Κυριακή 19 Ιουνίου 2011

Ενημέρρωση Σαββατο -Κυριακή 18 και 19 Ιουνίου 2011 *

Ενημέρρωση  Σαββατο -Κυριακή  18  και 19  Ιουνίου  2011 :

** Μια  άποψη  της Κομώπολης  των Αρφαρών :

** Από τον Καποδήστρια στον Καλληκράτη στην δημιουργία νέων Δήμων :

** ΑΝΑΡΤΗΣΕΙΣ  δεκαημέρου Ιουνίου  2011 :
~**  , Στο αγιάζι της Ενημέρωσης Τετάρτη 8 και Πέμπτη 9 Ιουνίου 2011 .-
~**  , Στο Αγιάζι της Ενημέρωσης Παρασκεύη 10 Ιουνίου 2011 .-
~**  , Ενημέρωση Σαββατο-Κύριακο 11 και 12 Ιουνίου 2011 .-
~**  , Στο αγιάζι της Ενημέρωσης Τρίτη 14 Ιουνίου 2011 .-
~**  , Εκδηλώσεις Νηπιαγωγείου Βαλύρας Μεσσηνίας 14 Ιουνίου 2011 .-
**  , Εκδηλώσεις στο Νηπιαγωγείο Βαλύρας Ν. Μεσσηνίας .-
~**  , 15/6/2011 .-
~**  , Στο αγιάζι της Ενημέρωσης Τετάρτη 15 Ιουνίου 2011 .-
  **  , Ένα δυήμερο στην Ελληνική Φύση από Καλαμάτα στο Καρπενήσι του Ν. Ευρυτανίας
~**  , Ενημερώσεις
** Στο  αγιάζι  της Ενημέρωσης :
**  Ψήφο εμπιστοσύνης ζήτησε στη Βουλή ο πρωθυπουργός

Με ομιλία του πρωθυπουργού ξεκίνησε το μεσημέρι η τριήμερη κοινοβουλευτική συζήτηση για την ανανέωση της ψήφου εμπιστοσύνης της Βουλής προς την κυβέρνηση. Η διαδικασία θα ολοκληρωθεί τα μεσάνυχτα της Τρίτης με ονομαστική ψηφοφορία.-

** Πιο Αγανακτισμένοι οι πολίτες μετά τον ανασχηματισμό
* Για επικοινωνιακά τρικ κάνουν λόγο οι Έλληνες Αγανακτισμένοι, αναφερόμενοι στον κυβερνητικό ανασχηματισμό, και οργανώνουν δρώμενα για την Πλατεία Συντάγματος. Νέο πανευρωπαϊκό ραντεβού την Κυριακή μπροστά στη Βουλή.-

** Ανησυχία στον εναέριο χώρο της Ουάσινγκτον
* Ερωτηματικά από το περιστατικό που συνέβη το απόγευμα του Σαββάτου στην Ουάσινγκτον, όταν ένα μικρό αεροσκάφος εισήλθε στον εναέριο χώρο της αμερικανικής πρωτεύουσας για να αναχαιτιστεί άμεσα από ελικόπτερα της ακτοφυλακής.-

** Το Δημόσιο αποζημιώνει θύμα διαφημιστικής πινακίδας
* Το Δημόσιο υποχρεώθηκε να καταβάλει 550.000 ευρώ σε συγγενείς 18χρονου θύματος τροχαίου, που επέβαινε σε αυτοκίνητο το οποίο προσέκρουσε σε διαφημιστική πινακίδα, η οποία βρισκόταν στη μεσαία διαχωριστική νησίδα της Λ. Βουλιαγμένης.-

** Κατέπεσε Mirage 2000 - σώοι οι χειριστές του
* Σώοι περισυνελέγησαν οι χειριστές μαχητικού αεροσκάφους τύπου Mirage 2000 που κατέπεσε την Πέμπτη μεταξύ Φούρνων και Σάμου, αφού χρησιμοποίησαν εγκαίρως το μηχανισμό εγκατάλειψης, λόγω απώλειας ώσης στον κινητήρα.-

** Πανευρωπαϊκό ραντεβού των Αγανακτισμένων
Οι Αγανακτισμένοι απευθύνουν κάλεσμα για το καθιερωμένο κυριακάτικο πανευρωπαϊκό ραντεβού το απόγευμα, ενώ την Τρίτη, ημέρα ψήφου εμπιστοσύνης στην κυβέρνηση, θα προσπαθήσουν ξανά να περικυκλώσουν τη Βουλή.-

** Μικροεπεισόδια τα ξημερώματα στην Αθήνα
Επεισόδια με μολότοφ σημειώθηκαν τα ξημερώματα σε δύο κεντρικά σημεία της Αθήνας, με αποτέλεσμα τον ελαφρύ τραυματισμό αστυνομικού. Τα επεισόδια σημειώθηκαν στη Ναυαρίνου και Μαυρομιχάλη και Ακαδημίας και Θεμιστοκλέους.

** Για 24η ημέρα οι «Αγανακτισμένοι» στο Σύνταγμα
Νέο ραντεβού, το 24ο συνεχόμενο, είχαν την Παρασκευή στην Πλατεία Συντάγματος οι Αγανακτισμένοι πολίτες. Άνθρωποι όλων των ηλικιών συνεχίζουν να δίνουν καθημερινά το «παρών» έξω από το κοινοβούλιο, φωνάζοντας συνθήματα.

** Σωροί από σκουπίδια στο Αρφαά
Κίνδυνος για τους κατοίκους της κομώπολης Αρφαρών Καλαμάτας , (πρώην δήμος )και των πέριξ χωριών ή τοπικών διαμερισμάτων από τη συγκέντρωση τόννων σκουπιδίων , με κίνδυνο από αρρώστιες , μόλυνση του περιβάλλοντος , του υδροφόρου ορίζοντα , από όπου υδροδοτείται και η πόλη της Καλαμάτας , από πυρκαγιές κ.λ.π. Τι θα κάνεις κύριε Δήμαρχε ; Οι κάτοικοι των Αρφαρώ όπως γνωρίζεις σε υπερψήφησαν ...!! Περμένουν λύση εδώ και τώρα πρίν είναι αργά ...!

