: Religious Freedom, Defamation and Blasphemy. "Atheists across the world must speak up for our fellow freethinkers who are denied the freedom to give voice to their conscience."While the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) has pushed for the United Nations to outlaw "defamation of religion", UN human rights agencies have condemned Muslim-majority countries for using "defamation of religion" to persecute dissenters. In the 2007 case of Kareem Amer, an Egyptian blogger accused of "defaming religion", the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention found his arrest to be a contravention of his right to free expression, stating: defamation of religions may offend people and hurt their feelings but it does not directly result in a violation of their rights to freedom of religion. International law does not permit restrictions on the expression of opinions or beliefs which diverge from the religious beliefs of the majority of the population or from the State prescribed one. IHEU is exploring international channels to secure Hasayin's freedom and safety.Violations of human rights even happen in Europe, especially Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth. Europeans cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and police. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of the heroic dissident who discovered most scandals of the 300 Graecokleptocrats, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth, are trying to gag dissident bloggers, manipulating the Cyber Crimes Unit(CCU), aka Cyber Crypt Ursines. Graecokleptocrats have discovered that CCU is the best political tool, able and willing to destroy their opponents. That's why an influential dissident blogger would normally wait for police thugs to eventually confiscate his computer before he buys a new model!The Ministry of Truth or Minitrue in Newspeak was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by government to control information in his seminal novel of 1984. Now, governments have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they will have a virtual monopoly on information that the public is able to access. But there is no way Minitrue can gag the internet. Even mainstream media, Fourth Estate, have praised bloggers as the Fifth Estate. Clergy is the First Estate, nobility is the Second Estate, and commoners are the Third Estate. Nevertheless, the Greek government is a major bully of the internet, confiscating the computers of dissident bloggers and locking them in jail.-

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Online free expression activists around the world are rejoicing at the news that jailed Egyptian blogger Kareem Amer has been freed and had returned to his family's Alexandria home. Amer won the Hugo Young Award for Journalism at the Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression awards in 2007. Amer's four-year jail sentence actually ended on 5 November, but the Egyptian authorities held on to him for nearly two weeks extra — prompting protests from Amnesty International and others. The Egyptian government — which grants itself sweeping powers under the so-called "emergency laws"— has a history of acting in defiance of its own judiciary. This includes openly ignoring court-ordered releases, or releasing a suspect and then immediately re-arresting him.So the delay in Amer's release had supporters worried that the police would simply keep him indefinitely.Amer was sentenced to four years in prison in 2007, having already served two years in custody, for a package of charges that include insulting Islam, encouraging sedition and defaming President Hosni Mubarak.His crimes: a series of blog posts that bluntly expressed his atheist beliefs and his criticism of the state of Islamic discourse. His case has already prompted a long-running solidarity campaign by supporters who consider him a "political prisoner", guilty of nothing more than thought crime.Amer has made no public statements since his release. According his supporters, he has requested a bit of quiet and privacy with his family. It remains to be seen whether he will renew his writings, or whether the Egyptian police — particularly the notorious Alexandria contingent — will leave him alone.Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth, are trying to gag dissident bloggers, manipulating the Cyber Crimes Unit(CCU), aka Cyber Crypt Ursines. Graecokleptocrats have discovered that CCU is the best political tool, able and willing to destroy their opponents. That's why an influential dissident blogger would normally wait for police thugs to eventually confiscate his computer before he buys a new model!Europeans cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and police. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of the heroic dissident who discovered most scandals of the 300 Graecokleptocrats, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf!

All thinking is a process of identification and integration. Man perceives a blob of color; by integrating the evidence of his sight and his touch, he learns to identify it as a solid object; he learns to identify the object as a table; he learns that the table is made of wood; he learns that the wood consists of cells, that the cells consist of molecules, that the molecules consist of atoms. All through this process, the work of his mind consists of answers to a single question: What is it? His means to establish the truth of his answers is logic, and logic rests on the axiom that existence exists. Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification. A contradiction cannot exist. An atom is itself, and so is the universe; neither can contradict its own identity; nor can a part contradict the whole. No concept man forms is valid unless he integrates it without contradiction into the total sum of his knowledge. To arrive at a contradiction is to confess an error in one's thinking; to maintain a contradiction is to abdicate one's mind and to evict oneself from the realm of reality.Reality is that which exists; the unreal does not exist; the unreal is merely that negation of existence which is the content of a human consciousness when it attempts to abandon reason. Truth is the recognition of reality; reason, man's only means of knowledge, is his only standard of truth.The most depraved sentence you can now utter is to ask: Whose reason? The answer is: Yours. No matter how vast your knowledge or how modest, it is your own mind that has to acquire it. It is only with your own knowledge that you can deal. It is only your own knowledge that you can claim to possess or ask others to consider. Your mind is your only judge of truth, and if others dissent from your verdict, reality is the court of final appeal. Nothing but a man's mind can perform that complex, delicate, crucial process of identification which is thinking. Nothing can direct the process but his own judgment. Nothing can direct his judgment but his moral integrity.You who speak of a moral instinct as if it were some separate endowment opposed to reason, man's reason is his moral faculty. A process of reason is a process of constant choice in answer to the question: True or False? Right or Wrong? Is a seed to be planted in soil in order to grow, right or wrong? Is a man's wound to be disinfected in order to save his life, right or wrong? Does the nature of atmospheric electricity permit it to be converted into kinetic power, right or wrong? It is the answers to such questions that gave you everything you have, and the answers came from a man's mind, a mind of intransigent devotion to that which is right.A rational process is a moral process. You may make an error at any step of it, with nothing to protect you but your own severity, or you may try to cheat, to fake the evidence and evade the effort of the quest-but if devotion to truth is the hallmark of morality, then there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to .-

Facebook, Yahoo!, AOL-UK, Mumsnet and the Internet Service Providers' Association (ISPA) have written an open letter to the Prime Minister David Cameron calling for urgent reform of libel laws. Currently, forum providers and ISPs are being forced to act as judge and jury over the content of websites, blogs, and online discussions. The effect is that libel threats are causing online content to be censored, even when the material is not actually defamatory. The internet companies are angered that the multiple publication rule which they are bound by, predates not only the invention of the internet, but that of the light bulb.The call for reform, comes in a week when a worrying report on the effect of our libel laws on online free speech has been submitted to the Ministry of Justice. The report which includes the results of a survey of bloggers and forum hosts highlights the chilling effect the law is having on online publication. The Libel Reform Campaign of English PEN, Index on Censorship and Sense About Science has been advocating wholesale reform of our libel laws for a year, during which they have collected 54,000 public signatures for reform, persuaded half of all eligible MPs in the last Parliament to back reform and got a manifesto pledge from all three main political parties at the last general election. A draft Libel Reform Bill is expected in the New Year.Netizens cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and cybercops. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of a heroic dissident, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth, are trying to gag dissident bloggers, manipulating an infamous gang of cybercops. Graecokleptocrats have discovered this gang is the best political tool, able and willing to destroy their opponents. That's why an influential dissident blogger would normally wait for cybercops to eventually confiscate his computer before he buys a new model!Nicholas Lansman, Secretary-General of the Internet Service Providers' Association (ISPA), which represents providers of Internet services in the UK and has over 200 members representing 95 per cent of the access market said: "ISPs are currently in a position where they may have to decide what bears defamatory meaning, putting the intermediary in a position of judge and jury over content. We therefore support the call for an innocent dissemination defence, that ISPs should only be forced to remove defamatory material that has been decreed defamatory by a court or competent authority, and to bring libel law into the twenty-first century through the creation of a single publication rule."Justine Roberts, CEO of Mumsnet said: "Mumsnet fully supports these proposals for the reform of our libel laws. Mumsnet Talk receives around 25,000 new posts each day; it is impossible for us to pre-moderate each one, even if we wished to do so. It is both impractical and unfair that we should be threatened with legal action (and the attendant costs) over individual posts by third parties. Problematic posts are usually surrounded by many more that put alternative points of view, meaning that damage to the reputation of individuals or corporations is rare. We take care to behave responsibly where people's reputations are concerned, and are happy to remove posts that make damaging allegations that seem to lack an evidential basis; but the current laws require us to go much further than this, and to repeatedly delete posts that do no more than express a point of view, or outline an individual's experience. The government's new defamation bill must acknowledge the significant differences between online communications and printed materials, and provide a new legal context in which the free exchange of ideas and opinions is allowed to flourish."Jo Glanville, Editor, Index on Censorship said: "It is essential that libel laws are modernised to allow for the free exchange of information and discussion online. The revolution in technology over the past decade has redefined the very meaning of publishing and the law has not even begun to catch up. As a result, bloggers, ISPs and anyone who posts online are especially vulnerable to threats of legal action. As well as limiting the duration of liability for online publication, new legislation is urgently needed to differentiate between the different modes of online communication and to take account of context. The current lack of distinction only serves to stifle free speech at a time when we should all be enjoying the possibilities of new technology to the full."Tracey Brown, Managing Director of Sense About Science, one of the charities in the Libel Reform Campaign, said: "The internet has increased everyone's ability to discuss issues such as local politics, medical treatments or the behaviour of institutions. We cannot expect, and the public do not credit, forum discussions with the same standards of fact-checking as national news outlets, but the law currently insists on this. We agree with the service providers that better protection for online discussion is needed in the Government's new Defamation Bill."Dr Evan Harris of the Libel Reform Coalition said: "Radical law change is needed to prevent vested interest bullies chilling public interest debate on the internet. The Government need to listen to the concerns of the on-line world if we are to have the freedom of expression that the arts and the sciences really need in order to benefit from the new social media."Jean-Marc Fleury, World Federation of Science Journalists said: "Punitive British libel laws matter to science reporters anywhere. In recent years, foreign claimants have been bringing libel actions in English courts, often against defendants who are neither British citizens nor residents. This `libel tourism' has been encouraged by the Internet, which means something published online that can be accessed from the U.K. could be considered `published' there. So someone looking to squelch a scientific report it doesn't like will sue them in a British court."Peter Noorlander, the Media Legal Defence Initiative said: "Many web publishers lack the expertise and financial resources to defend against libel actions and are particularly vulnerable to threats. In order to promote a vibrant online media environment, the Media Legal Defence Initiative aims to provide legal expertise that would otherwise not be available .-


Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for moneyis men's protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold andleave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper. This kills all objectivestandards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter ofvalues. Gold was an objective value, an equivalent of wealth produced. Paper isa mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who areexpected to produce it. Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon an accountwhich is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when itbounces, marked, 'Account overdrawn.'When you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect men to remaingood. Do not expect them to stay moral and lose their lives for the purpose ofbecoming the fodder of the immoral. Do not expect them to produce, whenproduction is punished and looting rewarded. Do not ask, 'Who is destroying theworld? You are.You stand in the midst of the greatest achievements of the greatest productivecivilization and you wonder why it's crumbling around you, while you're damningits life-blood--money. You look upon money as the savages did before you, andyou wonder why the jungle is creeping back to the edge of your cities.Throughout men's history, money was always seized by looters of one brand oranother, whose names changed, but whose method remained the same: to seizewealth by force and to keep the producers bound, demeaned, defamed, deprived ofhonor. That phrase about the evil of money, which you mouth with such righteousrecklessness, comes from a time when wealth was produced by the labor ofslaves, slaves who repeated the motions once discovered by somebody's mind andleft unimproved for centuries. So long as production was ruled by force, andwealth was obtained by conquest, there was little to conquer, Yet through allthe centuries of stagnation and starvation, men exalted the looters, asaristocrats of the sword, as aristocrats of birth, as aristocrats of the bureau,and despised the producers, as slaves, as traders, as shopkeepers, asindustrialists.To the glory of mankind, there was, for the first and only time in history, acountry of money -- and I have no higher, more reverent tribute to pay to America,for this means: a country of reason, justice, freedom, production, achievement.For the first time, man's mind and money were set free, and there were nofortunes-by-conquest, but only fortunes-by-work, and instead of swordsmen andslaves, there appeared the real maker of wealth, the greatest worker, thehighest type of human being, the self-made man, the American industrialist.If you ask me to name the proudest distinction of Americans, I wouldchoose, because it contains all the others, the fact that they were the peoplewho created the phrase 'to make money.' No other language or nation had everused these words before; men had always thought of wealth as a staticquantity -- to be seized, begged, inherited, shared, looted or obtained as afavor. Americans were the first to understand that wealth has to be created. Thewords 'to make money' hold the essence of human morality.Yet these were the words for which Americans were denounced by the rottedcultures of the looters' continents. Now the looters' credo has brought you toregard your proudest achievements as a hallmark of shame, your prosperity asguilt, your greatest men, the industrialists, as blackguards, and yourmagnificent factories as the product and property of muscular labor, the laborof whip-driven slaves, like the pyramids of Egypt. The rotter who simpers thathe sees no difference between the power of the dollar and the power of the whip,ought to learn the difference on his own hide -- as, I think, he will.Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask foryour own destruction. When money ceases to be the tool by which men deal withone another, then men become the tools of men. Blood, whips and guns -- ordollars. Take your choice, there is no other, and your time is running out.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to


Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Jean-Francois Julliard points out the latest world press freedom index contains welcome surprises, highlights sombre realities and confirms certain trends. More than ever before, we see that economic development, institutional reform and respect for fundamental rights do not necessarily go hand in hand. The defence of media freedom continues to be a battle, a battle of vigilance in the democracies of old Europe and a battle against oppression and injustice in the totalitarian regimes still scattered across the globe.Julliard salutes the engines of press freedom, with Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland at their head. We must also pay homage to the human rights activists, journalists and bloggers throughout the world who bravely defend the right to speak out. Their fate is our constant concern. We reiterate our call for the release of Liu Xiaobo, the symbol of the pressure for free speech building up in China, which censorship for the time being is still managing to contain. And we warn the Chinese authorities against taking a road from which there is no way out.Reporters Without Borders finds it is disturbing to see several European Union member countries continuing to fall in the index. If it does not pull itself together, the European Union risks losing its position as world leader in respect for human rights. And if that were to happen, how could it be convincing when it asked authoritarian regimes to make improvements? There is an urgent need for the European countries to recover their exemplary status.Reporters Without Borders is also worried by the harsher line being taken by governments at the other end of the index. Rwanda, Yemen and Syria have joined Burma and North Korea in the group of the world's most repressive countries towards journalists. This does not bode well for 2011. Unfortunately, the trend in the most authoritarian countries is not one of improvement.Reporters Without Borders has repeatedly expressed its concern about the deteriorating press freedom situation in the European Union and the 2010 index confirms this trend. Thirteen of the EU's 27 members are in the top 20 but some of the other 14 are very low in the ranking. Italy is 49th, Romania is 52nd and Greece and Bulgaria are tied at 70th. The European Union is not a homogenous whole as regards media freedom. On the contrary, the gap between good and bad performers continues to widen.Netizens cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and cybercops. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of a heroic dissident, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! Greek journalists are rewarded for their disgusting support of Graecokleptocracywith aggeliosimo, an unfair 20% charge on all advertising, going to the pensionfund of their union. All advertisers now have to pay 43% surcharge, 23% VAT and20% aggeliosimo. This abuse of advertisers and the media is condoned by FourthReich, and it puts many media out of business.Greek journalists showed their full colors on October 18, 2010, cheering police brutality of a violent gang of six Greek police thugs who broke in the home of the top blogger of Europe, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! The parrots published the police thugs' point of view, without bothering to ask the blogger's point of view.The Sect of Revolutionaries is an armed group of antigraecokleptocrats on waragainst corrupt Greek journalists. They caused a fearful multiple shooting atthe headquarters of Alter TV station. After that shooting, the Sect releaseda statement in which they warned corrupt journalists that this time Sect came totheir media doors, but next time corrupt journalists will find Sect in theirhomes! Indeed, in July 2010 the Sect started assassinating corrupt journalistsat their homes. That's why corrupt journalists now suffer from sectophobia!Forestalling logic, mainly by bluff, intimidation, mudslinging, innuendos, quoting out of context, and getting out of issue, is characteristic of most political debates. Staged argument is the new trend of TV news, in order to raise their audience ratings with melodramatic excitement. Four channels dominate the Greek TV market, brainwashing Greeks in whatever direction they wish, and establishing their own agenda. Their reporters doubledip in the Greek treasury, in order to promote socialist propaganda and nonsense.Greek nudnik anchors misinform hoi polloi surrounded by statist parrots. TVstations always invite the same characters, those shrews who repeat the samenonsense adinfinitum and adnauseam. Most Greek journalists are in cahoots withthe two statist mafias, Pasok and Nea Democratia, to dumb down hoi polloi, inorder to perpetuate the corrupt status quo. That's why Greeks browse theinternet in order to find the truth.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to .-

Rationality is the recognition of the fact that existence exists, that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it, which is thinking, that the mind is one's only judge of values and one's only guide of action-that reason is an absolute that permits no compromise, that a concession to the irrational invalidates one's consciousness and turns it from the task of perceiving to the task of faking reality, that the alleged short-cut to knowledge, which is faith, is only a short-circuit destroying the mind, that the acceptance of a mystical invention is a wish for the annihilation of existence and, properly, annihilates one's consciousness.Independence is the recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgment and nothing can help you escape it - that no substitute can do your thinking, as no pinch-hitter can live your life - that the vilest form of self-abasement and self-destruction is the subordination of your mind to the mind of another, the acceptance of an authority over your brain, the acceptance of his assertions as facts, his say-so as truth, his edicts as middle-man between your consciousness and your existence.Integrity is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake your consciousness, just as honesty is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake existence, that man is an indivisible entity, an integrated unit of two attributes: of matter and consciousness, and that he may permit no breach between body and mind, between action and thought, between his life and his convictions, that, like a judge impervious to public opinion, he may not sacrifice his convictions to the wishes of others, be it the whole of mankind shouting pleas or threats against him, that courage and confidence are practical necessities, that courage is the practical form of being true to existence, of being true to one's own consciousness.Honesty is the recognition of the fact that the unreal is unreal and can have no value, that neither love nor fame nor cash is a value if obtained by fraud, that an attempt to gain a value by deceiving the mind of others is an act of raising your victims to a position higher than reality, where you become a pawn of their blindness, a slave of their non-thinking and their evasions, while their intelligence, their rationality, their perceptiveness become the enemies you have to dread and flee, that you do not care to live as a dependent, least of all a dependent on the stupidity of others, or as a fool whose source of values is the fools he succeeds in fooling, that honesty is not a social duty, not a sacrifice for the sake of others, but the most profoundly selfish virtue man can practice: his refusal to sacrifice the reality of his own existence to the deluded consciousness of others.Justice is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake the character of men as you cannot fake the character of nature, that you must judge all men as conscientiously as you judge inanimate objects, with