** Με το Δημοτικό στάδιο-γήπεδο Αρφαρών ;
Υπάρχει περίπτωση κύριε Δήμαρχε , να γίνει κάτι με τι συντήριση του χλοοτάπητα στο γήπεδο Αρφαρών (συντήριση) , ή θα δούμε πολύ σύντωμα ένα γήπεδο χωρίς χορτάρι μετά από χρόνια και πάλι ; Μήπως αναπολούμε και αναζητούμε τα παλιά εκείνα χρόνια ..... ; με τα χωρίς χορτάρι-ξερά γήπεδα ;

** Πέθανε ο σαξοφωνίστας του Μπρους Σπρίνγκστιν δημιουργία:19/6/2011 8:55 πμ τελευταία ενημέρωση:19/6/2011 10:04 πμ
* Ο Κλάρενς Κλέμονς, ο σαξοφωνίστας-βεντέτα του συγκροτήματος E Street Band που συνοδεύει τον αμερικανό τραγουδιστή Μπρους Σπρίνγκστιν, πέθανε έπειτα από εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο, ανέφεραν το Σάββατο τα αμερικανικά ΜΜΕ.
* Ο 69χρονος μουσικός, που είχε πολλά προβλήματα υγείας τα τελευταία χρόνια, είχε υποστεί εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο στο σπίτι του στη Φλόριντα (νοτιοανατολικές ΗΠΑ), μία εβδομάδα προτού εγχειριστεί. Πέθανε από μετεγχειρητικές επιπλοκές, ανέφερε το κανάλι CBS.
* Ο Μπρους Σπρίνγκστιν δήλωσε στο CNN «συντετριμμένος» προτού προσθέσει: «ο Κλάρενς έζησε μια καταπληκτική ζωή. Τα έδινε όλα κάθε νύχτα που ανέβαινε στη σκηνή. Ήταν για μένα ένας αγαπητός φίλος, ο συνεργάτης μου».
* Ο Κλάρενς Κλέμονς, που είχε ήδη εγχειριστεί στα γόνατα και στην πλάτη, ανέβηκε στη σκηνή για τελευταία φορά στο πλευρό του Μπρους Σπρίνγκστιν το Δεκέμβριο του 2010. Έπαιξε επίσης σε δύο κομμάτια του τελευταίου άλμπουμ της Λέιντι Γκάγκα «Born this way».

**Μαθήτρια Λυκείου της Καλαμάτας επιτέθηκε με σουγιά σε συμμαθήτριά της 14/6 :
* Τα 17χρονα κορίτσια ήρθαν στα χέρια μέσα στο χώρο του σχολείου καθώς είχαν προσωπικές διαφορές.
* Γρήγορα τις χώρισαν, όμως η μία από αυτές δεν ήθελε να το αφήσει περάσει έτσι. Πήγε στην τάξη, πήρε ένα σουγιά που είχε στην τσάντα της και επιτέθηκε στη συμμαθήτριά της. Την τραυμάτισε στο πόδι και προσπάθησε να της επιτεθεί και πάλι, αλλά βρήκε αντίσταση.
* «Είναι γνωστό ότι κουβαλούσε μαζί της σουγιά», δήλωσαν μαθητές. Η τραυματισμένη μαθήτρια μεταφέρθηκε αμέσως στο Νοσοκομείο Καλαμάτας, όπου έκανε ράμματα.
* Οι λόγοι του καυγά δεν έχουν ακόμα διευκρινιστεί, ενώ αύριο θα συνεδριάσει ο Σύλλογος Διδασκόντων. Κατά τη διάρκεια της συνεδρίασης, η μαθήτρια που τραυμάτισε τη συμμαθήτριά της θα έχει την ευκαιρία να απολογηθεί,σύμφωνα με την εφημερίδα «Θάρρος», ενώ θα τεθεί η πρόταση να αλλάξει σχολείο.
* Η διεύθυνση και οι καθηγητές του Λυκείου δηλώνουν ότι πρόκειται για μεμονωμένο περιστατικό, που δεν είναι ενδεικτικό της κατάστασης που επικρατεί στα σχολεία της Καλαμάτας.
* Τέλος, η μητέρα της μαθήτριας που τραυματίστηκε κατέθεσε μήνυση κατά της μητέρας της κοπέλας που έβγαλε σουγιά, και η υπόθεση αναμένεται να πάρει το δρόμο των δικαστηρίων

** Οι κλοπές δίνουν και παίρνουν ...στην περιοχή Αρφαρών
*Καθημερινές διαρρήξεις και κλοπές σημειώνωνται στην στην περιοχή του πρώην Δήμου Αρφαρών και νύν Καλαμάτας .- Κάτι θα πρέπει να γίνει πριν οι κάτοικοι της περιοχής πάρουν το νόμο στα χέρια τους ...
* Σε ότι αφορά στα σκάνδαλα και τόσα άλλα που μας έφεραν σε τούτο το χάλι , ο κόσμος δεν ξεχνά ... Επιζητεί >!!! :  Τέρμα στην ατιμορησία ! Τέρμα στον ευνουχισμό των σωμάτων ασφαλίας -αστυνομίας ! Τέρμα στην υποκρισία και στην κάθε είδους αδικία !!

** Ερωτική Σχέση – Η αρχή
* Όλες οι ερωτικές σχέσεις περνούν από συγκεκριμένα και προβλέψιμα στάδια, τα οποία καθορίζουν τη μετέπειτα πορεία της. Τα στάδια της ερωτικής σχέσης κατά τους επιστήμονες μπορούν να διαχωριστούν καθορίζοντας τηναρχή της σχέσης, τη μέση και το τέλος μιας σχέσης και συνδέονται απόλυτα μεταξύ τους.
* Ακόμα και αν η σχέση σας φαίνεται να διακατέχεται από πάθος, ή αντίθετα να είναι χαοτική και εκτός ελέγχου, διανύετε ένα από τα στάδια της ερωτικής σχέσης – και υπάρχουν ακόμα περισσότερα στάδια να περάσετε και να ανακαλύψετε.
* Αν και δεν είναι καλό να καλουπώνει κανείς τη σχέση του και να τις βάζει ταμπέλες, εντούτοις μια ορθολογική προσέγγιση των σχέσεων μας κάνει να πατάμε πιο γερά στα πόδια μας και να αντιλαμβανόμαστε τι συμβαίνει με μεγαλύτερη ασφάλεια και σιγουριά. Στα οκτώ στάδια της ερωτικής σχέσης που θα παρουσιάσουμε εδώ, υπάρχουν προτεινόμενες συμβουλές και παρατηρήσεις.
*** 1o Στάδιο της Ερωτικής Σχέσης – Τα μέλια
* Σύμφωνα με τα παραμύθια και τα ερωτικά τραγούδια, αυτό το στάδιο αντικατοπτρίζει το πραγματικό νόημα και περιεχόμενο του έρωτα. Συναντάς κάποιον, συνδέεσαι μαζί του, γίνεται το κλικ και ερωτεύεστε. Όλα είναι καλά και ωραία και τίποτα δεν μοιάζει να βρίσκεται εκτός ελέγχου. Ακόμα και αν μερικά πράγματα δεν είναι άψογα, όλοι πιστεύουν ή ελπίζουν ότι θα διορθωθούν.
* Αυτό το στάδιο ξεκινά από την πρώτη μέρα της επαφής και μπορεί να κρατήσει τρείς με έξι μήνες περίπου – ειδικά αν το ζευγάρι μένει μαζί ή περνά πολύ χρόνο μαζί. Τα συναισθήματα αυτό το διάστημα είναι υπέροχα. Το ζευγάρι νιώθει πιο ζωντανό, μέσα στη χαρά , την πνευματικότητα, τη δημιουργία. Υπάρχει ελπίδα για κάτι καλύτερο στη ζωή, ενθουσιασμός και όμορφα συναισθήματα.
* Η Παγίδα: φυσικά υπάρχει και μια μικρή παγίδα εδώ: οι περισσότεροι θεωρούν ότι ταιριάζουν απόλυτα με το σύντροφο τους – και αν όχι απόλυτα, πιστεύουν ότι σίγουρα θα βρεθούν οι χρυσές τομές, γιατί νιώθουν τόσο καλά μαζί που τίποτα δεν μπορεί να τους χωρίσει. Αυτό φυσικά είναι μια μεγάλη παγίδα, γιατί τους πρώτους μήνες της σχέσης σπανίως βλέπουμε τα πράγματα αναλυτικά και ξεκάθαρα και φυσικά δεν γνωρίζουμε τον άλλον άνθρωπο τόσο καλά.
* Τι μπορείτε να κάνετε: Προφανώς να κρατάτε μικρό καλάθι και να μη βασίζετε τις ελπίδες σας στον άλλο άνθρωπο. Η αντικειμενικότητα μπορεί να σας σώσει από πολλά λάθη και απογοητεύσεις. Το να διαπιστώσετε αν ο άλλος άνθρωπος είναι ο κατάλληλος για εσάς είναι κάτι που δεν γίνεται από τη μια μέρα στην άλλη, για αυτό απολαύστε το χρόνο σας μαζί του/της όντες αντικειμενικοί και ρεαλιστές.
*** 2ο στάδιο της ερωτικής σχέσης – η Ανακάλυψη
* Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτού του σταδίου ο αρχικός υπέρμετρος ενθουσιασμός αρχίζει να υποχωρεί. Όχι απαραίτητα γιατί κάτι κακό συμβαίνει, αλλά γιατί είναι φυσιολογικό. Τόσο εσείς όσο και ο/η σύντροφός σας αρχίζετε να αντιλαμβάνεστε τα πραγματικά μεγέθη γύρω σας, να βλέπετε τις αδυναμίες και τα τρωτά σημεία του άλλου, και ανακαλύπτετε τον πραγματικό άνθρωπο που έχετε δίπλα σας, με όλα του τα θετικά και αρνητικά στοιχεία. Σε αυτό το στάδιο αντιλαμβάνεται κανείς τι αγαπά και σέβεται στον άλλο, και τι θα μπορούσε να λείπει.
* Το στάδιο αυτό ξεκινά κάπου μεταξύ του 3ου και 6ου μήνα της σχέσης και μπορεί να κρατήσει για μερικά χρόνια. Αυτό εξαρτάται από το επίπεδο της σχέσης και της επικοινωνίας μεταξύ των ατόμων. Η χαρά της ανακάλυψης είναι μεγάλη, καθώς το ζευγάρι περνά μια περίοδο υγιούς ενδοσκόπησης και ανακαλύπτει μικρές και χαριτωμένες λεπτομέρειες, που μπορεί να το φέρουν ακόμα πιο κοντά.
* Η παγίδα: φυσικά σε αυτό το στάδιο μπορεί να αρχίσετε να ανακαλύπτετε πράγματα που σας ενοχλούν αφάνταστα στον άλλο. Διαφορετικές συνήθειες, προτιμήσεις ή ενδιαφέροντα που δε συναντώνται πουθενά είναι πάντα μέσα στο παιχνίδι.
* Τι μπορείτε να κάνετε: Αυτό το στάδιο είναι η καλύτερη περίοδος για να καταλάβετε αν ο άνθρωπος σας είναι ο κατάλληλος ή όχι. Μην αγνοείτε τα σημάδια – θετικά ή αρνητικά – γιατί μπορεί να χάσετε πολύτιμο χρόνο και να επενδύσετε σε έναν άνθρωπο που δε σας καλύπτει, ή τον οποίο δεν καλύπτετε εσείς. Καλό είναι όμως να σέβεστε τον άλλον άνθρωπο ακόμα και αν δεν ταιριάζετε ως σχέση.
*** 3ο Στάδιο της Ερωτικής Σχέσης – Η Δέσμευση
Αυτό είναι το πιο σημαντικό ίσως στάδιο σε μια σχέση, γιατί η σχέση πλέον αποκτά ουσία και περιεχόμενο, καθώς επίσης και ταυτότητα. Είναι το στάδιο όπου μπορούν και οι δυο να ηρεμήσουν – ως προς το τι κάνουν – και να απολαύσουν την ανακάλυψη και την κοινή πορεία. Φυσικά δεν είναι το τέλος της διαδικασίας, αλλά η αρχή της, γιατί μια σχέση στην πραγματικότητα δεν ξεκινά ποτέ αν δεν υπάρξει δέσμευση.
* Το στάδιο αυτό ξεκινά όταν ένα από τα δυο πρόσωπα αποφασίσει να δεσμευτεί με τον έναν ή άλλο τρόπο. Το έτερον ήμισυ μπορεί να ακολουθήσει και να υπάρξει οριστική δέσμευση μέσα στη σχέση ή να αποχωρήσει. Η χαρά της δέσμευσης δεν είναι κάτι τόσο παράλογο όσο νομίζουν κάποιοι: η ίδια η δέσμευση σαν λέξη είναι αρνητική, αλλά μέσα σε μια σχέση είναι ο ακρογωνιαίος λίθος. Χωρίς δέσμευση και κοινή αποδοχή της σχέσης, σχέση δεν υπάρχει.
* Η παγίδα: το ότι αποφασίσατε να δεσμευτείτε δε σημαίνει ότι πρέπει να δείτε τον άλλο σαν κάτι το δεδομένο και να σταματήσετε να ασχολείστε ή να ανακαλύπτετε. Η επικοινωνία είναι πάρα πολύ σημαντική και εφόσον έχετε αποφασίσει από κοινού να είστε σε αυτή τη σχέση πρέπει να την καλλιεργείτε συνεχώς, αλλιώς το πλοίο θα βουλιάξει. Η ανανέωση του πάθους, η χαρά και ο σεβασμός είναι κομμάτια της δέσμευσης.


* Επιστολή στην υπουργό για το κλείσιμο του σχολείου Απαράδεκτη χαρακτηρίζει ο Σύλλογος Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων  του Γυμνασίου Κοπανακίου την απόφαση του υπουργείου Παιδείας για συγχώνευση του σχολείου με αυτό της Κυπαρισσίας. -
* Σε επιστολή του προς την υπουργό Αννα Διαμαντοπούλου, τονίζει ότι μαζί με την τοπική κοινωνία θα αντισταθεί στο κλείσιμο του σχολείου. Στην επιστολή τους, που κοινοποιούν και στους βουλευτές του νομού, οι γονείς αναφέρουν χαρακτηριστικά:
** «Χθες ανακοινώθηκε ότι το Γυμνάσιο Κοπανακίου Μεσσηνίας θα συγχωνευθεί με το Γυμνάσιο Κυπαρισσίας. Η λήψη της απόφασης έγινε χωρίς τη σύμφωνη γνώμη της τοπικής κοινωνίας και
παρά τη διαβεβαίωση από πλευράς υπουργείου ότι σε κάθε περίπτωση θα ληφθεί υπόψη η γνώμη των τοπικών κοινωνιών.-
* Η τοπική κοινωνία σάς γνωστοποίησε εγκαίρως την άποψή της μέσω του ψηφίσματος του Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου, αλλά προφανώς αγνοήθηκε αποδεικνύοντας έτσι ότι η περίφημη διαβούλευση ήταν καθαρά προσχηματική. Ο Σύλλογος Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων του Γυμνασίου Κοπανακίου θεωρεί απαράδεκτη την απόφαση για συγχώνευση και δηλώνει ότι μαζί με την τοπική
κοινωνία θα αντισταθεί με κάθε τρόπο στο κλείσιμο του γυμνασίου». Κ.Μπ.-