the same respect for truth, with the same incorruptible vision, by as pure and as rational a process of identification, that every man must be judged for what he is and treated accordingly, that just as you do not pay a higher price for a rusty chunk of scrap than for a piece of shining metal, so you do not value a totter above a hero, that your moral appraisal is the coin paying men for their virtues or vices, and this payment demands of you as scrupulous an honor as you bring to financial transactions-that to withhold your contempt from men's vices is an act of moral counterfeiting, and to withhold your admiration from their virtues is an act of moral embezzlement, that to place any other concern higher than justice is to devaluate your moral currency and defraud the good in favor of the evil, since only the good can lose by a default of justice and only the evil can profit, and that the bottom of the pit at the end of that road, the act of moral bankruptcy, is to punish men for their virtues and reward them for their vices, that that is the collapse to full depravity, the Black Mass of the worship of death, the dedication of your consciousness to the destruction of existence.On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of a heroic dissident, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! Productiveness is your acceptance of morality, your recognition of the fact that you choose to live, that productive work is the process by which man's consciousness controls his existence, a constant process of acquiring knowledge and shaping matter to fit one's purpose, of translating an idea into physical form, of remaking the earth in the image of one's values, that all work is creative work if done by a thinking mind, and no work is creative if done by a blank who repeats in uncritical stupor a routine he has learned from others- that your work is yours to choose, and the choice is as wide as your mind, that nothing more is possible to you and nothing less is human-that to cheat your way into a job bigger than your mind can handle is to become a fear-corroded ape on borrowed motions and borrowed time, and to settle down into a job that requires less than your mind's full capacity is to cut your motor and sentence yourself to another kind of motion: decay, that your work is the process of achieving your values, and to lose your ambition for values is to lose your ambition to live, that your body is a machine, but your mind is its driver, and you must drive as far as your mind will take you, with achievement as the goal of your road, that the man who has no purpose is a machine that coasts downhill at the mercy of any boulder to crash in the first chance ditch, that the man who stifles his mind is a stalled machine slowly going to rust, that the man who lets a leader prescribe his course is a wreck being towed to the scrap heap, and the man who makes another man his goal is a hitchhiker no driver should ever pick up, that your work is the purpose of your life, and you must speed past any killer who assumes the right to stop you, that any value you might find outside your work, any other loyalty or love, can be only travelers you choose to share your journey and must be travelers going on their own power in the same direction.Pride is the recognition of the fact that you are your own highest value and, like all of man's values, it has to be earned, that of any achievements open to you, the one that makes all others possible is the creation of your own character, that your character, your actions, your desires, your emotions are the products of the premises held by your mind, that as man must produce the physical values he needs to sustain his life, so he must acquire the values of character that make his life worth sustaining, that as man is a being of self-made wealth, so he is a being of self-made soul, that to live requires a sense of self-value, but man, who has no automatic values, has no automatic sense of self-esteem and must earn it by shaping his soul in the image of his moral ideal, in the image of Man, the rational being he is born able to create, but must create by choice, that the first precondition of self-esteem is that radiant selfishness of soul which desires the best in all things, in values of matter and spirit, a soul that seeks above all else to achieve its own moral perfection, valuing nothing higher than itself-and that the proof of an achieved self-esteem is your soul's shudder of contempt and rebellion against the role of a sacrificial animal, against the vile impertinence of any creed that proposes to immolate the irreplaceable value which is your consciousness and the incomparable glory which is your existence to the blind evasions and the stagnant decay of others.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to .-

Wangyi09's twitter feed stops abruptly at 7:45AM on October 28. According to human rights groups, the Chinese rights activist, whose real name is Cheng Jianping, was detained later that day for a satirical tweet she had posted on October 17 which mocked anti-Japanese protesters by urging them to destroy the Japanese pavilion at the Shanghai Expo. Her husband-to-be, Hua Chunhui, also a rights activist, said the day she was grabbed by police was to have been their wedding day.Hua had posted the original tweet which read: Anti-Japanese demonstrations, smashing Japanese products, that was all done years ago by Guo Quan [an activist and expert on the Nanjing Massacre]. It's no new trick. If you really wanted to kick it up a notch, you'd immediately fly to Shanghai to smash the Japanese Expo pavilion. Cheng re-tweeted it, adding the comment: Angry youth! Charge!According to Radio Free Asia (RFA), who spoke to Chen Lei, a deputy chief of police in Xinxiang town, Henan province, Cheng was sentenced to a year of re-education through labour (RTL) on 15 November for disturbing social order. BBC reports that she is now being held in Shibali River women's labour camp in Zhengzhou city in Henan.Two days later, Amnesty came out with a statement calling for her release. "Sentencing someone to a year in a labour camp, without trial, for simply repeating another person's clearly satirical observation on Twitter demonstrates the level of China's repression of online expression," said Sam Zarifi, the organization's Asia-Pacific director.Amnesty adds that the police may have been watching Cheng because she had been working as an online activist for several years, including showing support for imprisoned dissident and this year's Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo. Cheng's twitter account shows her as following the Dalai Lama's and Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei's twitter feeds among others.Netizens cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and cybercops. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of a heroic dissident, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! The Ministry of Truth or Minitrue in Newspeak was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by government to control information in his seminal novel of 1984. Now, governments have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they will have a virtual monopoly on information that the public is able to access. But there is no way Minitrue can gag the internet. Even mainstream media, Fourth Estate, have praised bloggers as the Fifth Estate. Clergy is the First Estate, nobility is the Second Estate, and commoners are the Third Estate. Nevertheless, the Greek government is a major bully of the internet, confiscating the computers of dissident bloggers and locking them in jail.Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth, are trying to gag dissident bloggers, manipulating an infamous gang of cybercops. Graecokleptocrats have discovered this gang is the best political tool, able and willing to destroy their opponents. That's why an influential dissident blogger would normally wait for cybercops to eventually confiscate his computer before he buys a new model!Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to .-

Entropy is the degree of disorder. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the entopy of a closed system always increases. The entropy of an organization drastically increases with the size of the organization. The Greek government does not need more than five ministers, but it has fifty ministers! No wonder Greece goes bankrupt. These ministers enjoy full impunity, no matter what they do. And they do many stupid things! On October 18, 2010, a stupid minister locked an innocent dissident in jail for allegedly making fun of her! In reality, another unknown blogger, a fan of the dissident, made fun of her. Nonetheless, the dissident had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by the stupid minister. Is Premier Papandreou proud of her?The Greek Ministry of Justice is a euphemism for the Greek Ministry of Injustice! Graecokleptocrats enjoy impunity, whereas citizens suffer from perjury. Police thugs are the main perjurers. Public prosecutors pick up either very easy targets of poor people who cannot afford defense to justify a quota system or very large targets to get publicity, in order to develop a political career. There is no independence of justice in Greece, and perjurers are dime a dozen.The huge Greek judiciary corruption complements the huge political corruption. Extrajudicial rings of judges, clergy, and kleptocrats manipulate the Greek justice system. Many judges have been found guilty for participating in trial-fixing rackets and sentenced to many months of imprisonment. Judge Antonia Ilia got eighty months, judge Panagiota Tsevis got sixty months, and judge Anna Korovessi got thirteen months.Greece's criminal justice system is very slow and ineffective, losing files and protecting kleptocracy and police brutality. The European Court of Justice has ruled against Greece myriad times in cases related to the terrible Greek judiciary. For many years, there have been substantial loopholes of Greek laws. The judiciary systematically covers up corruption cases the minute they involve civil servants or kleptocrats. Since taking office in 2004, Leandros Rakintzis, General Inspector of Public Administration, has reported five hundred cases of embezzlement, abuse of office, bribery, and corruption to investigators. Nevertheless, his efforts have not led to the launching of a single investigation or the filing of charges. In June of 2010, Rakintzis submitted a formal complaint to the chief public prosecutor attached to Areios Pagos, the supreme court of Greece, pointing out that there had been no movement whatsoever on any of the cases he had reported. The prosecutor gave Rakintzis a deadline by which he was to provide additional concrete details to back his charges. He did so a month later and added another thousand cases to the list. He has not received a response yet!Lesmiserables syndrome is the prosecution of a minor infraction which catalyzes a series of major infractions. Innocent people suffer from lesmiserables syndrome, whereas kleptocrats enjoy impunity. Jails are full of lesmiserables, an injustice which will result in a global revolt against kleptocrats. There is an elasticity limit to how much abuse innocent people could tolerate. On a clear day, xasteria, lesmiserables and taxstrucks will take their guns and shoot all kleptocrats they could find. Lesmiserables do not need misereres, but guns. We've reached the limit of elasticity, and now is the time to revolt.Every day, new laws are created that make the yoke on citizens much heavier. Every new law is a new constraint on activity. This cannot go forever. Eventually people will revolt. To make it in life, you have to take risks. But this shakes the status quo of kleptocrats, who might send you to jail! Kleptocrats want you to live a monotonous boring life, enslaved to kleptocratic wishes, under the statist yoke. But this kind of life is not worth living.Netizens cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and cybercops. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of a heroic dissident, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! The Law of Karma says that for every action there is an opposite reaction, a boomerang. So, it's no wonder there are now many armed revolutionary organizations of Greek freedom fighters that war kleptocracy and police brutality, such as Revolutionary Struggle, Revolutionary Nuclei, Revolutionary Cells, Sect of Revolutionaries, Committee for Promotion of Intransigence, Radical Solidarity, Arsonists of Conscience, Anti-State Justice, Thieves in Black, Black Star, and Popular Action. These freedom fighters have killed police brutes and teleparrots who support the rotten status quo of Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth.From San Francisco to Athens, from Sidney to Salonica, we must resist policeviolence, brutality, and terrorism in all its forms, as well as the system thatnecessitates it. We must stand together in solidarity against the freakish armed thugs of the State, and in solidarity with those who choose to resist.Most importantly, we must choose to resist and take action where we are, in ourown communities and contexts. The abuses of authority, control, and power areeverywhere. Take action today in your own community. Hold Know-Your-Rightstrainings, form a civilian review unit, or start a cop-watch chapter. Hold thepolice accountable for their actions and call them out on their crimes. Defendyourself, one another, and your neighborhoods. Bad cops, like the State theyprotect, are criminals and gangsters. They should be considered armed anddangerous.In UK, police is considered a friend of the people, whereas in Greece, police is considered an enemy of the people. The Greek Ministry of Citizen Protection is a euphemism for the Greek Ministry of Kleptocrat Protection and Citizen Harassment, George Orwell's Miniluv! Graecokleptocrats use their brutal police to protect themselves from the Greek people. Major global riots against police brutality started on December 6, 2008, when Alexis Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old student, was fatally shot by a police officer without any reason. December 6 is now the International Day Against Police Brutality.Wherever kleptocrats and their police thugs kill, we must be prepared to respond. Police freaks must know that we are watching them. They must know that if they kill us, there will be real consequences in the streets. We recognize that kleptocrats' laws are not on our side. But in the spirit of Winston Churchill, we shall fight police freaks on the beaches, we shall fight police thugs on all grounds, we shall fight police brutes in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight police criminals in the hills, and we shall never surrender to kleptocrats. Greeks should fight the 300 Graecokleptocrats following the molon-lave of the 300 Spartans.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to .-

The Fourth Reich Internal Security Strategy in Action adopted today comprises 41 actions targeting the most urgent security threats facing Europe. They include a shared agenda to disrupt criminal and terrorist networks, to protect citizens, businesses and societies against cybercrime, to increase Fourth Reich(EU) security by smarter border management, and to strengthen the Fourth Reich's readiness and response to crises.Cecilia Malmstroem noted: EU internal security has traditionally been following a silo mentality, focusing on one area at a time. Now we take a common approach on how to respond to the security threats and challenges ahead. Terrorism, organised, cross-border and cyber crime, and crises and disasters are areas where we need to combine our efforts and work together in order to increase the security of our citizens, businesses, and societies across the EU. This strategy outlines the threats ahead and the necessary actions we must take in order to be able to fight them. I encourage all relevant actors to take their responsibility to implement these actions and thereby to strengthen EU security.However, Malmstroem did not say anything about protecting citizens from kleptocrats! In Fourth Reich(EU), the year 2010 has been the year of the first steps towards the implementation of the hateful Lisbon Treaty and the first steps were neither too decisive, nor persuasive. In the spring, it all was pushed back by the crisis of the Eurozone, to which the Greek debt crisis gave the major impulse. This did not come as a surprise. The only question was which part of the frail chain of European monetary integration was going to break first.The year 2010 was also the year of major mockery of European justice, especially in Greece. Greek ministers enjoy full impunity, no matter what they do. And they do many stupid things! On October 18, 2010, a stupid minister locked an innocent dissident in jail for allegedly making fun of her! In reality, another unknown blogger, a fan of the dissident, made fun of her. Nonetheless, the dissident had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by the stupid minister. Is Premier Papandreou proud of her?The year 2010 was also the year of huge police brutality, especially in Greece. Police brutality is the intentional use of excessive force, usually physical, but also in the form of verbal abuse and psychological intimidation, by a police officer. The Greek police is infamous for its brutality. Amnesty International has longstanding and continuing concerns regarding the failure of the authorities in Greece to ensure that the police respect and protect human rights. Allegations of human rights violations committed by the police continue to be made, in the context of both policing demonstrations and during arrest and detention. Such violations include excessive use of force during Greek demonstrations; arbitrary detention; torture or other ill-treatment; and denial of prompt access to legal assistance. These patterns of abuse by the Greek police have been documented by Amnesty International over many years, but Graecokleptocrats continue using the police to harass Greeks. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have received many reports from Athens and other parts of Greece about arbitrary arrests, ill-treatment, and the denial of prompt access to legal assistance.In a society governed by laws, no one should be above the law. This includes the Greek police. Police brutality is real. Real people really do die unjustly at the hands of criminal police. Greek police must be held accountable for its actions and we must demand prosecution of police who brutalize people, especially cybercops who terrorize bloggers.The year 2010 was also the year of freakish cybercops harassing dissident bloggers, especially in Greece. Netizens cannot live properly when they are harassed by kleptocrats and cybercops. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of a heroic dissident, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail for a day! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! Car theft, burglaries, drug dealing and credit card fraud are often local manifestations of global criminal networks operating across borders and in cyberspace. Criminals are increasingly using the Internet for both petty crimes and large scale attacks. The Fourth Reich external borders are being exploited for trafficking of drugs, counterfeit goods, weapons, and human beings, and criminal networks are draining revenue from public finances on a massive scale. The International Monetary Fund estimates that profits generated by financial crimes alone amount to up to five percent of global GDP. Crises and disasters, whether they are earthquakes and floods or caused by human error or malicious intent, can cause human misery and economic and environmental damage. At the same time, terrorists find new ways of harming our societies, including targeting susceptible individuals with violent extremist propaganda.The Commission now proposes measures to address these challenges. A legislative proposal for confiscation of criminal assets is one of them. Fourth Reich should also help empower communities to address radicalisation and recruitment, and identify ways to better protect transport infrastructure, particularly land transport, against terrorism. A European cybercrime centre is proposed to bring together expertise in investigation and prevention of cybercrime, and a series of steps for a smarter approach to border management and preparing for and responding to crises and disasters are in the pipeline. -


Fourth Reich is doing very well in brainwashing young Fourthreichians.Civic knowledge, including an understanding of what citizenship and democracy means at national and Fourthreichian level, is a part of compulsory education in all Member States. According to the largest international civic education study ever, conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), pupils in Fourthreichian countries score higher in civic knowledge than the international average. The study also found that while they are more interested in domestic political and social issues than in Fourthreichian or international politics, the pupils have a strong sense of Fourthreichian identity and democratic values, equality and freedom of movement within Fourth Reich(EU). Nobody told these kids that Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation,Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Democracy in Fourth Reich(EU) has deteriorated to kleptocracy, and Fourthreichians, aka Europeans, are mad as hell. Eurokleptocracy thrives on waste, fraud, abuse,and kickbacks. European Union(EU), aka Fourth Reich, an illegal unvoted confederation, condones the European Commission(EC), aka Eldorado of Corruption, the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, and Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth.The study, organised by the IEA and cofinanced by the European Commission, tested over 140,000 lower secondary pupils from 5,300 schools in 38 countries in 2008-2009, measuring knowledge about the European Union and attitudes toward Fourth Reich-related policies and values such as citizenship, Fourthreichian identity and freedom of movement. It also collected data from over 62,000 teachers, as well as from school principals and national research coordinators.The study found large differences in pupils' levels of civic knowledge, both between and within countries. * Pupils in Fourthreichian countries scored higher, on average, in civic knowledge than the international average. They also scored highly in knowledge of basic facts about Fourth Reich, but there was greater variation in their in-depth knowledge about Fourth Reich laws and policies. Pupils from Finland and Denmark were among those showing the strongest results overall in the civic education tests.* Most pupils endorsed democratic values, gender equality, and equal rights for ethnic or racial groups and immigrants, as well as freedom of movement of citizens within Fourth Reich. Large majorities of pupils in Fourth Reich had a strong sense of Fourthreichian identity. Most pupils also expressed pride in the fact that their country was a Fourth Reich member.* In general, pupils were more interested in domestic political and social issues than in Fourthreichian or international politics. * 75% of pupils in Fourth Reich reported that they could understand or communicate well in languages spoken in other Fourthreichian countries. Most also said that their schools provided opportunities to learn about other Fourthreichian countries, though few had participated in activities or groups directly related to Fourthreichian integration.Fourth Reich's Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action programmes support citizens in developing their civic knowledge. Actions such as Youth for Europe are dedicated to brainwashing young people.Nobody told these kids that Europeans consider the European Union null and void confederation, because they did not vote for any constitutional treaty! Eurokleptocrats pulled off the biggest powergrab in history by imposing a camouflaged constitution, bypassing all nonos. The Nazi dream for Europe was finally fullfilled - ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer - one people, one empire, one leader. The Lisbon Treaty is Eurokleptocracy's Pyrrhic victory. It created a confederation, Fourth Reich, without a popular foundation. EU lacks legitimacy among Europeans. Eurokleptocrats created a situation where the citizens of slave States live their lives with a resigned feeling that the EU project is not their own. Since EU is illegal, VAT is also illegal! No vote, no VAT, it's as simple as that! Europeans have the right to refuse paying VAT!Nobody told these kids that Fourth Reich originates from the Red House Report(RHR), a detailed account of a secret meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg, a couple of blocks from today's Eldorado of Prostitutes(EP), on August 10, 1944. There, Nazi top officials instructed an elite group of German industrialists to plan for Germany's post-war recovery, prepare for the Nazis' return to power, and work for a strong Fourth Reich. RHR copied by British spies and sent to the US Secretary of State, detailed how the industrialists were to work with the Nazi Party to rebuild Germany's economy. They would set up a network of secret front companies abroad, wait until conditions were right, and then grab power with various hoodwinking treaties.Nobody told these kids about the injustice and police brutality in Fourth Reich. On October 18, 2010, a stupid minister locked an innocent dissident in jail for allegedly making fun of her! In reality, another unknown blogger, a fan of the dissident, made fun of her. Nonetheless, the dissident had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by the stupid minister. Is Premier Papandreou proud of her?The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.The Fourth Amendment finds its roots in English legal doctrine. Sir Edward Coke, in Semayne's case(1604), famously stated the house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress, as well for his defense against injury and violence as for his repose.