** Αντιδράσεις για το κλείσιμο του 17ου Δημοτικού Καλαμάτας 
* Την έντονη διαφωνία τους εξέφρασαν χθες το πρωί στη Διεύθυνση Πρωτοβάθμιας και στο Δήμο
Καλαμάτας οι γονείς των μαθητών του 17ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Καλαμάτας, για το κλείσιμο
του σχολείου και τη συγχώνευσή του με 12ο. Μάλιστα, είπαν στον προϊστάμενο της Πρωτοβάθμιας
Εκπαίδευσης Μεσσηνίας Νίκο  Κλάδη πως θεωρούν ότι εξαπατήθηκαν και ότι όλος ο σχεδια
σμός έγινε ερήμην τους ...

  Η Κουκουτσοανήσυχη: Παραμύθι για παιδιά 2 - 92 ετών

Μμμμμ... η μανούλα έφτιαξε Μακαρόνια με Σάλτσα Κοτόπουλο!! Ground Chicken or Turkey Spaghetti Sause

Σκέφτομαι... πριν συμπληρώσω το Μηχανογραφικό μου!!!

Η Κουκουτσοανήσυχη: Παραμύθι για παιδιά 2 - 92 ετών
Είναι ένα παραμύθι για τις φοβίες των παιδιών, και όχι μόνο..... Θαρρώ πως θα έκανε πολύ καλό σε όλους, όσους έχουμε κάποιες φοβίες, αν το διαβάσουμε....Βάλτε στη θέση της Κουκουτσοανήσυχης, τον...

Μμμμμ... η μανούλα έφτιαξε Μακαρόνια με Σάλτσα Κοτόπουλο!! Ground Chicken or Turkey Spaghetti Sause
Πολύ νόστιμη σάλτσα για μακαρόνια, με ντομάτα κοτόπουλο και μανιτάρια. Εύκολη και χορταστική. GROUND CHICKEN, OR TURKEY SPAGHETTI SAUCE Υλικά συνταγής: Κομμένο κύβους...

 Σκέφτομαι... πριν συμπληρώσω το Μηχανογραφικό μου!!!
 Πρώτα από όλα καλή σκέψη και ηρεμία. Μην δηλώνετε καμία σχολή πριν να ενημερωθείτε για το πρόγραμμα σπουδών της, την επαγγελματική σταδιοδρομία και τα μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα που την...



**Ο χρήστης Chantal Duez δημοσίευσε στον Τοίχος σας : .-

** Γεια σας, StamatiosH Argyro Koukoula προτείνει να προσθέσετε τον Dimitri Kollatos ως φίλο στο Facebook.-  Δimitri Kollatos .-

~** Ο χρήστης ΜΑΡΙΑΝΝΑ ΤΖΑΒΕΛΛΑ δημοσίευσε στον Τοίχος σας.‏ .-

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* The MHC on the short arm of chromosome 6 is the most gene-dense region of our DNA with around 230 genes all crammed into this stretch of our genome. The MHC, or major histocompatibility complex, is known to play a pivotal role in our immune system, and around a third of the genes encoded there are known to have immune functions.

* So it's not surprising that DNA variations in this region have been linked to many autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and coeliac disease. But the MHC has also been linked to diseases not related to the immune system, including breast cancer, asthma, infectious diseases and the adverse effects of certain drugs. It's the genetic region with the largest number of diseases associations, period.
* Claire Vandiedonck and Julian Knight of Oxford University pinpoint where gene expression differs identify a set of candidates for which genes are causing increased risk of some autoimmune diseases. These candidate genes can then be looked at in more detail.
* We now have a route map of gene expression in the MHC that can help us understand what lies behind gene associations with various common diseases. These findings have underlined the fact that we need to understand gene regulation as well as DNA sequence. There will be many more of these studies in the future, as geneticists move on to unpick what lies behind genes known to be connected to many common diseases.
* Finding connections between DNA sequence and common conditions is one thing, but understanding how they are connected will involve investigating the many different levels of gene control and regulation there are in the body.
* We'll need to expand our knowledge of how our sequence of DNA letters is read out in organised phrases, sentences and whole paragraphs to really get the language of genetics and what it means for us. Expect stories about our genetics to get more complex before they get clearer.


  * Technology using catalysts which make hydrogen from formic acid will replace lithium batteries and power a host of mobile devices. Edman Tsang of Oxford University has developed a mini hydrogen fuel cell. The new approach involves placing a single atomic layer of palladium atoms onto silver nanoparticles. The structural and electronic effects from the underlying silver greatly enhance the catalytic properties of palladium, giving impressive activity for the conversion of formic acid to hydrogen and carbon dioxide at room temperature.

* The storage and handling of organic liquids, such as formic acid, is much easier and safer than storing hydrogen. The catalysts enable the production of hydrogen from liquid fuel stored in a disposable or recycled cartridge, creating miniature fuel cells to power everything from mobile phones to laptops.
* Another advantage of the new technology is that the gas stream generated from the reaction is mainly composed of hydrogen and carbon dioxide but virtually free from catalyst-poisoning carbon monoxide; removing the need for clean-up processes and extending the life of the fuel cells.
* There are lots of hurdles before you can get a real device, but this fuel cell will replace lithium battery technology with an alternative which has a longer lifespan and has less impact on the environment.

* In January 2010, Emily Lethbridge of the University of Cambridge set off on a pilgrimage to Iceland to work on the country's medieval sagas in situ. She took with her editions of the sagas, detailed maps, some basic information about fishing and emergency first aid, and, most notably, a decommissioned Ministry of Defence Land Rover ambulance, in which she has been living ever since.