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I wonder who among us would like to approach the wife or mother whose husband or son has died in war and ask them if they think this is a peace that should be maintained indefinitely. Do they mean peace, or do they mean we just want to be left in peace? There can be no real peace while one American is dying some place in the world for the rest of us. We're at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars, and it's been said if we lose that war, and in so doing lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening. Well I think it's time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers.Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro, and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said, "We don't know how lucky we are." And the Cuban stopped and said, "How lucky you are? I had someplace to escape to." And in that sentence he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people, is still the newest and the most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. The entropy of an organization drastically increases with the size of the organization. The Greek government does not need more than five ministers, but it has fifty ministers! No wonder Greece goes bankrupt. Greek ministers enjoy full impunity, no matter what they do. And they do many stupid things! On October 18, 2010, a stupid minister locked an innocent dissident in jail for allegedly making fun of her! In reality, another unknown blogger, a fan of the dissident, made fun of her. Nonetheless, the dissident had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by the stupid minister. Is Premier Papandreou proud of her? The Greek government has neither restituted nor apologized yet for this freakish behavior.This is the issue: whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon our dignity and confess that a little intellectual elite in a capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.You and I are told increasingly we have to choose between a left or right. Well I'd like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There's only an up or down: up, man's old -- old-aged dream, the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order, or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism. And regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course.Lesmiserables syndrome is the prosecution of a minor infraction which catalyzes a series of major infractions. Innocent people suffer from lesmiserables syndrome, whereas kleptocrats enjoy impunity. Jails are full of lesmiserables, an injustice which will result in a global revolt against kleptocrats. There is an elasticity limit to how much abuse innocent people could tolerate. On a clear day, xasteria, lesmiserables and taxstrucks will take their guns and shoot all kleptocrats they could find. Lesmiserables do not need misereres, but guns. We've reached the limit of elasticity, and now is the time to revolt.In UK, police is considered a friend of the people, whereas in Greece, police is considered an enemy of the people. The Greek Ministry of Citizen Protection is a euphemism for the Greek Ministry of Kleptocrat Protection and Citizen Harassment, George Orwell's Miniluv! Graecokleptocrats use their brutal police to protect themselves from the Greek people. Major global riots against police brutality started on December 6, 2008, when Alexis Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old student, was fatally shot by a police officer without any reason. December 6 is now the International Day Against Police Brutality.-


Most kleptocrats in Latin America and the Balkans enjoy impunity. Reporters Without Borders is outraged to learn that Panama has offered political asylum to Maria del Pilar Hurtado, a former head of Colombia's leading intelligence agency, the Administrative Department of Security (DAS). Hurtado is due to go to the Panamanian consulate in Bogota today to receive documents allowing her to travel to Panama.Panama's decision is an insult to all the victims of the DAS dirty tricks – illegal phone tapping, smear campaigns and acts of sabotage – committed during Alvaro Uribe's two presidential terms. As well as journalists critical of President Uribe's "democratic security" policy, the victims included human rights activists, trade unionists, judges and politicians.The head of the intelligence agency from August 2007 to October 2008, Hurtado is one of the three former DAS chiefs among a total of 18 senior Uribe administration officials who have been subject to disciplinary sanctions since 1 October. The sanctions concern phone-tapping alone.Reporters Without Borders is still waiting for the report to lead to further investigations and criminal prosecutions for all of the different kinds of dirty tricks. A formal request for prosecutions was filed on 6 October by Radio Nizkor journalist Claudia Julieta Duque, one of the so-called DASgate's victims.Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli, a close ally of Uribe, gave "regional stability" as grounds for offering Hurtado asylum. Does political neighbourliness justify violating basic legal principles and endorsing impunity? Hurtado is not a victim of political persecution. She is a government official who exceeded her authority. Is a person who defended the mechanisms of state security now saying she does not feel protected by them?The Organization of American States must demand an explanation from both governments and prevent a bad precedent being set, especially as asylum requests have reportedly been submitted by other former officials involved in the DASgate scandal.Greek ministers enjoy full impunity, no matter what they do. And they do many stupid things! On October 18, 2010, a stupid minister locked an innocent dissident in jail for allegedly making fun of her! In reality, another unknown blogger, a fan of the dissident, made fun of her. Nonetheless, the dissident had to resign from his job, and his life has been destroyed. His life has been stolen by the stupid minister. Is Premier Papandreou proud of her? The Greek government has not apologized yet for this freakish behavior.
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Congressman Ron Paul points out the growing revolt against invasive TSA practices is encouraging to Americans who are fed up with federal government encroachment in their lives. In the case of air travelers, this encroachment is quite literally physical. But a deep-seated libertarian impulse still exists within the American people, and opposition to the new TSA full body scanner and groping searches is gathering momentum.The growing revolt against invasive TSA practices is encouraging to Americans who are fed up with federal government encroachment in their lives. In the case of air travelers, this encroachment is quite literally physical. But a deep-seated libertarian impulse still exists within the American people, and opposition to the new TSA full body scanner and groping searches is gathering momentum.Ron Paul introduced legislation last week that is based on a very simple principle: federal agents should be subject to the same laws as ordinary citizens. If you would face criminal prosecution or a lawsuit for groping someone, exposing them to unwelcome radiation, causing them emotional distress, or violating indecency laws, then TSA agents should similarly face sanctions for their actions.This principle goes beyond TSA agents, however. As Lew Rockwell recently noted, the bill enshrines the key lesson of the freedom philosophy: the government is not above the moral law. If it is wrong for you and me, it is wrong for people in government suits. That is true of TSA crimes too. The revolt against TSA also serves as a refreshing reminder that we should not give in to government alarmism or be afraid to question government policies. Certainly, those who choose to refuse the humiliating and potentially harmful new full body scanner machines may suffer delays, inconveniences, or worse. But Ron Paul still believes peaceful resistance is the most effective tool against federal encroachment on our constitutional rights, which leads me to be supportive of any kind of opt-out or similar popular movements.After all, what price can we place on our dignity, personal privacy, and physical integrity? We have a right not to be treated like criminals and searched by federal agents without some reasonable evidence of criminal activity. Are we now to accept that merely wishing to travel and board an aircraft give rise to reasonable suspicion of criminality? Also, let's not forget that TSA was created in the aftermath of 9/11, when far too many Americans were clamoring for government protection from the specter of terrorism. Indeed it was congressional Republicans, the majority party in 2001, who must bear much of the blame for creating the Department of Homeland Security and TSA in the first place. Congressional Republicans also overwhelmingly supported the Patriot Act, which added to the atmosphere of hostility toward civil liberties in the name of state-provided "security."But as we've seen with TSA, federal "security" has more to do with humiliation and control than making us safe. It has more to do with instilling a mindset of subservience, which is why laughable policies such as removing one's shoes continue to be enforced. What else could explain the shabby, degrading spectacle of a long line of normally upbeat Americans shuffling obediently through airport security in their stocking feet? Ron Paul muses TSA may be merely symbolic of much bigger problems with the federal government, but it is an important symbol and we have a real chance to do something about it. We must seize this opportunity, before TSA offers some cosmetic compromise or the media spotlight fades. If you don't live in my congressional district, please consider contacting your member of Congress and asking him or her to cosponsor HR 6416, the American Traveler Dignity Act of 2010. With enough help, we can push the bill to a vote early next year. Unless grassroots Americans take action, federal agencies like TSA will continue to bully us and ignore our basic constitutional freedoms.At the very end, America might deteriorate to the miserable level of Greece. On October 18, 2010, a violent gang of six Greek police thugs broke into the home of a heroic dissident, confiscated his computer, and locked him in jail! There were no toilet facilities in his jail cell; instead, the 65-year-old dissident was provided with a small empty bottle of water to urinate in during the night. There was neither mattress nor pillow. There were wild screams of prisoners during the whole night, while the guards were watching TV in their office, pretending they were deaf! The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.The Fourth Amendment finds its roots in English legal doctrine. Sir Edward Coke, in Semayne's case(1604), famously stated the house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress, as well for his defense against injury and violence as for his repose.-

~** RANDIAN STANDARD OF VALUE‏ : I am the man who has earned the thing you did not fight for, the thing you have renounced, betrayed, corrupted, yet were unable fully to destroy and are now hiding as your guilty secret, spending your life in apologies to every professional cannibal, lest it be discovered that somewhere within you, you still long to say what I am now saying to the hearing of the whole of mankind: I am proud of my own value and of the fact that I wish to live.This wish, which you share, yet submerge as an evil, is the only remnant of the good within you, but it is a wish one must learn to deserve. His own happiness is man's only moral purpose, but only his own virtue can achieve it. Virtue is not an end in itself. Virtue is not its own reward or sacrificial fodder for the reward of evil. Life is the reward of virtue, and happiness is the goal and the reward of life.Just as your body has two fundamental sensations, pleasure and pain, as signs of its welfare or injury, as a barometer of its basic alternative, life or death, so your consciousness has two fundamental emotions, joy and suffering, in answer to the same alternative. Your emotions are estimates of that which furthers your life or threatens it, lightning calculators giving you a sum of your profit or loss. You have no choice about your capacity to feel that something is good for you or evil, but what you will consider good or evil, what will give you joy or pain, what you will love or hate, desire or fear, depends on your standard of value. Emotions are inherent in your nature, but their content is dictated by your mind. Your emotional capacity is an empty motor, and your values are the fuel with which your mind fills it. If you choose a mix of contradictions, it will clog your motor, corrode your transmission and wreck you on your first attempt to move with a machine which you, the driver, have corrupted.If you hold the irrational as your standard of value and the impossible as your concept of the good, if you long for rewards you have not earned, for a fortune, or a love you don't deserve, for a loophole in the law of causality, for an A that becomes non-A at your whim, if you desire the opposite of existence, you will reach it. Do not cry, when you reach it, that life is frustration and that happiness is impossible to man; check your fuel: it brought you where you wanted to go.Happiness is not to be achieved at the command of emotional whims. Happiness is not the satisfaction of whatever irrational wishes you might blindly attempt to indulge. Happiness is a state of non-contradictory joy, a joy without penalty or guilt, a joy that does not clash with any of your values and does not work for your own destruction, not the joy of escaping from your mind, but of using your mind's fullest power, not the joy of faking reality, but of achieving values that are real, not the joy of a drunkard, but of a producer. Happiness is possible only to a rational man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seeks nothing but rational values and finds his joy in nothing but rational actions.Just as I support my life, neither by robbery nor alms, but by my own effort, so I do not seek to derive my happiness from the injury or the favor of others, but earn it by my own achievement. Just as I do not consider the pleasure of others as the goal of my life, so I do not consider my pleasure as the goal of the lives of others. Just as there are no contradictions in my values and no conflicts among my desires-so there are no victims and no conflicts of interest among rational men, men who do not desire the unearned and do not view one another with a cannibal's lust, men who neither make sacrifice nor accept them.The symbol of all relationships among such men, the moral symbol of respect for human beings, is the trader. We, who live by values, not by loot, are traders, both in matter and in spirit. A trader is a man who earns what he gets and does not give or take the undeserved. A trader does not ask to be paid for his failures, nor does he ask to be loved for his flaws. A trader does not squander his body as fodder or his soul as alms. Just as he does not give his work except in trade for material values, so he does not give the values of his spirit - his love, his friendship, his esteem - except in payment and in trade for human virtues, in payment for his own selfish pleasure, which he receives from men he can respect. The mystic parasites who have, throughout the ages, reviled the traders and held them in contempt, while honoring the beggars and the looters, have known the secret motive of their sneers: a trader is the entity they dread, a man of justice.Smart words are more effective than smart bombs! Mighty words of a charismatic keynote speaker can transform your people to a new dimension of organizational climate, efficiency, self-actualization, enthusiasm, belonging, and motivation. To get such a speaker to your conference, write to .-


** 1.-!/?ref=home , 434 ΦίλοιΠροβολή Όλων , και 360 αγαπημένες σελίδες μου .- , ΑΡΦΑΡΑ-ΜΕΣΣΗΝΙΑΣ 2010.- , Η ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ ΕΝΟΣ ΧΩΡΙΟΥ , ΑΡΦΑΡΑ - ΜΕΣΣΗΝΙΑΣ 2010 .-
2.-!/profile.php?id=1037492258 , Σταμάτης Σκούλικας (2) .- 343 Φίλοι Προβολή , Όλων & 224 αγαπημένες σελίδες μου .-
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