* Six months into her journey of discovery around the country, she has already uncovered more than she bargained for. Iceland's sagas, it turns out, are not only alive and well in the national consciousness but in some cases, still evolving as they are transmitted afresh, hundreds of years after they were first written down.
* Originally written down in the 13th and 14th centuries, there are more than 30 sagas of Icelanders in all. They describe the lives of the families who first settled Iceland in the late 9th and early 10th centuries, and those of their descendants in the 11th century.
* Even today, they are a central part of Iceland's culture and still taught in its schools. Most people are familiar with a good number, if not all of them. The sagas are certainly known to a much greater extent than you are familiar with famous works of medieval literature, such as Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
* To understand more about why and how the sagas have such an enduring place in Icelandic consciousness, Emily has been exploring the country in her ambulance, and reading and studying each saga in the landscape in which it is set. On the way, she has been avidly blogging about her experiences to a growing audience of enthusiasts around the world.
* She believes that one key to understanding the power of the sagas lies in their relationship with the landscape itself. The sagas explain how place-names all around the wotld came to be. Some of their explanations about events and characters that purportedly gave rise to the names of places – like farms, hills, bogs and other natural features – may have a historical basis. Others may have been invented by a saga-author.
* Despite their age, the sagas still live on in many of the local areas in which they are set – and have a life over and beyond the printed page. They are used as inspiration for modern literary works, art and music, and they are creatively engaged with on a more everyday basis as well, by people who are not writers or artists.
* "I have come across farmers who compose one-off verses about characters, events, places in the sagas—just for the fun of it", Emily says. "The knowledge that people who are not academics or specialists have about the sagas is remarkable, and I'm learning a lot from being exposed to this, and listening to local people's opinions about `their' saga. It's hard to think of an analogy in another country where a corpus of medieval literature is so close to people's hearts on a local and national scale."
* One reason for this, she thinks, lies in the way that regardless of whether or not they are historically `accurate', the sagas present accounts of the comprehensive settling of a previously uninhabited island. The sagas are medieval attempts to map the early settlers' stamping of their identity on to this previously empty and nameless space.
* In this sense, Emily's research is not just about the power of sagas as literature, but the power of history and legend as a means of constructing and expressing local and national identity: "Humans everywhere need context and strive to understand and have a grip on the past. Over the past millennium or so, the extent to which the landscape in Iceland has changed or been built upon is negligible compared to Britain, for example. In some ways, in the Icelandic landscape, the past is much closer to the present than in other places."
* "When related directly to their physical context, the sagas can be `read' as something other than linear narratives that move from chapter to chapter," she adds. "As one moves from one place to another in a particular area, place-names trigger the recollection of an anecdote related in one saga (and sometimes multiple sagas), and these combine to form a bigger narrative – about a local district, and about the country and its people."


By Basil Venitis

 You are indeed a resonance

To certain ding a dong

Your sounds bring an assonance

Resonate now and sing your song.

 You own your body and you soul

So you could grow strong

In this world you have a role

Resonate now and sing your song.

 Your molecules are full of strings

Waiting for very very long

To lift the people on wings

Resonate now and sing your song.

Express your style and destiny

That couldn't go wrong

Your words reveal your majesty

Resonate now and sing your song.

* Papandreou, godfather of the October-18 Mafia, has curbed a revolt in his mafia by including some of his harshest critics in the new administration, but that might also weaken the reforms. Moreover he has maintained some very stupid ministers. Unquestionably, the freakish Foreign Ministry of Greece is the stupidest ministry on Earth, a booboo mill! Everything that could go wrong with this ministry did go wrong.

* On October 18, 2010, Alternet FM Marilizard Xenoyank destroyed a distinguished professor and dissident blogger in order to appease Premier Erdogan of Turkey. Dissident head on plate is something Salome, femmes fatales, or sirens would definitely appreciate! Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, especially Trojan Horses and dissident heads!
* Papandreou named political heavyweight Evangelos Venizelos, his biggest party rival, as finance minister. Venizelos is now traveling to Brussels to hoodwink Eurogroup. The Eurogroup meeting will start on Sunday 19 June at 7pm. The European Commission will be represented by Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn. The meeting will resume on Monday 20 June at 8.30am.
* Twice a year, the Eurogroup exchanges views with the International Monetary Fund on euro-area policies. As part of the latest Article IV consultation, IMF staff will present to the Eurogroup the Fund's views on the economic outlook for, and the economic policies of, the eurozone. This will then be discussed by the Ministers.
* Ministers will discuss recent economic and financial developments in Greece on the basis of the fourth review of the economic adjustment programme of Greece. That's when Venizelos will drive them crazy with his hoodwimnks and his fantastic rhetoric!
* Wolfgang Schaeuble reiterated Berlin's position that financing a new bailout for the October-18 Mafia should not be left entirely to governments. but only stupid investors would squander their money in a country addicted to kleptocracy, socialism, charge stacking, marilizardism, and xenoyankism.
* Fundamentally all parties agree that the private sector must do its part in a new Greek aid package, but we are still discussing the how, Schaeuble said. There is no way any prudent investor will throw a euro in the Cradle of Kleptocracy, which is infested with Marilizard Xenoyank, the October-18 Mafia, charge stacking, and the cancer of socialism.
* We need a voluntary participation from private creditors, which firstly lends substantial support for Greece, second is quantifiable and third is reliable, Schaeuble added. Any bailout for the Cradle of Kleptocracy is taxpayers' hard-earned money blown out with the wind, because the October-18 Mafia continues corruption, squander, marilizardism, xenoyankism, incivility, stupidity, charge stacking, and junketing. The Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square and the Eldorado of Prostitutes are in cahoots to perpetuate immunity, impunity, and the corrupt status quo.
* The leaders of Germany and France, long at odds over how to involve private holders of Greek bonds in a new rescue package for the October-18 Mafia, said on Friday they agreed on a mild solution favored by Paris and the European Central Bank. Merkel said this approach, modeled on a 2009 agreement by banks to maintain their exposures in central Europe at the height of the financial crisis, was a good foundation for a Greek deal.
* Bond markets remain fearful that the October-18 Mafia may default and most economists are overwhelmingly skeptical that it can ever repay its debt mountain, which has reached 340 billion euros or 150 percent of the country's annual economic output. Bankruptcy would be God's gift to the Cradle of Kleptocracy, because Greece needs a real shock and awe to recover from political corruption. And it looks like God will manifest his benevolence pretty soon!
* A bankruptcy will also bring the much needed revolution to get rid of Graecokleptocrats. The sooner Graecokleptocracy defaults, the better it will be for all concerned. The bigger the haircut, the worse the pain that follows. The damage being inflicted on Greece is very masochistic. When defaults within the eurozone are accepted, a sensible analysis about how to fix the euro can begin.
* The first review of the EU/IMF financial assistance programme for Ireland has been completed. The Irish authorities have demonstrated strong ownership of the programme's implementation and are on track to meet Q2 2011 conditionality. Reflecting this, the second quarter disbursements from the European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM) have been made.
* Looking ahead, continued steadfast implementation of the programme is essential to further lay the foundations of a return to sustained growth and to reduce remaining uncertainties. The next review mission will take place in early July.
* The implementation phase of the Economic Adjustment Programme for Portugal has started. Portugal has taken the prior actions necessary for the first disbursements by the European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism/European Financial Stability Facility (EFSM/EFSF) and the IMF Stand-By Agreement. The EFSM has disbursed so far €6.5 billion and the IMF € 6.1 billion. The EFSF placed on 15 June €5 bn of 10-year bonds for financing Portugal's programme. These funds will serve to disburse €3.6 billion to Portugal on 22 June. A further issue is scheduled before mid-July.
* The success of the programme depends on its swift implementation. Following the elections on 5 June, the Commission looks forward to work closely also with the incoming government. Technical missions to Portugal by the EC/IMF and ECB are foreseen during the summer months. The first review mission will take place during the first weeks of August.


anon: antimarilizardist

Anonymous: anon meme

the Cradle of Kleptocracy: Greece

the Eldorado of Prostitutes: European Parliament

Fourth Reich: European Union

the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square: Parliament of Greece

Marilizard Gift: dissident blogger's head on plate

Marilizard Libel: accusing dissident bloggers of treason

Marilizard Spaghetti: throwing charges on innocent people, in case one sticks

Marilizard Tower: stack of imaginary charges to scare an innocent blogger

marilizardism: terrorizing dissident bloggers

October 18: International Day Against Cybercop Brutality

the October-18 Mafia: Government of Greece

xenoyankism: stupid politics

* ‏June 17, 2011 is the 40th anniversary of America's War on Drugs. This war violates the Venitis Law of Selfownership: You own your body and your soul, and nobody should dictate what you take in and what you take out. Speech, education, heresy, habeas corpus, military service, mating, healthcare, abortion, cloning, drugs, guns, and euthanasia should be personal choices.

* Libertarian Party Chairman Mark Hinkle issued the following statement :
* "On June 17, 1971, President Richard Nixon declared a 'War on Drugs,' which has become a relentless violation of the lives and property of Americans, including many who have never taken illegal drugs. These violations continue under President Barack Obama, an admitted former cocaine user who has shown no hesitation in throwing people into prison -- a punishment he might have suffered had he been caught. Moreover, although promising to respect medical marijuana use in states where voters have approved it, the Obama administration has already conducted close to 100 raids on patients, growers, and compassion centers in those states.
* "America's first experiment in prohibition involved alcohol, and is widely recognized as a failure. Approved in 1919, Prohibition I led to a steady rise in both alcohol usage and violent crime. The murder rate rose 50% between 1919 and 1933, peaking at 9.7 murders per 100,000 population in 1933, when the country finally decided enough was enough. Immediately after the repeal of Prohibition I, gangsterism went into a swift decline, with all of the major gangs disappearing within 18 months, and the murder rate dropping every single year for more than a decade.
* "Prohibition II -- the War on Drugs -- has been another tragedy. We applaud the efforts of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), an organization of current and former police, prosecutors, judges, DEA agents, and others, which issued a 20-page report this month detailing the tragic results of this misguided crusade, entitled 'Ending the Drug War: a Dream Deferred.'
* "In their report, LEAP documented some of the measurable costs: over a million people arrested each year, a trillion dollars spent, and drug gangsterism at a level that dwarfs its alcohol equivalent and which has led to a bloodbath in Mexico that is spilling over into the United States. Not because of drugs, but because of drug laws. And over 120 million Americans have used illicit drugs: only the most deluded observer believes the laws have curbed drug abuse, and only the cruelest believes that 40% of the American population belongs in prison. No wonder 67% of police chiefs say the War on Drugs is a failure.
* "Ultimately, of course, this tragedy is the result of our government's refusal to allow people to engage in peaceful choices as to what they consume. Even if drug use were to rise upon a return to the American tradition of tolerance that existed before the 1914 Harrison Narcotics Act, our streets would be safer, innocent people would not have their homes raided and pets killed by narcotics agents entering the wrong house, victims of asset forfeiture laws wouldn't have their houses and other assets seized without due process, and resources would be freed to spend on improving peoples' lives instead of destroying them.
* "Ten years ago, Portugal decriminalized all drug use, including substances classified as hard drugs. As a Cato Report entitled 'Drug Decriminalization in Portugal: Lessons for Creating Fair and Successful Drug Policies' showed, drug use dropped over the next several years and the Portuguese now use marijuana at lower levels than Americans use cocaine.
* "It only took Americans 14 years to realize the insanity of Prohibition I. Both practical considerations and simple human decency demand that our government end Prohibition II now."
* The Libertarian Party platform includes the following:
1.0 Personal Liberty
* Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. No individual, group, or government may initiate force against any other individual, group, or government. Our support of an individual's right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices.
1.2 Personal Privacy
* Libertarians support the rights recognized by the Fourth Amendment to be secure in our persons, homes, and property. Protection from unreasonable search and seizure should include records held by third parties, such as email, medical, and library records. Only actions that infringe on the rights of others can properly be termed crimes. We favor the repeal of all laws creating "crimes" without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes.-

* The October-18 Mafia is the #1 enemy of privacy and anonymity on Earth! Colleen Walsh points out the digital revolution is storming the barricades of privacy. In today's interconnected world, we are tracked, surveyed, watched, and followed at every turn. Our movements both inside and outside cyberspace are constantly monitored, often with — but also without — our consent. Marketers pounce on our web habits. Cameras on street posts or affixed to vans roaming city streets capture daily life with increasing frequency.
* Walsh notes the Swiss courts are debating a case involving Google's popular Street View service that offers panoramas of roadways around the globe. But the Swiss aren't satisfied with the company's efforts to blur people's faces and license plates. Their privacy is being compromised, the Swiss complain, despite Google's claim that their blurring technology is 98 to 99 percent effective. The Swiss want 100 percent anonymity. Yet for the many millions who are part of the social media explosion, virtual connectedness and the sharing of detailed, personal information via the Internet is a normal, willing endeavor.
* A test case went all the way to the US Supreme Court that determined it is legal to use someone else's name as a pseudonym. Nonetheless, merciless Marilizard Xenoyank declared a war against anonymous Greek bloggers who choose for pen names the names of politicians. But the right to engage in anonymous blogging is a well-established constitutional right in all civil nations. In fact, anonymous political speech is an especially valued right in the West. From Homer to Mark Twain and the authors of the Federalist Papers, anonymous pamphlets, leaflets, brochures, and books have played an important role in the progress of mankind.
* Alternate FM Marilizard cannot understand that a Greek blogger is free to decide whether or not to disclose his true identity. The decision in favor of anonymity may be motivated by fear of Gracokleptocrat retaliation, by concern about Athenian ostracism, or merely by a desire to preserve as much of one's privacy as possible. Whatever the motivation may be, the interest in having anonymous posts enter cyberspace unquestionably outweighs any Greek public interest in requiring disclosure as a condition of blogging.
* Accordingly, a Greek blogger's decision to remain anonymous, like other decisions concerning omissions or additions to the content of a blog, is an aspect of the freedom of speech protected by any reasonable constitution, the Lisbon Treaty, the European Convention of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Not matter what Marilizard is up to, she is definitely not above the law!
* Marilizard Xenoyank cannot understand the Pseudonym Netiquette:

1. Any person can use any pen name, aka pseudonym or alias, as he pleases.

2. Most persons use pen names of famous people, such as politicians.

3. It's an honor when somebody uses your name as a pen name.

4. Only spoofing is forgery, i.e., when one makes the appearance of an email coming from another email.
* Paul Dourish explores privacy as something that people do. What is it that people are doing when they are doing private; what is it that people are doing when they are doing public?" Another theme of his work involves scale, which he explores by studying the experiences of paroled sex offenders in California who are tracked using GPS systems.
* For people who have to calculate their movements so as not to come within 2,000 feet of a playground, library, or school the concept of space takes on a different meaning. There's a reconfiguration of the scale in which space is encountered. That notion is familiar in an online context, as the scales by which we are connected to others become radically different.
* Bricks, mortar, and particularly glass can offer potential models for web design. Exploring evolving styles of architecture can yield clues and inspirations on concepts of privacy that help to inform the design of public and private online spaces. Glass houses offer notions of radical transparency and redefine the concept of privacy. The open format of a setting like the Seattle Public Libraryis a place of encounter, much like the Internet.
* The Internet's public platform also can play an important role in reshaping world events. Recalling the Arab spring and the wave of revolutions inspired and aided by social media, Ethan Zuckerman notes sites such as Facebook and YouTube have become powerful tools for social change. Still, such outlets also can be easily disabled, he cautions.
* "We are embracing these spaces without thinking about the implication of moving our public speech into private spaces. We are leaving it up to the owners of these spaces whether or not we are going to be able to use these public spaces for political purposes." There needs to be a dialogue about how we build these public spaces, Zuckerman adds.
* When it comes to being wired in, teenagers are at the top of the list. Increasingly, interconnected teens define privacy on their own terms and offer reminders that social norms matter. It's about hiding in plain sight. It's about a way of actually recognizing that you are putting information out there, but it's not necessarily to be interpreted. Rather than controlling access to content, young people are controlling access to meaning. If what you are getting online is for free, you are not the customer, you are the product.

* Glass, by definition, is amorphous; its atoms lack order and are arranged every which way. But when scientists squeezed tiny samples of a metallic glass under high pressure, they got a surprise: The atoms lined up in a regular pattern to form a single crystal.

* It's the first time researchers have glimpsed this hidden property in a glass. The discovery offers a new window into the atomic structure and behavior of metallic glasses, which have been used for decades in products such as anti-theft tags and power transformers but are still poorly understood. The more scientists learn about the structure of these commercially important materials, the more effectively they can design new metallic glasses and tinker with old ones to improve their performance.
* "Maybe a lot of glasses have this underlying structure, but we just didn't know how to look for it," said Wendy Mao, a mineral physicist of Stanford University. The discovery is a really neat, important finding. Not only will it help researchers design better metallic glasses, but it explains why these materials can be so tough. If each piece of glass is a single crystal at heart, it doesn't have any of the weak spots at the boundaries between crystals where fractures and corrosion tend to start.
* Unlike familiar window glass, metallic glasses are alloys made of metals, in this case cerium and aluminum. They resist wear and corrosion and they have useful magnetic properties. If you took apart the plastic antitheft tag on a DVD case, you'd find a thin piece of metallic glass that looks like aluminum foil. When you rent or buy a DVD, the checkout clerk rubs it across a pad to demagnetize the metallic glass so it won't trigger an alarm when you leave.
* Scientists have been investigating metallic glasses for half a century, and in 1982 turned up the surprising discovery that these glasses do have some atomic structure, forming patterns over distances spanning just a few atoms. But no long-range patterns were apparent.

* In January 2010, Emily Lethbridge of the University of Cambridge set off on a pilgrimage to Iceland to work on the country's medieval sagas in situ. She took with her editions of the sagas, detailed maps, some basic information about fishing and emergency first aid, and, most notably, a decommissioned Ministry of Defence Land Rover ambulance, in which she has been living ever since.

* Six months into her journey of discovery around the country, she has already uncovered more than she bargained for. Iceland's sagas, it turns out, are not only alive and well in the national consciousness but in some cases, still evolving as they are transmitted afresh, hundreds of years after they were first written down.
* Originally written down in the 13th and 14th centuries, there are more than 30 sagas of Icelanders in all. They describe the lives of the families who first settled Iceland in the late 9th and early 10th centuries, and those of their descendants in the 11th century.
* Even today, they are a central part of Iceland's culture and still taught in its schools. Most people are familiar with a good number, if not all of them. The sagas are certainly known to a much greater extent than you are familiar with famous works of medieval literature, such as Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
* To understand more about why and how the sagas have such an enduring place in Icelandic consciousness, Emily has been exploring the country in her ambulance, and reading and studying each saga in the landscape in which it is set. On the way, she has been avidly blogging about her experiences to a growing audience of enthusiasts around the world.
* She believes that one key to understanding the power of the sagas lies in their relationship with the landscape itself. The sagas explain how place-names all around the wotld came to be. Some of their explanations about events and characters that purportedly gave rise to the names of places – like farms, hills, bogs and other natural features – may have a historical basis. Others may have been invented by a saga-author.
* Despite their age, the sagas still live on in many of the local areas in which they are set – and have a life over and beyond the printed page. They are used as inspiration for modern literary works, art and music, and they are creatively engaged with on a more everyday basis as well, by people who are not writers or artists.
* "I have come across farmers who compose one-off verses about characters, events, places in the sagas—just for the fun of it", Emily says. "The knowledge that people who are not academics or specialists have about the sagas is remarkable, and I'm learning a lot from being exposed to this, and listening to local people's opinions about `their' saga. It's hard to think of an analogy in another country where a corpus of medieval literature is so close to people's hearts on a local and national scale."
* One reason for this, she thinks, lies in the way that regardless of whether or not they are historically `accurate', the sagas present accounts of the comprehensive settling of a previously uninhabited island. The sagas are medieval attempts to map the early settlers' stamping of their identity on to this previously empty and nameless space.
* In this sense, Emily's research is not just about the power of sagas as literature, but the power of history and legend as a means of constructing and expressing local and national identity: "Humans everywhere need context and strive to understand and have a grip on the past. Over the past millennium or so, the extent to which the landscape in Iceland has changed or been built upon is negligible compared to Britain, for example. In some ways, in the Icelandic landscape, the past is much closer to the present than in other places."
* "When related directly to their physical context, the sagas can be `read' as something other than linear narratives that move from chapter to chapter," she adds. "As one moves from one place to another in a particular area, place-names trigger the recollection of an anecdote related in one saga (and sometimes multiple sagas), and these combine to form a bigger narrative – about a local district, and about the country and its people."

* This weekend in Syntagma Square of Athens, French activists perform with a three-meter puppet depicting a bloodied figure of Lady Justice to rhythmic drumming, in a gesture of solidarity with Greek protesters who have camped in the square for three weeks. Greek rabblerousers believe their job is to get kickbacks! These kickback collectors are masters of bribery and cronyism, serving not the people, but the pullpeddlers. These freaks try to gag all dissident bloggers, manipulate justice, churn the pension funds of poor workers, and equate truth with treason.

* The impunity of the 300 Graecokleptocrats of the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square is the most freakish thing on Earth. Even though they looted many billion euros in kickbacks and churning, not a single Graecokleptocrat has ever gone to jail! They are protected by the parliamentary immunity, and nobody can touch them, no matter what. Moreover, they have the nerve to jail dissident bloggers. It's a long way from the 300 Spartans of Leonidas! Allons enfants de la Grece!
* Today in Brussels at 7pm, Evangelos Venizelos, the mad bulldog of the October-18 Mafia, will foam at Eurogroup! Venizelos demands approval for the next part of a Fourth Reich-IMF loan worth 110 billion euros, even though his mafia did not keep its promises of privatization of Greek government assets. Many eggheads predict a Greek revolution, an inexorable change which will release the elastic energy of discontent inside Greeks.
* Eggheads' work is like that of geologists who compile the signs of an imminent earthquake or volcanic eruption. But the time of eruption and its form and severity cannot be predicted in an exact way. So we know a tsunami of discontent will hit the Cradle of Kleptocracy, but we do not know when.
* Merkel calls on private creditors to offer substantial aid to debt-ridden Greece. Merkel concedes, however, that private contribution would have to be voluntary. Only stupid investors would squander their money in a country addicted to kleptocracy, socialism, charge stacking, marilizardism, and xenoyankism.
* Schaeuble reasserts Merkel's request, adding that the private sector's role should be quantifiable and guaranteed. There is no way any prudent investor will throw a euro in the Cradle of Kleptocracy, which is infested with Marilizard Xenoyank, the October-18 Mafia, charge stacking, and the cancer of socialism.
* During talks with Sarko, Merkel backed away from her previous calls for private investors to contribute up to a third of the second Greek rescue package by accepting later repayment on their Greek bonds. Any bailout for the Cradle of Kleptocracy is taxpayers' hard-earned money blown out with the wind, because the October-18 Mafia continues corruption, squander, marilizardism, xenoyankism, incivility, stupidity, charge stacking, and junketing. The Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square and the Eldorado of Prostitutes are in cahoots to perpetuate immunity, impunity, and the corrupt status quo.
* Juncker warns that ramifications of the Greek debt crisis could spread like wildfire through other Fourth Reich countries. Greece will weather some of its immediate financing problems but it cannot

reduce the size of its debt Olympus. Restructuring for Greek bonds is

inevitable. The motivation for bankruptcy would be to limit the financial

exposure and to incentivise the Greek government to stick to the current

objective of generating a sizable primary surplus by 2014.
* Juncker asserts the problems which forced Greece, Ireland, and Portugal to seek emergency aid could not only effect Spain, which is tipped as the next casualty, but also Italy and Belgium. The freakish October-18 Mafia is still siphoning in all the money with huge taxes and VAT, and Graecokleptocrats still throw Marilizard Spaghetti and build Marilizard Towers, which will only depress the economy further. You can't just cut your way out of this crisis while continuing political corruption.
* At some point, the Greek economy needs to start growing again. But this cannot happen in a depressed kleptocracy and marilizardism. Greece should bow to the inevitable, put some Graecokleptocrats in jail, announce a 40% haircut on its debt, drastically cut taxes, especially VAT, abolish marilizardism, and impose a four-year suspension of interest payments on what remains outstanding.
* Greece is a deranged marilizardist country that has been transformed from the cradle of democracy to the cradle of kleptocracy, has a parliament of 300 hookers, forty ministers who are in power to get kickbacks and terrorize dissident bloggers, schools that brainwash kids to hate Turks, brutal cybercops, and hoi polloi addicted to iconolatry, nepotism, jingoism, acrimony, vanity, and statism.
* Juncker asserts Merkel's pressure to involve private investors is playing with fire as it pushes up the cost of the Greek bailout. Greece is different from the other PIGS, because most of debt oroginates not in spending, but robbing! Ted Pangalos, the pachyderm of the October-18 Mafia, declares Graecokleptocrats ate the kickbacks together with myriad sinecurists!
* Fourth Reich and International Monetary Fund are currently trying to assemble a second bailout package for Greece in a futile attempt to delay the bankruptcy of the the Cradle of Kleptocracy. Bankruptcy would be God's gift to the Cradle of Kleptocracy, because Greece needs a real shock and awe to recover from political corruption. And it looks like God will manifest his benevolence pretty soon!
* A bankruptcy will also bring the much needed revolution to get rid of Graecokleptocrats. The sooner Graecokleptocracy defaults, the better it will be for all concerned. The bigger the haircut, the worse the pain that follows. The damage being inflicted on Greece is very masochistic. When defaults within the eurozone are accepted, a sensible analysis about how to fix the euro can begin.
* October 18 confirmed that the Greek government, not the Turkish government, is the enemy of the Greek people! Marilizardist Papandreou of Graecokleptocracy crossed the Rubicon on October 18, 2010, when his alternate FM Marilizard Xenoyank destroyed a distinguished professor and dissident blogger, in order to appease Premier Erdogan of Turkey! That's why the Global Tax Revolt declared October 18 as the International Day Against Cybercop Brutality.

* Squandering taxpayers' hard-earned money on Third World is ridiculous. It's not yours to give! There are many reasons for the failure of foreign aid. Foreign aid has a widespread record of waste, fraud, and abuse. Aid programs have built tennis courts in Rwanda, sent sewing machines to areas without electricity, and constructed hospitals in cities where a dozen similar facilities already sat half empty.

* Eurocommissar Piebalgs is on a junket to Pakistan squandering taxpayers' hard-earned money. Piebalgs says Pakistan is the subject of very close attention from the European Union. First of all it's a very huge country and there is very substantial power in this country. Also the human development index is rather low in Pakistan.
* Kleptocrats are often taking very expensive junkets, taking advantage of their positions and access to public funds to undertake pleasure trips thinly disguised as being of political importance. For example, a keptocrat might travel to Greece, claiming to attend a conference there, but leaving plenty of days to explore the Greek islands and Greek delights at leisure.
* Pakistan is a terrorist nation. From the very beginning, the partnership between the US and Pakistan has been a marriage of convenience. Pervez Musharraf asserts it was a forced marriage. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage warned Pakistan shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, to be prepared to be bombed, to be prepared to go back to the Stone Age!
* Piebalgs thinks the main issue is really fighting the poverty. But the second point regards its location in a very particular region. Pakistan borders Afghanistan. The purpose of our engagement in Afghanistan is, today, to have stability and security. But Piebalgs doesn't believe you could address the Afghanistan issue without really also working with Pakistan because these are border regions, and also the political context today between Afghanistan and Pakistan is very important.
* The military budget of this country is roughly 24 percent of its overall size. This definitely leaves social sectors with far less. In the fall of 2001, Americans toppled the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Pakistan had previously helped to install the Taliban in power because it viewed it as an ally against its archenemy, India. So the end of the Taliban also meant the collapse of Pakistan's defensive strategy. Since then, Islamabad has worried that the US could hand over Pakistani intelligence to India.
* Pakistan's strategy is supporting terrorists that attack India. Pakistan's nebulous position toward the Taliban led to circumstances in which the world's most wanted terrorist could reside safely under the nose of the military for six years. Al-Qaeda has links to the Taliban and to terrorists that target India. Thus Pakistan's soft stance toward these groups ends up facilitating al-Qaeda and its agenda. Indeed, bin Laden struck a deal with Pakistan's military leadership to ensure his safety in the country. This speaks volumes about the Pakistan's dual policies on terrorism.
* Piebalgs announced a €225 million grant to go primarily to the areas of education, primary education and quality education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, which is the most affected province. So Piebalgs believes that it's right that we also try to work territorially. The second part of the grant goes to the same province and tribal areas for rural development. These are basically agriculture support programmes. And the third, smaller part is for governance: support to the parliament, support for elections, support for public finance management, tax collection.
* Pakistan is a society based on tribal groups. Each clan maintains a complicated network of relations, like a mafia. Under these conditions, it hardly seems imaginable that Osama bin Laden could have spent years living unnoticed just a stone's throw away from Pakistan's most elite military academy, an institution as assiduously guarded as the US's West Point or Great Britain's Sandhurst. Pakistani Intelligence officers knew about bin Laden's home, but they got kickbacks to keep it secret!


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